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(Brittany's POV)

"Omg Britt..." Quinn and I stare at the package we have just unwrapped. I didn't know what to expect, but it certainly was not this. "I-" I find myself lost for words. "Why would he send this?" Quinn wonders out loud. "I think I have an idea why..." I say to Quinn. "Her mom?" she says taking a guess. "Yeah...she mentioned how much she would have loved to see Santana get married before she, yanno...departs." I say, trying to be respectful about the current situation. "So he sent you an engagement ring? He's basically forcing you into a marriage?" Quinn says taken back by it all. "I would hardly say he is forcing me, just lightly suggesting." Do I see myself marrying Santana? Yeah I guess...I hadn't really thought about it. We have been together for like 5 minutes. Would we get there eventually, yeah sure probably. But in a few years. But I feel this immense pressure because no one knows how long Santana's mom has left with us. Heck, I don't even know if Santana is interested in marriage, how the fuck am I going to bring that one into conversation? It will either scare her to death and think I am wanting to go at a million miles an hour with our relationship, or she will be totally cool and honest about it. I honestly don't know...

"I think I need to call Hector" I say excusing myself to Quinn's hotel room balcony'

"Hector, Hi.."

"Hi Brittany. Did you receive my gift?"

"Yes I did and Hect-"

"Aha! Beautiful isn't it? It was Santana's abuela's, my mama's engagement ring. It was the only worthy possession she had when she moved to America. Her and my father sold everything they owned, even the clothes on their backs to move to the US. But the ring, she vowed she would never ever sell it. When Maribel and I found out we were having Santana, my mama insisted that one day Santana would wear this ring and it would be given to her by the most special person. I believe you are that person Brittany."

"Hector, I can't accept..."

"I am not asking Brittany. Please, just take it"

"Santana's Abuela doesn't even know me, she might hate me..."

"Oh Brittany I wouldn't worry about that. My mother passed away three years ago"

"Hector, Santana and I haven't even talked about marriage, we haven't even lived together!"

"Look Brittany, I have to get to the hospital. But we will talk soon, I am not saying you need to get down on one knee right away. Just sit with it, hold onto it."

Before I can contest, Hector has hung up the phone and I stand in my place dumbfounded by everything. "What did Hector say?" Quinn asks as I let myself back into her room. "I barely was able to get a word in. It's her Grandmother's ring, she wanted Santana to have it." I say sitting back down on the bed beside Quinn. "Never mind Santana, I don't know if I am ready for marriage Quinn. Sam pestered me for years about getting married, I always said no I didn't want to." My mind feels so heavy right now, I can barely straighten my thoughts out to dissect how I am really feeling. "Britt, Santana isn't Sam. Maybe Sam isn't the one you wanted to marry, not that you didn't want to get married full stop. You even said yourself it's probably where you and Santana would end up. So these thoughts are already in your subconscious. Take the break from tour to figure it out, try and gage where Santana is with marriage and your guys' future and go from there. I love Hector, but he can be intimidating and it can be hard to say no to him. But this is yours and Santana's relationship. No one else." I don't know what it is about Quinn but she always knows what to say to put my mind at ease. "Thanks Q" I pull her in for an appreciative hug. "Can you hold onto it for me please? I don't trust myself and plus if I am going to Wyoming with Santana I can't risk her finding it." I close the box and hand it to Quinn. "Sure thing. Now get back to Santana before she starts to worry where you are. I'll see you at the club"...

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