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(Santana's POV)

"Where is she...where is she!?" I run down the hallways of Grey Sloan Memorial in search for my mami. I turn the corner of the waiting room to see my father sat with his head buried in his hands, sat with two of my cousins. "Santana...mija" My father rises to his feet, tears in his eyes as he engulfs me in his arms. "What happened? Is she okay?" I ask frantically. "She's very sick Mija, but she is stable." My father explains. "Where is Brittany?" My father asks looking around, but noticing I am only here with Rachel. "She flew home to Ohio to visit her aunt" I explain. "You look tired Mija, you have had a long flight. Go back to the house and get some rest?" My father hands me the keys to their house here in Seattle. "No, I want to see mom" I say adamantly. "Santana, she doesn't look like herself. She has lost a lot of weight and almost all of her hair" he explains. "I don't care, I want to see her" I push.

My father leads me, Rachel and my cousins to my mom's private hospital room as she lightly knocks the door before opening. The sight of my mom looking so small and fragile in the big hospital bed, linked up to so many machines causes me to break down. "Okay Mija, it's okay...." my father cries as he rubs my back. "Please, go home and rest and come back later" he insists again. But I just shake my head against his chest. "Santana, I am not asking" he says changing his tone of voice slightly. "Rachel, will you please drive Santana and her cousins back whilst I consult with Doctor Webber and Doctor Bailey." I feel myself being peeled away from my father by Rachel. "Come on San, we can come back later."

We all climb into the car sat in silence as Rachel navigates her way through the streets of Seattle to take us to my mother and fathers Seattle home. I sit in the back where the windows are tinted, I don't want to be seen by anyone, I just want to hide away. There is only one person in the world right now that would comfort me and make me feel better and that's Brittany. It's 4:00am here in Seattle, meaning it's 7:00am in Ohio so I am unsure as to whether or not Britt would be awake. I decide to send her a text instead of ringing her just incase;

'Just went to the hospital, saw mom. Completely broke down. My father has sent me home to sleep...I will talk to you later?'

I turn my phone off and lay my head against the window watching Seattle start to wake up. Twenty minutes later we are pulling into my parents private driveway. "You okay if we crash here?" my cousin Santi asks. "Of course" I say with a weak smile. "Thank you for being there for my father" I add. "No problem, anything for tío Hector and tía Maribel." he says rubbing my arm. We all go into the house and find the nearest bed or couch to collapse on.


I slowly open my eyes and turn my phone on and see it's 13:00pm and I have a couple of texts off Britt.

'Hey babe, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. If you need anything, just let me know okay?'

'I am guessing you're asleep? Ring me later?'

I decide I will ring Brittany later, all I want to do now is get back to the hospital. I go downstairs to see Rachel has baked some cookies. "Couldn't sleep?" I ask a frazzled looking Rachel. "Uh I got an hour or two, but I couldn't get back off. So I made some cookies, I-I thought we could take them for your mom to eat. Yanno, if-when she feels better?" I smile at the kind gesture. "Shall we go?" Rachel asks. "It's fine, I can go. If you want to get back to Quinn I can sort you a flight out?" I offer. "Santana, I said I would be here with you, so I am staying." she reassures me. She packs up the cookies and grabs the car keys as we set off to the hospital once more. "Do you believe in miracles?" I ask Rachel as we drive through the busy streets. "Um..I believe everything happens for a reason" she says unsure on my question. "Yeah..but miracles, do you think they can happen? You hear of these people that have incurable diseases and then suddenly one day, they wake up and they're not sick anymore."

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