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(Three weeks later)

(Santana's POV)

To say I am exhausted would be an absolute understatement. There were some changes in our tour schedule meaning I have my second leg of the US tour now, we have spent the last three weeks touring a large part of North America, some places including; Austin, San Antonio, Miami, Phoenix, Las Vegas, LA, San Francisco, Sacramento, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minneapolis, Iowa, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland and Philadelphia. Then a quick stop off in Canada, a show in Toronto and another in Montreal. 18 shows in three weeks, three days off in that time and even then those days weren't exactly days off. Kerry would bombard me with meetings, meet and greets, appearances etc. I love my life and I am extremely grateful for it, but it can be gruelling on my body as well as my mind. I am becoming a little snappy with everyone, I try and bite my tongue but it's no good. People can just do stupid things and the more tired I become, my tolerance for bullshit and stupidity lowers. Britt and I have bickered a little but I think that's just normal when you're spending all your time with the same people or person and everyone is exhausted.

We are in the fourth and final week of leg 2 and we are in South America, I am doing five shows here. We have already done three. Two in Rio de Janeiro, another in Buenos Aries. Tonight we are in Mexico City. The weather is a scorching 95F and we are all hanging out in my suite and the hotel we are staying at. Me and Britt are staying on the top floor, meaning we have access to our own roof top pool and jacuzzi. The dancers, Quinn, Rachel, Kurt, myself and Britt are all lounging out by the pool. For the past three weeks all Rachel has done is talk about her engagement to Quinn and flashing her ring at every opportunity she can. Don't get it twisted, I am over the moon for the two of them but I don't want to listen to it 24/7. Every conversation we seem to divulge in always winds up back to the wedding. I am paying for their wedding venue in Australia, that's my gift to them. The two days we get off that week in Oz will be filled up by wedding prep.

"What if it rains on our wedding day? Our hair will be ruined!" I have my eyes closed behind my big shades and all I can hear is Rachel stressing and whining about every possible situation or disaster that could happen on their wedding day. "Babe, it will be fine. If it rains we will hold umbrella's. We are getting married to one another, that's the most important thing." I get annoyed how Quinn panders to Rachel, just tell her straight to be quiet, no one wants to hear it. "Oh my gosh...what if there is a freak cyclone and there's a tropical storm" Rachel continues to panic, not listening to Quinn. "Want me to call God, see if he can hold off the storm he's got planned, maybe reschedule it" I chide sarcastically. I feel a sharp slap to the top of my leg from Britt who is glaring at me for my comments. "Santana, it's easy for you to be laid back about this. It's not your wedding" Rachel says to me.

"May as well be, I know all the details from how you've harped on about it." I wince, instantly regretting the words that have come out of my mouth. Rachel gets up gracefully and goes inside as she wipes away her tears as Kurt follows, running after her. "Nice one, Santana. I know you're tired but how about you take it out on someone who isn't my fiancee?" Quinn says, following inside to make sure Rachel is okay. "Was there any need for that?" Britt says turning to me. "I'm sorry but it is all we have heard for the past three weeks. I have too many things to be thinking about without having to listen to Faberry debating which pastels compliment their complexions the best." I say, not really loosing my attitude. "Santana, they're just happy and excited. I am sure you would be the same if it was you."

"Well it's not me is it" I snap. "Look, I don't know what the hell has gotten into you. I get you're tired, but you aren't the only one. There are plenty of us who work hard too and put in the hours. But you don't see us going around offending people left, right and centre" Britt says getting a tad snappy. "Well I am the popstar here, I am the one who has to be on it 24/7, looking amazing 24/7. Interviews, pictures, deals...earning my money." I say, I watch Britt's jaw tense up, I know I have pissed her off and I can feel another bickering fest coming on. "Wow...okay." Like Rachel, Britt gets up and goes inside, leaving me to sunbathe alone. All the dancers are looking at me with a careful eye from the pool, unsure whether they should acknowledge what's just happened. "Yes?" I say looking at them all, they quickly look away and carry on with their game of volleyball.

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