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(Brittany's POV)

"Take 5 guys okay, great work!" Ty has been given the day off today by Santana, his mom is sick so he has spent all his time trying to find flights and taking several calls with doctors. Which of course means I am the dance captain today. I have been going through the new routine I choreographed for Santana's song 'Love on Top'. I am feeling a little worse for wear today, Santana and I definitely sank more alcohol than what was intended. I only lasted about 10 minutes on FaceTime to Sam last night before I fell asleep, I slept like a baby. 

I had the best evening with Santana, proper girls night. I can't remember the last time I did anything like that. I haven't seen her yet this morning, she has being doing various interviews and press junkets all morning for her movie she has got coming out. If she is as hungover as I am, then I am praying for her. I have sat myself down on the stage of the Wells Fargo Center with an ice cold bottle of water, my body needs rehydrating. I notice I have a text from Santana.

"Today has been so boring! Won't be long. How hungover are you?" - S

"Boring?! You're a superstar, you should be on cloud 9. I am extremely hungover...what about you?" - B

"I don't have my new partner in crime to keep me company. Yep, feel rough as a donkey's ass. Sauna this afternoon before the show? Sweat out all the wine?" - S

"Partner in crime? I'm too innocent for that...Sauna sounds good" - B

"You weren't so innocent last night Miss Pierce..." - S

I had blocked out just how flirtatious things got last night. I really hope it hasn't given Santana the wrong idea...


"Nikki, you gotta be sharper with the turns. You're coming in a little too slow. Here let me show you." I get into place and the music is played back as I show the dancers exactly what it is I am looking for from them. "Wow, you tell them Miss Pierce" I hear the familiar flirtatious tone of Santana creeping in from nowhere. For as quickly as I heard her, I whipped my head around and was met with that flawless smile of hers. It was right there in that moment I realised I have actually missed Santana a lot today. We have only been on the road a couple of days, but we have spent 80% of our time together, getting to know each other. Has she struck a few nerves of mine? Sure, but do I want to learn to deal with it and build on our bond both professionally and personally? Of course I do, bottom line is, because of her I am able to do what I love again. "Let me see what the boss has taught you today then." I join Santana at the front of the stage to watch the dancers perform their new choreography. The beat kicks in and everyone has their game face on as they all do their best to impress Santana. 

The music stops, everyone holds their positions waiting for Santana's feedback. "hmm" she hums lowly, but quiet enough for me to hear. She isn't impressed. "You don't like it?" I ask, a little fearful that she is about to rip my routine to shreds. "You have been working on this all morning?" she asks her group of dancers, they look between themselves nervously before nodding in unison. "Do better. COME ON GUYS! Brittany has come up with this amazing routine and your not even putting in 50% effort in my opinion. Ty wouldn't stand for it and neither will Brittany. Anyone who has a problem with hard work or isn't cut out for this, you can leave right now. It's sloppy. And Santana Lopez shows are NOT sloppy!" Santana scolds them all like misbehaving school children, I stand in silence, too worried to move or speak in case I am on the end of a tongue lashing myself. "I want you all in front of the mirrors in 5, ready to run through this again, with live vocals. And whoever doesn't turn up will be turned out." Santana turns on her heels and storms off the stage. "Brittany, come" Santana calls me to follow her to her dressing room, I oblige. 

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