Sweet Dream

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After telling his parents everything, Xiao Zhan going up to his room and have a call with Yibo. They call each other almost everyday, if both of them are free... but, they text each other everyday. Well, text can be reply later if they're busy.

"Bobo, do you remember my creation for graduation project?", Zhan.

"Yeah, why?", Yibo.

"Mom give me a permission to sell it at our bakery", Zhan.

"WOW, that's great baby... Anyway, do you miss me?", Yibo.

"Of course I am, we didn't meet each other for month. I wanna see your face so bad", Zhan.

"Well, we can change to FaceTime or video call if you want", Yibo.

"It's not like that! You don't understand at all. I wanna have you here", Zhan.

"Alright², I'm sorry. I can go there next two or three weeks. I'll stay at your house before going back to my dorm (in university). How is it sound?", Yibo.

"Why can't you be here sooner? I miss you", Zhan.

"You really miss me that much, huh? I don't believe it", Yibo.

"Why not? You don't miss me?", Zhan asks with a sad voice and his eyes has been watery, he may cry in a second.

"Me?! Missing you?! Huh, Of course I miss you. I just don't believe that my boyfriend will miss me more than I miss him", Yibo wanna laugh at first but he's shock that Zhan is crying. He didn't think that Zhan will take it seriously. He start to panic again.

"Hey, are you okay? Don't cry, I'm just teasing you. Baby, stop crying. Baby, I'm sorry, don't crying anymore baby. Please stop", Yibo.

"If you can miss your boyfriend, why can't I miss my husband", Zhan said it slowly while crying.

Yibo was shock, "You what? What did you say?"

"I said I miss my husband. I miss you so much. Why you don't believe it?, Zhan.

"Okay, okay, I believe you. Stop crying and go to sleep, it's late now. I know tomorrow is weekend, but you can't sleep late. Tell your parents I'll stay for a week later okay?", Yibo.

"Okay...but...why you don't come here earlier? You can stay here longer", Zhan.

"It's not that I don't want to, but I can't. My cousin is getting married in 2 weeks. I need to be here, I'll go there as soon as I can okay", Yibo.

"Alright, sent my regards to your parents. I'm sorry, I can't pay them a visit", Zhan.

"Don't worry about that. They're both busy anyway. I often alone here, thank god I have you", Yibo. Zhan is blushing over the phone. He is too shy to say anything.

"Baby, are you there?" Yibo id a little bit curious because Zhan is so quiet. "Hello. Anyone there? Baby?"

"Yes, yes. I'm here, I'm here", Zhan. He finally back to reality, no one know what he is thinking or imagining about just now.

"Okay, you better take your beauty sleep. Talk to you later, baby. Good night", Yibo. He is waiting to end the call but Zhan make a cute suprise on him.

"Good night, sweet dream lao gong", Zhan. Yibo was shocked and happy at the same time. He knew that Zhan is missing him for real because Zhan don't call him 'husband' casually.

"Hmm, sweet dream too my wife", Yibo.

*Next Monday*
**Sweet Xiao Bakery**

Starting this day, Xiao Zhan has start selling 'Hidden Secret' as their special dessert. Hidden Secret is a limited edition dessert because it's different than others. All the cakes and pastries in the store are made by their chefs or staffs in a big amount, but Hidden Secret is made by the boss himself in a small quantity. Beside, Hidden Secret are savoury, different than other pastries in the bakery.

Zhoucheng come again that day in evening after coming back from work. He see 'Hidden Secret' in the fridge and get the wrong idea. He thought that it a hint about he and Xiao Zhan relationship. Who knows that Zhoucheng once hitted on Xiao Zhan, but got rejected. With that wrong idea in his head, he buy the remaining two pieces of "Hidden Secret". After paid for it, he has a conversation with Xiao Zhan.

"I never really seen a savoury pastry before. Whose idea to sell this product?", Cheng.

"Mine", Zhan.

"So you're the one who named it then?", Zhoucheng ask with a face who is eager to know the answer.

"Yes, why?", Zhan.

"Nothing, I was just curious of it's name. It's different than others", Cheng.

"A name is a name, I just randomly choose it", Zhan is so clueless of Zhoucheng's behavior.

"It not just a name. It has a meaning behind it. He doesn't choose the name randomly", Mom. Both of them are shocked and turn to the woman who just come in.

"Mom~ I don't want others to know about it", Zhan say it in a cute way.

"Really? But you keep the name of it, isn't it? What's wrong with telling the truth. You don't need say his name, just tell the story. Who is he by the way?", Mom ask while look at Zhoucheng with a suspicious look.

"He is my senior from high school", Zhan.

"Hello, auntie. My name is Wang Zhoucheng. Nice to meet you", Cheng said with a smily face.

"Yes, hello", mom.

Two weeks has past and whenever his mom comes to the bakery, she will see Zhoucheng's face. His mom only show up for two to three days every week, and she happen to meet Zhoucheng. So, she wonder why Zhoucheng come too often and keep buying on 'hidden secret' with a happy look on his face. When she confirm it with the staffs, they all said the same thing, Zhoucheng come every day and only buy two pieces of hidden secret. She tell the staffs about Xiao Zhan's relationship in advance and remind them to never say a word about it to anyone.

[Zhan told Zhoucheng about the story why he created Hidden Secret but he doesn't told him who is the guy. Will it create a misunderstanding between them]

*complete* Savoury Pastry [MPREG] |Yizhan Fanfic|Where stories live. Discover now