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(Two weeks later)

(Santana's POV)

It has been two weeks since the final show of my world tour. There are only 2 short weeks until the charity concert in Paris. Normally 90% of that would be down time, the rest would be taken up by a few bits of work here and there. But not this time, no this time around I have had a wedding to plan and put together! I asked Britt if we could get married as soon as possible, partly because I just want to start our new life together as soon as possible. But also because I want my mami there, selfishly I need her to be okay to get on her flight and be sat front row as I walk down the aisle. It's not a secret or a surprise that her health is slowly declining more and more, we don't exactly know just how long she might have left. We are having to take it day by day unfortunately. It has been massively stressful though I must admit, planning a wedding in four weeks. Magazine, critics and journalists all trying to apply pressure to my team to leak details of the wedding all whilst making sure my mami is as comfortable and okay as possible. We decided to set up base in Seattle, so I can be close to my parents. Britt and I are renting out a penthouse in the heart of the city, somewhere in the middle between the hospital and their house.

"Babe, I have just sent the measurements off to Paris for the bridesmaid dresses, my dress I just need yours." I shout to Britt from another room as she makes a snack in the kitchen. "I don't know my measurements!" she calls back. I pick up my iPad and join Britt in the kitchen. "Britt! We said no carbs before the wedding remember?" I light scold her as she tucks into a slice of pizza. "Santana, I have been eating nothing but salad, steamed fish, grilled chicken and brown rice. I just need to be a little bit naughty." she pleads whilst chowing down on her food. "Fine...but don't moan to me if you can't fit into your wedding dress." I say, raising my eyebrow at her. "A couple of slices won't hurt...here, have one." Britt picks up a giant slice of pizza, slowly walking towards me teasing me with it. "Just one bite" she says, bringing the pizza closer to my lips. "Nope, not gonna happen." It takes all my willpower to turn down the carb-alicious goodness of the freshly made pizza. "More for me then. I guess I'll have to work extra hard now to burn it off." She seductively winks at me as she tucks into her second slice.

"Just..get your measurements okay? I need to send them over by tonight." I say reminding her of the urgent need of the all important details. "Can't you help me?" she asks me, pouting her bottom lip. "Sorry blondie, no can do. I am meeting Quinn for lunch" I say shrugging my shoulders unapologetically. "Can't I come?" she pleads a little. "You are going with my Dad to the hospital remember? My mami has been asking for you." I remind her. My Dad rang me a few days ago, asking if Britt could accompany him. I did think it was a little strange that he requested what he did, but I don't bother questioning him. "Oh shoot, is that today!? I better get ready." Within moments, Britt has scoffed the rest of her pizza serving and races to the shower to get herself ready.


"I'll take the chicken Caesar salad please, extra bacon and extra sauce, then can I also get a side of truffle and Parmesan fries...and ummmm, maybe some bread for the table." I reel off my order to the waiter. "You okay there San? What happened to no-carbs?" she says, sounding a little worried. "Can't a girl treat herself?" I say trying to brush off her comments. "Sure...but last week you yelled at Britt for having a slice of toast..and it was wholemeal." I am unkindly reminded of last weeks antic over brunch. "I am stressed okay?" I concede with a big sigh. "I am trying to pull off this amazing wedding, making it as special as it can be, whilst trying to figure out who I can trust to not leak details to the media, whilst consistently worrying about my mom 24/7, as well as making sure my Dad is doing the simple basics like feeding himself, which means I have to keep it together. I can't afford to break, I break and everything around me will come tumbling down too. And I cannot afford to do that. So I am taking slight comfort in eating my body weight today in carbs, can you let me do that please Quinn? Can you?" Quinn looks at me full of concern.

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