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(Santana's POV)

"...Okay Papi, just let me know as soon as you can okay? I really hope she does start to feel just a little better. She still has 24hrs before your flight, so we gotta remain hopeful right....love you, bye." I get off the phone to my father as Britt's and I head to Lima airport. For the last few days of our month off, we decided last minute to head to Ohio and spend time with Britt's Aunt Shelly and meet the rest of her family and friends. It's strange because all of these people are invited to our wedding, but I barely know a thing about them. But then I guess I have the rest of our lives together to make up for that.

"She still not 100%?" Britt asks me, moulding her hand into mine on the back seat of our SUV. "Webber still wants to keep her in, they're doing CT scans every other day now. The brain met hasn't gotten any bigger, but the cancer is rapidly growing towards other organs. No one knows if she is actually going to be well enough to make it. If she misses our wedding Britt..." tears begin to roll down my face, I turn to face out of the window so no one can see my crying, but Britt knows I am. She squeezes my hand tightly, bring our hands to her mouth as she tenderly kisses the back of my hand. That small gesture alone makes me want to cry even more.

Within minutes we are pulling up to the private entrance of the airport. The security open the electric gates as a small convoy of our SUV's go through and onto the small runway where our jet awaits. Myself, Britt, her Aunt Shelly and some of Britt's cousins and friends are joining us on the flight to Paris for our wedding. We have a few days in Paris before our big day, so any final touches will be finalised there. We have a final meeting with the cake makers and with the band to discuss the type of music we want at the reception. It's going to be a very full couple of days, not to mention fitting in sound checks, rehearsals and press for the charity gig I am here for.

Right now I am facing an 8 and a half hour flight with my thoughts about everything. It's 5:00am so I know everyone is going to be asleep as soon as they settle themselves down. But not me, my mind turns into the 401 highway whenever I try to sleep lately. I haven't physically seen my mom since the second week of my month off. She isolated herself away for a while, didn't want anyone other than my father to see how she was deteriorating. I miss her, like so fucking much. Just hearing her voice every day isn't enough. I just want to see her, hug her, give her a kiss and reassure her I am here. We board our jet as security come on board checking everyone's passports, this thankfully only takes a few moments and in no time we are pummelling down the runway taking off for Paris.


It's 7:00pm when we land in Paris, the six hour time difference is for sure going to kick my ass. But everyone seems relatively wide awake after sleeping almost the entirety of the flight. I think all in all I had about two hours worth of broken sleep. I would kill for a nap, but there is no time whatsoever. I have got to check into the penthouse and apartments I have rented out for immediate family, whilst all our wedding guests check into the surrounding hotels. Once I am unpacked and sorted I have got to head straight to sound check at the Accorhotels arena. All the artists participating in the event are meeting there at 20:00pm to go through the set up of the show and to do some promotional stuff for some last minute advertising.

"Wow girls...this place is bigger than my actual house!" Shelly exclaims as we give her the keys and let her into her apartment for the next few days. "Okay babe, why don't you help Shelly settle in and get comfortable, I gotta run, I've got rehearsals." I say giving her a quick peck on the lips. "What time do you think you'll be back?" Britt says pouting out her bottom lip. "I have no idea babe, as long as it takes I guess." I say shrugging my shoulders. "Mmm okay, I'll try not to miss you too much." Britt steps forward and snakes her arm around my waist, pulling me impossibly close to her. "Impossible" I whisper, before connecting our lips for a passionate kiss. "Uhmmm" Britt's Aunt Shelly pulls us from what was becoming a hot make out session. "Your little cousins are over there Brittany, they don't need to see anyone playing with the others tonsils." We share a giggle between ourselves before I reluctantly peel myself away from the arms of my fiancee.

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