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This is lunch time. So, Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo are eating at the cafe in Zhan's faculty because less people eat there.

"Bao bao, I'm free tomorrow. Do you wanna go on a date?", Yibo.

Zhan stop eating immediately and look at a person in front of him. He look at Yibo with a shocking face without answering it but his face redden right away.

Yibo know that his lover is a shy person. Yibo smile at him and ask another question.

"Where should we go, tomorrow?"

"Ermm... Anywhere is fine. Park is fine too. We can do what you like too", Xiao Zhan answer it with a soft voice.

Why is he so cute? We're already coupled for 1 year yet he's still shy so easily, said Yibo in his heart.

"Alright, leave it to me. Just get yourself prepare tomorrow. Okay, baby?", Yibo says it then continue eating.

"Okay", reply Xiao Zhan.

"Alright, finish your meal. Or~... Do you want me to feed you?", teasing Yibo.

Zhan's face redden once again. He then scope his meal and eat it quickly.

 He then scope his meal and eat it quickly

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"Hahaha, calm down baby. Eat slowly", Yibo said while laughing.

**At the park**

"Ahh... Ice cream...", Zhan says it like a kid who want an ice cream from his parents. Yibo then look around and see an ice cream stall nearby.

"Do you want me to buy you an ice cream?", ask Yibo. He know Zhan want it, he just asks out of manner.

"Ermm", Zhan nodding his head. "I want sundae ice cream with caramel, whipped cream and nuts on top"

"Baby, are you pregnant? Craving for an ice cream, don't you?", Yibo asks it while rubbing Zhan's belly.

"Bobo!!", Zhan hit Yibo's hand as he said shout.

"Ouch, okay, okay, I'm not playing anymore. I'll buy it now. Wait for me there", Yibo point to the nearby picnic area and go to buy the ice cream.

Yibo buy a sundae for Zhan and two scoops of chocolate vanilla ice cream without topping for him. After they finish eating their ice cream, they walk around the park. Then, Xiao Zhan see a stall that sell a toys.

"Bobo, buy me that bubbles machine. It's been a long time since I play it", Zhan.

"Okay. Which one?", Yibo.

"That cute blue whale", Zhan.

"That cute blue whale", Zhan

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Yibo buy it for him. He just put his wallet back to his pocket when Xiao Zhan called out his name again. This time, Xiao Zhan is at the next stall (soft toys stall).

"Bobo! Bobo! Bobo! I want that gray bunny. It's so cute"

"Ok, buy it then"

"You don't want to buy it for me? Fine..."

It's not that he (Yibo) didn't want to buy it. He just want to see his lover's pouting mouth. He coax him right away after he succeed his mission.

Yibo pat Zhan's head. "Awww, don't sulk yet, I'll buy it. You want a bunny right?

Zhan look at him with a bright eyes, nodding and point at the stuff toy, "Hmm, I want that gray bunny"

"Gray? Why? Are you sure you don't want other color?"

"Nope, I want that. Gray don't become dirty easily. It can play with white bunny at home"

 It can play with white bunny at home"

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"You pet a rabbit, zhanzhan?"

"No, it's a stuffy too. I have it since I'm in primary school. I can't wait to see it"

Yibo suddenly realized that they will be apart soon. Final exam is in two weeks and this gonna be their last date in university. He try to forget it but he can't.

After buying the gray bunny, Yibo become quiet and not interested in anything. He just follow where Zhan go and never talk or smile. With others, it's fine because this "icy prince" always cold to others but it's different when he is with Xiao Zhan. Of course, Zhan notice it.

"Bobo... Are you okay? Is it bored to you? You wanna go somewhere else?"

"What? No, not that"

"Then, are you unhappy going out with me? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no, no. I'm fine, really"

"NO!! You're lying, you are not happy"

Zhan begin to cry right after saying those words. Yibo calmly hug him and pat his head to coax him.

"Baby, don't cry. You shouldn't cry, we're in public. They may think that I hurt you. Don't cry, okay? My wife is a good boy, right?"

Zhan immediately hit Yibo's chest softly, "Yibo! You can't call me that in public"

Yibo has a quick laugh and smile again. He wipes Zhan's tears and drag him out there. He drive home right away because it's the only way he can think.
Opps, forgot to tell you guys that Yibo is a rich guy (son of a successful business man) and he has his own car.

On their way back, Yibo stop at a convenient store to buy a big container of ice cream and a lot of chocolates because Zhan is sad and keep holding his tears. Zhan eat the ice cream after Yibo hand it to him and it does cheers him a bit.

**At Yibo's Room**

Yibo and Zhan sitting on the bed side by side. Yibo then ask Zhan who is busy eating the ice cream "Have you calm down?"


"I'm sorry for making you cry. I'm seriously happy today, I love seeing your smile. But it upset me a little when I realized that we gonna be apart next month"

"Huh... Why?"

"Final exam is just around the corner and this is your last semester. After the exam end, wouldn't you back to your hometown?"

Xiao Zhan stop eating for a while after hearing that. Then crying loudly again while hugging Yibo. He keep saying that he doesn't wanna be apart. Yibo only can coax him silently while hugging him.

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