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(Santana's POV)

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay? You know I would cancel it all if you wanted me to?" I say as the crew and I say our goodbyes to my parents . "Mija, I don't want you to. I will be fine" My mami grabs my face and places a big kiss on my forehead. "We'll call you okay and keep you updated, please try not to worry Mija" my mom says now cupping my cheek. "I trust you'll all take care of Santana?" my Dad says in the general direction of the crew, who all nod. "Of course we will" I feel Britt's hand snake into mine, giving it a light squeeze. "Babe, we gotta go" Britt whispers gently to me. I give my mom and dad one final squeeze before climbing into the SUV's that are taking us to the airport. "Everything is going to be okay..." Britt reassures me as we drive away, I look back in the rear view window for as long as I can until my parents aren't in my sight anymore.


"NO! IT'S WRONG...IT'S ALL FUCKING WRONG!!" I scream out in frustration at the dancers. "San, you wanna take five?" Britt asks me. "No, what I want is for my dancers to get the fucking routine perfect" I snap and walk off the stage heading into,y dressing room. We have been in the UK a week and done three shows. Tonight is the fourth, in Manchester. Every show we have had, the dancers have struggled with this one part of a routine. We practice it every fucking day but they just aren't getting it. "What the hell was that!?" Brittany says as she barges into my dressing room. "You have been a nightmare since we got back on tour" she says standing in front of me with her arms crossed. I choose to ignore her. "Hello, earth to Santana" she says waving her hands in my face. "Just nail the fucking routine and there won't be an issue" I snap, I see her face redden with anger. "WE ARE NAILING THE FUCKING ROUTINE SANTANA! You want me to be honest, it's YOU who is fucking it up, it's throwing everyone off. So why don't YOU nail it and get off OUR backs" she storms out the room, almost knocking Quinn over in the doorway.

"You haven't told her yet have you?" Quinn says closing the door behind her and taking a seat on the couch. "No" I say tying my hair back ready to proceed with my skin care routine. "You need to tell her, if she finds out and she knows that you knew, it'll kill her" Quinn says now sitting on the dressing table handing me my products. "I'm dealing with it Q" I say getting a little annoyed. "Yeah, looks like that's going well for you" she says sarcastically. "You can either help me get ready for the show, or you can leave. Your choice" I snap harshly. Quinn doesn't say a word, she just continues handing me my face creams.


"MANCHESTEEEEEEEEER!!!!! It feels so fucking good to be back in the UK!"

The crowds go absolutely wild, I take out my in ears to hear them all.

"I always appreciate the love and support you guys have given me here, it means the world! It can be so hard being away from your family and loved ones for so long. But when I come here, I always feel like I am at my home away from home. You could have been anywhere else in the world tonight, but you decided to be here with me. I cannot begin to repay you for the love and support you have given me over the years. I love you....I love you...I LOVE YOUUUUU!" I find myself getting unusually emotional on stage, which is a rarity for me.

"Sing this one with me Manchester, I wanna hear you!!"

Hmm, You might think I'm crazy
The way I've been cravin'
If I put it quite plainly
Just gimme them babies
So, what you doing tonight?
Better say, "Doin' you right" (yeah)
Watchin' movies, but we ain't seen a thing tonight (yeah)

This is the song where the routine has been constantly messed up. It's playing on my mind, what if it is me that is fucking it up? I would feel awful for how I treated and spoke to Brittany.

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