A Real Baby

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After Zhan wake up from his sleep, he find out that Yibo is not beside him.

"Husband! Bobo! Bobo!", shout Zhan.

Yibo rush to the bedroom and look at Zhan. "Why? Are you hurt baby?", asked Yibo worriedly. Zhan shook his head and hold one of Yibo's arm and leans his head on Yibo's shoulder. Yibo thought that something bad happen to Zhan but it turn out that Zhan is just being clingy and want him to always beside him. Yibo try to set himself out but Zhan hold him tighter. Yibo let him be for a few minutes and try again.

"Baby, I need to go to kitchen. I'm cooking just now", Yibo. Zhan stay still and keep cling to his fiance.
Luckily I switch off the stove before coming here, said Yibo in his heart.

"Husband~", Zhan called Yibo in a low magnetic voice. He act so spoiled yet so charming right now. His face is so cute when he was calling Yibo. It make Yibo's heart beats fast. He try to calm down and ask Zhan if he need anything.

"I'm hungry. Feed me, peweasee", Zhan act cute and make Yibo knuckles nervously. He give a peck on Zhan's cheek, "Are you a baby? How old are you? You can't eat by yourself now?"

"I'm your baby and I have a real baby in me", Zhan look at the other side and pout. Yibo smile happily seeing Zhan act so childish. He pinch Zhan's cheeks, "Aww... What a poor baby. Okay, okay, daddy will feed you". Zhan look at Yibo and smile brightly.

"Daddy... Bring me to kitchen. I'm hungry", Zhan. Yibo was suprised with the sudden cute come back. "What? Are playing baby role, now?", Yibo asked curiously. Zhan hurm and nodded, Yibo can do nothing about it and just play along with him. Zhan is too cute to being reject.

It happens for a few days and because Zhan being too clingy to his fiance, both of them didn't go to work and take a long leave. Yibo inform his students that take he has an emergency and can't go to dance class center for a week. He decided to take a leave after Zhan being too clingy for a few days. On the other hand, Zhan didn't come to the bakery for 2 weeks. Since Zhan already come back to his normal sense, Yibo told Zhan that they should tell their parents. Zhan agreed and followed Yibo's decision. That evening, they go to Zhan's parents' house.

*Zhan's house*
**Living Room**

"Mom, Dad, we have something to tell but I want to apologize in advance", Yibo.

Zhan's dad look at them curiously. "What is it? Is it really serious?", Dad.

"Yes, dad. It's a really serious matter. It's a big issue especially for your side", Yibo answer with a stern face. It lead to a misunderstanding for the parents.

"Don't tell me you want to cancel off your engagement. You'll be married in 2 months, you can't do that", Mom.

"Mom, I'm sorry but...", Yibo don't have enough time to explain the real thing when Dad suddenly stand in.

"It's fine to cancel it now than later. I don't want Zhan to be a widow at such a young age", Dad.

"Dad...You misunderstood me. It's not like that", Yibo try to explain himself. Unfortunately, Dad doesn't listen to him.

"Misunderstood you said? Tell me the reason why you want to leave our Zhanzhan. He is a good guy", Dad is angry, so he uses a loud voice.

"I know Zhanzhan is a good and lovely guy. But, it's not the thing here. The matter that we wanna tell you guys is", once again, Yibo's words being cut off. This time, it's not Dad who cut Yibo's words but Zhan. He said it loudly as if he already can't stand them misunderstanding Yibo. "I'm pregnant!!", Zhan said it and look down right away.

All eyes are on him now. Zhan holds his tears which make him shake a little. Yibo notices that, he hold Zhan's hand and said, "You did great, baby. I love you". He give a peck on Zhan's temple. Tears start to coming out from the corner of Zhan's eyes, Yibo wipe it quickly and hug him. This a serious situation and Zhan is not use to it. He being too clingy for a whole week and Yibo never mad or raise his voice to him even once. So, when he encounter this situation, he can't endure the sadness. Maybe it's due to his unstable hormones.

"What... What did you said? When?", Mom.

"One month ago. I think it's from the day I come to meet him. We kinda make it hard. I'm sorry, it's my fault", Yibo said it while hugging Zhan.

"Tell me the truth, did you set the engagement this fast due to this mistake?", Dad. Yibo can't tell either Dad is angry or not.

"Of course not. I really want to marry him as soon as possible. I did told you before, right. I also didn't know that he can get pregnant. I'm happy and scared at the same time, but luckily we will be married in next two months. So, others can't tell that he's pregnant. But we also need to be extra careful because he is still in first trimester. His mood is up and down all the time. He also being extra clingy to me, I can't even go to work for a week now", Yibo.

"It must be hard to you", Mom.

Yibo look at Mom and smile. "Not really. I'm happy to see him like that. It's not hard to cancel the class, I'm the boss myself. But... I'm sorry for making this happen and didn't tell you sooner", Yibo.

"Zhanzhan, are you okay with it", Mom look at Zhan and ask with a soft voice.

"I'm fine. My pregnancy symptoms getting better now", Zhan answered. He hold Yibo's hand and continue, "I'm glad that Yibo can stand my moody and clingy behavior this days".

Yibo put his arm around Zhan's waist. "Of course I can. My wife is this cute, what if he sulk and leave me", teasing Yibo.

"I'm not", Zhan look at Yibo and answer him with a pout. "Yes, yes, you'll not", Yibo answer with a bright smile.

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