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(Santana's POV)

I had an absolute blast yesterday down at the lake with everyone, it was so nice to be together in that capacity again. Britt did the sweetest thing and FaceTime'd my Mom to make it feel like she was with us whilst I sang one of her and my father's favourite songs. It's 9:00am, everyone is still asleep apart from me and my father, who is getting ready to leave for the airport. "Sure you can't stay a few more days?" I whine, handing my father his last few items of clothes to pack away. "There are people in Seattle that need me Mija" my father says. "I need you too" I continue whining like a child. "Are you sick Santana?" He asks me. "No..I'm not sick" I say lowering my head from his prominent gaze. "Then I must leave, Grey Sloan's patients need me more I am afraid. But I will see you soon, in Paris!" he says beaming at the thought. "Where are you travelling until then?" My father asks, trying to change the subject a little. "I saw an email from Kerry this morning, there are have been some major problems with logistics and venues, so I am doing four weeks here in the US, then a week in New Zealand then a week in Australia. Then that's it. I get a month then before the charity gig in Paris." I say, sounding exhausted by my schedule already.

"Why such a big cock up?" My father asks me. "I don't know, something to do with double bookings of planes, arena's...all that shit someone else deals with" I say brushing it off. "Sounds like that person needs to be fired. You gonna go all Aunty Snixx on them?" my father says this with a light chuckle, but there have been many occasions my father hasn't been so wanting for my alter ego to appear. "Mistakes happen yanno?" I say shrugging my shoulders. "Wow....Brittany really must be better for you than we thought. Santana Lopez letting things slide, that's a first." My father smirks at my unimpressed reaction to his sarcasm. "Well, say bye to Brittany for me, your cousin and sugar and of course Shelly. I shall see you in Paris Mija." I follow my father downstairs and open the front door for him where his car awaits to take him to the airport. I tug at my fathers hand, pulling him in for a bear gripping hug. "Love you Dad" I say, my voice muffled by my face burying itself into his chest. "I love you too baby. I'll see you soon." My father and I reluctantly pull away as he hands the driver his luggage. "Say hi to Mom for me" I shout as he gets in the backseat of the car, driving off into the distance.


(Later that night)

"Babe...what are you doing?" I walk into a very messy kitchen, Brittany and Shelly surrounded by several small mountains of food, it honestly looks like a bomb has hit it. "We're cooking" Brittany says with a very happy and enthusiastic smile. "I can see that..." I say scanning around the kitchen, looking at all the various ingredients. "How many are you cooking for? The whole of Wyoming?" I laugh. "Oh Santana, behave! I am cooking you my signature dish which just so happens to be your wife's- I- Oh god,  I mean your g-girlfriends favourite dish." I watch as both Brittany and Shelly exchange equally mortifying looks. I so badly want to crack a joke and address the slip of the tongue comment but I don't actually want to make either of them feel anymore uncomfortable than what already do. "So what is that dish exactly." I say, picking up a vegetable I don't think I have ever seen before. "We are making Saimin, then for dessert we have malasadas!" I have never heard of either of those dishes. "Saimin is a traditional noodle soup, it's considered the national dish of Hawaii. It's noodles in a clear broth with fish cakes, scallions, and char siu pork, but I have also added some shrimp! Then malasadas are basically a form of doughnut." I look at Brittany, impressed but equally shocked she knows.

"When my parents were alive, we would go to Hawaii to visit my grandparents. My Grandad is an army veteran and retired over there. We would go on vacation every year, especially after my grandmother died. I would help Aunt Shelly, my Mom and my Grandpa prepare all sorts of Hawaiian dishes, with the help of his housekeeper Kailani." Britt's mouth grows into a beaming smile when reminiscing about her childhood, I don't know if she is aware of it or not. "Well it smells good, I can't wait." I say to the both of them. "Santi and Sugar have gone to find ingredients to make some Mai Tai's. Thought they would go nicely with dinner." Shelly says. "Santi and alcohol? Oh he'll find it" I laugh, earning giggles from the other two.

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