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(Santana's POV)

I lay awake most of the night trying to dissect what exactly mine and Brittany's relationship is. I know where my feelings lie, but I also know that I can't act upon them for various reasons. But the more one on one time I spend with her, the more open and flirtatious she gets. But I am trying to work out if there is more to it or not. Truth is, I am a little afraid to ask her. What if I have blown her actions way out of context and I scare her off? Make her think I only offered her the job because I want to get into her panties. Which now, isn't a complete lie. But the intention from the start wasn't that. I was drawn to her and her background and I wanted to be able to give her a chance to chase her dream. I feel lighter when I am around Brittany, she makes me happy. Despite the little tiff we had earlier over choreography, I find myself agreeing to a lot of what she says. All I want to do is sit and listen to her talk about anything and everything. The way she tells stories, the way she gets animated. It captivates me, I could sit and look into those ocean blue eyes all day everyday. I just wish I knew how she felt...

(Brittany's POV)

I am having an absolute blast so far on tour with Santana and everyone. They have all welcomed me with open arms and made me feel like I have been part of their crew for years. It was all very surreal at first, but already I feel at home, like I have settled in. I have been able to spend a lot of one on one time with Santana too. I knew we would hang out, but I never thought it would be to the amount it has been. She's given me the bunk above her bed, my rooms are always booked either next door to her room or just a few doors down. I get invited up for drinks and to spend one on one time with her. Our relationship is truly blossoming. Granted, I don't always like the way Santana goes about things, but I always find myself forgiving her more than I would anyone else. She can switch the charm on within seconds and this other side of her is revealed. A side that is kind and caring and super vulnerable. And it's that side of her that has me hooked and invested. Being in her company...it does something to me. Something I can't explain, I open up and become this person who openly flirts and asks daring questions. I like how it makes me feel and when she answers and goes along with it, it kind of makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I feel guilty though, I have barely given Sam a thought over the past few days. Every now and then I am sent a gentle reminder via a text or a missed phone call. I love Sam, he makes me laugh...but Santana makes me laugh harder. A small part of me is beginning to feel very conflicted. I don't think I fancy Santana, but there is some sort of attraction there. I just need to differentiate whether it's a girl crush or not. The way my stomach flips when I see her perform, or when she walks into the room after spending the morning apart, I feel like that is more than just a silly crush. Santana will openly flirt with me too, I just don't know her intentions or how deep it runs for her. I just wish I knew how she felt...


(Santana's POV)

I finally drifted off around 3am, so many things swimming around in my mind. The tour, my parents, this movie....and Brittany. I am excited to get the day started, by extension I am excited to spend more time with Brittany. I really want to do something special for her birthday, it is a week away so I know I have plenty of time to figure out something special for her. It sucks that Sam is cutting all contact with her on the lead up to her big day and then can't even ring her for a quick phone call on her actual birthday, all because of work. I am not judging the guy, but that's fucked up if you ask me. 


"Anyone sitting there?" I stand at Brittany's side with my plate of food. "Go ahead" she smiles at me, pulling out the vacant chair next to her. "Did you sleep okay?" I ask Brittany, wanting to know if she was as restless as I was. "Sort of" she says through an almighty yawn. "That much of a bad nights sleep?" I ask. "Sam rang me on FaceTime again, I think I fell asleep eventually on camera." I watch as Brittany's eyes fall heavy. "Why don't you skip out on rehearsals today? Go catch up on some sleep before tonights show?" I take myself by surprise, I never let anyone skip rehearsals unless it's down to a really serious situation. "I'll be fine I swear." the second big yawn tells a different story. "I need my Co-captain on her A Game and that won't be possible when she falls flat on her face asleep on stage." I joke with her. "Honestly, I am okay. I'll have a red bull and I'll be sweet."

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