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(Santana's POV)

"Santana over here!" I am called over by Zach Sang who is tonights official after party host. I make my way through the packed room to the other side to join Zach who has a camera and a ring light set up. "Hey Zach!" I engulf my long time friend in a warm embrace. "Just going to do a quick livestream interview about the show and that's it. That cool?" he asks me as he sets my mic up. "Sure no problem!" I say yes, but I really can never be bothered with interviews after a show, I normally just want to get on it with my tour crew and enjoy the time whilst I can. Especially as tonight I have a very special blonde in attendance of tonight's afterparty. 

"And we are live in 3, 2,1..."

"Hi guys, it's Zach Sang here and I am joined by the one and only Santana Lopez who is fresh off the stage at the garden tonight. How was tonight's show Santana?"

"My ears are still ringing from how loud everyone was tonight! The atmosphere was just wild"

"How does it feel to finally be touring the album? I remember when you gave me the demo to listen to and all you kept saying to me was how desperate you were to get back out on that stage and perform these songs."

"It's been quite a wait for the fans, not just me. But I think the feeling is mutual when I say it feels amazing to be back out there"

"You're touring a whole bunch of different countries across several months. Must get pretty lonely...anyone special you're sharing your down time with."

"Oh come on Zach, you know I don't do relationships...a girl is too busy right now! But I have my amazing team who come with me everywhere and they're like my family. So I am never lonely."

"No one tying the famous Santana Diabla Lopez down then?"

"Nope...just this tour and my upcoming movie coming out this year!"

"That's all we have time for tonight guys, massive shoutout to Santana for coming to chill with us for a few minutes. For now; I am Zach Sang, until next time..."


"Seriously Zach...relationship questions?" I raise an unimpressed brow to him. "It's what the people want to know Santana" he shoots back. "Hmm yeah well they depict every other aspect of my life, so why not my love life" I mutter under my breath. I give Zach a hug and I head back to my dressing room for a quick outfit change. I march over to the makeup chair and slump down. "Uh oh...someone doesn't look happy. Another relationship question?" Quinn asks with slight apprehension in her voice. "I just don't get it. I am on a fucking world tour, I have a kickass movie coming out and all I ever get asked is who am I in a relationship with!!" I say exasperated. "Honey, you're Santana Lopez. The public own you...well they don't, but they think they do. It's what happens when you're in the public eye like you are." Kurt says giving me a sympathetic rub on the shoulder. "They have written the narrative of my life so far, so why not dictate the rest." I say letting out a big sigh. 

"San, you ready?" Kerry is my manager for this tour, the label took her on after my mami said she wouldn't be joining us. She's stood in the doorway of my makeshift dressing room ushering us to hurry along. "All done" Kurt finishes my face off with a bit of powder and bops me on the tip of my nose with the makeup brush. I get up from the chair and follow Kerry back to the main hall for the afterparty. As I am walking along all I can think about are the headlines that are always written about me. Obviously it's not all bad, if it was then I wouldn't be where I am today. But the bigger your career gets, the smaller your life gets. It's true what Kurt says, when you reach a certain level of fame and stardom the general public have this self entitlement that you are obliged to give them every detail about your life. And when you don't give them anything, they'll dig, they'll stir and come up with absolute bullshit to get a rise out of me to confirm or deny. After a while of this, you learn to bite your tongue and pick your battles. 

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