Sorry, I'm late

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On Saturday's morning, the love birds are having a FaceTime.

"Hi, morning baby", Yibo.

"Morning. Bobo...when will you come here? I wanna see you", Zhan said with a cute face.

"I will go there after dinner, so I maybe get there on noon", Yibo.

"Tonight? Isn't it better to drive tomorrow? What if you get sleepy on the way here?", Zhan is so worries that Yibo will get tired or sleepy.

"Relax, baby. It's fine. It colder at night, plus less car on the road. I prefer to drive at night for a long trip", Yibo said it calmly.

"Then, let me accompany you tonight", Zhan. Yibo rejected it so that Zhan can sleep comfortably at night. Even though he keep being rejected, Zhan still insists to accompany Yibo.

"Alright, alright, you win", Yibo can't argue with his love. So, he let him win.
"By the way, have your parents get my room ready yet?", Yibo change the topic when he see Zhan's happy face.

"Huh? You don't want to sleep with me? I'm looking forward to that actually", Zhan say it with a sad voice and he seem sad.

"Can I? Baby, listen to me first. Of course I wanna sleep with you, but I can't guarantee your safety if we share a bed later. Will you take the risk?", Yibo explain it with a serious face.

"Yes, I don't care about it. I just wanna be with you", said Zhan. Yibo is shocked with the answer, he never imagine that his sweet and innocent boyfriend to be so bold. Up until now, they only kiss and holding hands, nothing more.

"Wow, my wife is so brave now. You don't afraid if your parents find out later?", Yibo said it with a teasing face. He only tease him but he was shocked again with the respond.

"Mmm... I am... But... I think it's fine. I already confess everything", Zhan say it slowly, word by word.

"You really did? If you said so, I'll just sleep in your room then", Yibo. Zhan look happy again. "You're happy now? Can't stop smiling, huh?", tease Yibo. Zhan nodded with a big smile.

"I don't wanna intrupt your happy moment, but I should preparing now", said Yibo.

"Okay, see you tonight. Bye", Zhan.

"Bye, baby", Yibo.

**Sunday's noon**

Zhan is worries about Yibo because it's already pass lunch time but he still isn't there yet. He is indeed worried about Yibo, but he didn't call him because he doesn't want to disturb him when he's driving. So, he keep resist himself to call him and telling himself to calm down.

"Zhanzhan, if you're that worries, you should call him", Dad. His parents has been watching him acting unusual today. The foodie even eat less during lunch, that make them worry too.

Zhan look at his dad and answers him with a smile, "No, no, no, it's okay. He may already near here. I don't wanna bother him". After answering that, he went upstairs and pick his wallet.

"Mom, I'm going to a convenient store first. I want a chocolate. Do you want anything?", Zhan. He need to eat his favorite food to soothe him.

"Nothing, just be careful on your way", mom.

He then walking to the store because it's not that far, it just at the end of his household. He spend almost half an hour there to choose a chocolates, ice creams and chips. He buy a lot because he in a mood to eat sweets. He feel so suprises and excited when he see Yibo's car in front of his house. He runs to open the door and see Yibo on the couch. "It's really you. You're finally here", Zhan said with a big smile.

After he close the close the door, he put the plastic on the table and hug his boyfriend tightly. Yibo already stand up at that time.

"Miss me that much, baby? Didn't I just call you this morning?", Yibo says it while rubbing Zhan's back. Xiao Zhan on the other hand keep hugging him without any reply.

Zhan's father who watch them cough slightly, "Ehem, ehem. Excuse me, there is other people here".

They're finally separated. "Oh, I'm sorry, dad. Didn't see you there... hehehe", Zhan.

Zhan's dad just hurm and ignoring them while Zhan's mom talk to Yibo, "Yibo, you must feel tired, right. Why don't you take a bath and rest. I'll call you when it's tea time".

"Alright, auntie", Yibo.

"Just call me mom. You're gonna be my son-in-law soon", Mom.

"Mom! Fine, whatever. We're going first", Zhan is blushing and he pull Yibo's hand as if he said 'hurry up'. Yibo grab his bag and follow Zhan's lead.

"What about this snacks", Dad shout to Xiao Zhan and he shout back, "Put the ice cream and chocolate in the fridge, don't eat! You can eat the chips if you want"

Inside the room, Zhan already sit on Yibo's lap. Yibo touch Zhan's face gently and said, "Sorry, I'm late. I make you wait for a long time".

Xiao Zhan shake his head. "It's fine, you're here now. I really miss your touch", Zhan said it with a smile. He then put both of his hands on Yibo's shoulders. Yibo was shocked with Zhan's behavior. He getting bolder and bolder everyday since their last meet. Yibo pull Zhan's head towards him and kiss him. He did think that separation is not that bad actually.

"Are you seducing me right now, baby?", Yibo. Both of them are kissing for a while. After a minute, their mouth are separating and Yibo push Zhan a little.

"Zhanzhan, we better stop here. It's improper manner to do it in broad light, especially with your parents here", Yibo hold Zhan's waist and say it while watching straight into Zhan's eyes. He thought that Zhan would understand it but he show a sad and disappointing face at him.

"Zhanzhan is a good wife, right? A good wife would let hid husband take a rest after a long time driving, not make him do exercise right after he come home. Baby, I'm tired right now, will you let me sleep for awhile? We can do this later, it's not like I'll leaving you tonight", Yibo laugh after saying this. He just realized that he treats Zhan as a sulky little boy.

"Stop laughing! Okay, I got it. I'm sorry. You're tired, right. You should sleep now", Zhan said it with a blushing face. He get up from Yibo's lap and want to step out but being stop by Yibo's call.

"Come here, sleep with me", Yibo open his hands while laying on the bed. Zhan only watch at him without moving. Yibo call him again, "Come here, lao pho. You miss my touch right?". Zhan walk and get into Yibo's arm after a short moment. They're hugging as usual.

"You should sleep too, Dad said that you're keep waiting for me since morning and look so tired. You must have a hard time to sleep last night, right?", Yibo. Yibo is worries about Zhan's health too. That's why he want to take a nap, he is not really tired actually. Zhan just answer him with a hurm.

"I'm here now, you can take a nap with me", Yibo brush Zhan's bang and kiss his forehead. Yibo play a soothing song after that and Zhan start to yawn while Yibo pat him to sleep. Both of them have been into a dream world after a few minutes.

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