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(Santana's POV)

It's the final show tonight in South America, we are playing in Mexico City once more. After the show last night we all went out and hit the bars and clubs, so naturally we are all hanging out of our asses today. It's 10:30am and everyone is still in their beds, I am pretty sure that I am still drunk. I open my eyes and the room is violently spinning, I try to sit up to reach the bottle of water beside my bed but I miserably fail and fall back down. "Urghhhh" I hear Britt beginning to stir awake. "Oh...my...god" she says, burying her face into the pillow. "Santana, please tell me you are hanging as much as I am" she whines out. "I am, like you wouldn't believe." I say, trying to keep the sicky feeling at bay that I can feel in my stomach. "What happened? Why are we so hungover?" Britt asks, just about managing to roll over onto her back. "I blame Bad Bunny. We met him at the last bar and he just kept ordering rounds of shots. Me and that much Tequila, doesn't go well."

"Please don't mention the T word, I can still taste it." Britt says covering her mouth with her hand. "How the fuck are we going to make it through rehearsals" I wonder out loud. "Can't we skip it? Everyone know's the routines" Britt suggests. "We have never ever not done a rehearsal." In my career I have never not rehearsed with the guys before a show, it isn't an option that ever enters my mind. But there is a first time for everything I suppose. "I'll send a text out to the group chat."

'Hey guys, I don't know about you but Britt and I are pretty much still drunk and just wanna hurl. So shall we skip out on rehearsals today? I know you guys will nail it tonight anyway :)'

A few minutes later I get the replies starting to come through, all the dancers are saying they're still going to go to rehearsals. I have absolutely no idea how they're going to fucking cope, but that's up to them. Britt and I decide to sleep the rest of this hangover off, we settle back in and just as I am about to drift off I am rudely awaken by my phone ringing. "Santana..turn it the fuck off" Britt moans. I pick up my phone and see's it's Kerry, I cannot deal with her right now. I reject her call and try to go back to sleep. Moments later my phone goes off again "Urgh! I am going to shove that phone up her ass if she doesn't stop calling" Britt really is not happy. I go to reject the call again but see it's someone else. "It's my Dad..." I say feeling a little worried. I accept the FaceTime call and I see he is at the hospital with Bailey and Webber sat either side of him, my stomach drops.

"Hi Santana"

"Hi Papi, what's going on? I didn't think we were due our catch up call until tomorrow?"

"It's your mother"

I look to Britt and she looks just as worried as I do right now.

"What's going on?"

"Richard, wanna explain to Santana?"

"Your mother has an infection, a nasty one. Her immune system is completely shot, she barely has the antibodies to fight it off. We are giving her some very strong antibiotics to help keep her stable, but she is currently on a ventilator."

"If it's an infection why is she on a ventilator?"


"Uh the cancer and the aggressiveness of previous treatments have weakened your mothers lungs. Dr Webber and I decided it was a must she has the ventilator, she's far too weak at the moment to be breathing on her own."

"Oh my god, Papi shall I cancel New Zealand? Do I need to be home?"

"No Mija, your mother is steady and stable. She is being reviewed hourly, when she is strong enough she will be weaned off the ventilator and giving an oxygen mask and tank she can use at home."

"How do you guys know she will get to that point? Her lungs are weak, she doesn't have an immune system, so there must be something that is giving you hope?!"

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