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(Authors Note)

This is it...43 chapters later and we are at the end of my third fanfic! I hope that everyone who has read and followed this fanfic or any of my others has had just as much fun ready this (despite the heartbreaking moments). I don't write these fanfics to get thousands and thousands of reads, I do it because I enjoy it and I hope that translates through in my writing. Just a massive thank you to you all <3

(Six Years Later...)

(Brittany's POV)

"Babe, pass me the salt?" Santana slides me the salt shaker across the counter. "Not too much babe, none of us want a heart attack, remember your pasta dish from two years ago?" I am unpleasantly reminded of a slight cock up I made a couple of years ago when cooking for Santana and the family, I got my tea spoons and table spoons mixed up and ended up putting a heap load of salt in and causing everyone to get sick, I have never been able to live that one down. "Did you marinade the wings?" I ask my wife. "Of course, gotta give me some credit babe." Santana goes to the refrigerator and pulls out two trays of wings as well as marinaded skewers, steaks and various other meats for our bbq this afternoon.

"Papi's flight gets in, in around an hour. I'll leave soon to go get him." Santana says as she unwraps all the meat. "Is Camila coming with him?" I ask curiously. "I think so, kind of wish she wasn't though." Camila is Hector's new girlfriend. He met her two years ago at a medical conference in Hawaii. Obviously she is no Maribel, but Hector is happy and I think Santana is having a hard time adjusting to that. Everyone is flying in and joining us in Wyoming. We are going to have a massive BBQ as no one has really seen each other in a few months. Santana has just finished another successful world tour, covering more cities and countries that the last one. She has had two more movies come out in the past few years, winning as Oscar and a Golden Globe for both of her roles.

We have been kind of busy in our personal life too, we are officially parents! About 18 months after Maribel's passing, Santana and I decided to start our parenthood journey. Santana insisted on carrying the child, so four years ago we welcomed our baby boy Leo into the world. He was a month premature and weight 5lbs 4oz. I didn't think it was humanly possible to love a human being as much as we love Leo. He has tanned, olive skin with blonde hair. I know for sure he is going to be a little heartbreaker. We used my egg for Leo and a sperm donor who we carefully hand picked. He definitely has Santana's temperament, he is stubborn and knows what his opinion is and will not waver it. He is Santana in boy form, so you can imagine what it's like in our house when they are both in a mood!

About a year after Leo was born, we were itching to have a second child. Again, Santana wanted to carry, I was pleasantly surprised at just how maternal and broody Santana was. So a year later we welcomed our second baby; Lucia. She was overdue by two weeks, I remember we were in New York at the time and there was a freak heat wave. Relentless heat and a heavily pregnant Santana was not a fun mix, that I can promise you. In the end Santana had to be induced and another week later, Lucia was born. She weight 7lbs 2oz's. Santana used her egg for Lucia and my god don't we know it. Looks wise it's like looking at Santana. She has this perfect little nose, cute little dimples and huge brown eyes that you fall in love with as soon as you see them.

"I better go wake Lucia from her nap" Santana says washing her hands in the sink. "Why don't you leave her here with me. Just take Leo to the airport to get your Dad and Camila?" I suggest. "As long as you don't mind?" Santana asks me. "Of course" I wrap my arms around Santana, giving her gentle kisses up and down her neck. "Hmm babe, don't get me going okay?" Santana groans, trying to resist my attempt of seduction. "Wanna make another baby?" I play. "Last time I checked babe, neither one of us has a dick." Santana jokes back. "Oh yeah? The strap on we have says otherwise..." I drag my hands down Santana's sides, making her shiver. "I fucking hate that thing, you're the one who likes it. I only wear it for you." Santana's tone getting a little more serious. I take that as my queue to stop messing around and free her from my hold.

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