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(Santana's POV)

We are ten days into the European leg of the tour, I have performed in Germany, France, Amsterdam, Poland and now we are in Italy. I am super excited to play in Verona as my cousin Santi and his girlfriend are flying out for the show. We planned it so we have a day or two of down time to relax and take in some of Italy's beautiful sights. Everyone is asleep on the tour bus, Britt and I were watching a film but I think all the travelling has knocked her out. I am pretty bored being the only one awake so I take this opportunity to FaceTime my mom. I kept my promise and I have spoken to her everyday. As much as I love talking to my mom it has equally broken my heart seeing her deteriorate little by little each day. I pick up a separate conversations with my Dad who puts on a daily teams call with the two of us and mom's doctors to keep us all in the loop with her sickness. A few days after I left for Germany my mom went back for a full blood work. Her red cells which are the ones that carry the oxygen around our bodies. Well they were really low, so she is still anaemic. Her white blood cells which fight off infection are low, but higher than they had been a few days previous. This doesn't mean her immune system is sturdy at all, but it's an improvement. It's sort of hard to not get your hopes up that a miracle could still happen.

I grab my iPad and open up FaceTime and click on my Mom's name;

"Hey Mami!"

"Hola Mija, como estas?"

"Estoy bien mamá, como estas?"

"I am tired baby, but I am okay. Where about's in the UK are you today? Are you in London!? You should go to Harrods Mija"

"No mami, I am in Italy...Remember I sent you the pictures last night?"

"You did? Silly me...of course you did! So how is Italy?"

"Boring, we are on the bus and everyone is asleep. Santi and Sugar are meeting us at the hotel."

"Oh wonderful, Santi is joining you!?"

"Yes mama"

"Well make sure he doesn't get himself intro trouble, that boy can be very rambunctious"

"I think Sugar tames him mama"

"That boy is whipped right!?"

"Totally whipped. Have you been doing your puzzles?"

"Si bebe! Brittany has sent me enough puzzle books over to last me a life time. She is such a wonderful girl Mija, you make sure you treat her right"

"Mom, we have been over this a million times. I love Britt too much to hurt her. I know how fond of her you are and how you get all protective"

"I just want to know I am leaving this world with you happy baby, that's all"

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry Mija, just live your life and take Brittany on every adventure you take"

"Is that what you and papi did?"

"Sí! We travelled the world together, experienced our highs together as well as the lows. We stuck everything out, never ran at the sign of trouble."

"You guys are pretty amazing."

"I guess we are. I gotta go bebe, the nurse is here. But we'll talk to tomorrow?"

"Talk tomorrow mamà. Te quiero"

"Te quiero"

We both kiss our fingers and touch our respective screens before ending the call. "How's your mom?" A sleepy Kurt comes and joins me in my bunk. "She's okay, her brain is still foggy. But Britt sent her a whole tonne of puzzles and sudoko's to keep her mind as sharp as possible. She seems to be loving them." I explain. "I bet you're excited to perform at the Coliseum? Putting on a show at the same place your Dad proposed to your Mom? I don't know...it's just magical isn't it?" I turn to see Kurt getting emotional himself. "Kurt, please don't cry because you will set me off." I say trying to laugh away my tears. "Sorry, you know what I am like. I love a good old fashioned romance story." he shrugs, wiping his tears away with the sleeve of his shirt.

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