Shocking News

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After doing 'that' in car. They... What are you thinking right now? Zhan only use his hand, nothing more. They're not out of their mind yet. Yibo then bring Zhan to the nearest hotel. How could he be satisfied with just one round and only him 'shooting'. He want to play more. He is very hungry for his food and want to 'eat' him for so many times.

*1 month later*
**Yizhan's house**

Yibo bought a house in Chongqing and live with Zhan. Both parents are agree with their relationship and they'll be married after 3 months from now. Everything went smooth, Yibo's dance class also turn out being pretty welcoming. Well, with his talents, experiences and look, who would miss his class.

When everything is going really well, there's one problem that make Yibo feel nervous and concern. Well, Zhan has been nauseous and vomiting in the morning and at night for a few days. It's fine during days but he looks tired after that. It make Yibo afraid, he start to think "what if Zhan's sickness is serious" because Zhan didn't want to go to hospital and didn't want him to tell their parents. Today, Yibo notices that Zhan's symptoms are getting worst.

"Baby, let's go to hospital. Your health is getting worst today. I'm afraid if something bad happen to you", Yibo.

"No need... don't worry, husband. I'll be better later on. It's actually not as bad as you think, husband. It's pretty normal I guess", Zhan.
[They're not married yet. Zhan just get use to it after some times]

"What do you mean by that?", Yibo is so clueless. He can't figure it out himself.

"Husband, can you help me getting something in that drawer?", Zhan point to the exact drawer while asking Yibo. "I have a suprise for you. I hope you can accept it", added Zhan.

"A suprise for me?", Yibo look at Zhan like he was questioning him, "when did you go out" added Yibo. He thought that Zhan is tired and just have a rest at home today.

"Don't bother to buy me anything, baby. Having you with me is enough", Yibo said that but he still getting up from bed and walk to the drawer. When he found something in it, he look so confused and a little mad.

"Baby, what's the meaning of this? Are you kidding me?", Yibo hold the thing in his hand and show it to Zhan.

Zhan shake his head and answer, "I'm not. Will you accept it?"

"Accept what? What's the meaning of this? Why is it here? Whose pregnancy test is this?", Yibo said with a higher tone but still not enough to make Zhan scared of him.

"Husband, we only live here together. Of course it is mine. Why would I give others to you?", Zhan said it calmly. He need to calm Yibo down anyway.

"Yours? This is yours? But it... Wait, it is positive, right? Is that meant... You're pregnant? Really", Yibo look at Zhan intensely and Zhan said "Yes, I am". Yibo is so happy that he go to sit beside the bed where Zhan is lying right now. He kiss him multiple times, showing his happy and excitement.

"You're not mad at me, right?", Zhan just want to confirm it.

"Why would I mad at you? I'm happy that I'll be a dad soon and it make me happier because the baby is ours", Yibo.

"Don't be to happy, husband. We still need to confirm it", Zhan. Yibo nodded and hugging him.

*Tomorrow's morning*
**At Hospital**

"May I know what is your relationship with the patient?", the doctor ask that to Yibo who come together with Zhan.

"I'm his fiance", Yibo.

"If that is the cast, I have a bad news and good news for you. Which one do you wanna hear first?", Dr.

"Huh?! What is it, doc?", Yibo.

"I'll start with bad news then. The bad news is you getting a baby before your marriage. The good news is, the baby is healthy and is 1 month old now", Dr.

Yibo kiss Zhan on his cheek right after he thank the doctor. Zhan slap his hip, "Bobo! Behave yourself"

The doctor smile and act casually. "Don't worry sir, I'm used to this kind of situation. From now on, you must be aware of what you eat after and don't do a heavy jobs. Take care of your baby well, sir", Dr.

"Yes, thank you Dr", both of them going out after thanking the doctor.

On the way home, Zhan suddenly feels hungry. But when they arrive at a restaurant, he didn't want any in the menu, he want a pizza. Yibo then take him to buy a pizza. Usually Zhan will only eat half of regular pizza with one bowl of mushroom soup, but this time he eat the whole regular pizza with 2 bowls of mushroom soup. Yibo didn't get any of the pizza, luckily he bought 4 bowls of mushroom soup.

A few hours later, he want to eat oreo ice cream. Yibo is sleeping at that time to going out and ask him to eat the other ice cream in the freezer.

"I don't want that, I want oreo ice cream. Husband, buy it for me", Zhan. He keep on begging but Yibo ignored him. After a few minutes of silence, Yibo wake up and can't find Zhan. He try to call him but he put it on silent mode. Yibo grab his car's key and rush out, he did locked the door though. He knew that Xiao Zhan must going out to find the ice cream. He keep on driving but he can't find Zhan.

After 20 minutes, Zhan arrived home but the door was locked. He didn't bring the key, so he need to ask Yibo to open the door. Unfortunately, his call (shout) got no reply from his fiance. So, he decided to call him and he was shocked that he got so many miscalled from Yibo. He call him back and said that he is in front of their house now. Zhan thought that Yibo would hug or kiss him as always when he arrives but Zhan get scold.

"Why did you get out by yourself?! Do you even said to me first?! I searched for you everywhere, I was worried about you but you are eating ice cream happily here! Why did you do that?", Yibo.

Zhan look at the ground all the time. "I'm sorry, I didn't think og it. I just want an ice cream. I'm sorry", Zhan. Yibo know Zhan is hold himself from crying. He calm himself and open the door. He ask Zhan to come in and he can notice that Zhan is crying silently.

After he close the door, he hug Zhan and rub his back. Zhan cry loudly after that.

"Shush~ don't cry. I'm not mad at you, I was just worried about you. Stop crying, I'm sorry, baby", Yibo. Yibo keep coaxing him but Zhan still crying and said sorry. It make Yibo feels guilty. If he went and brought it, Zhan wouldn't go out by himself like that.

"Baby, stop crying. Don't you feel sorry to our baby? Do you want our baby to be sad and think his papa is bad", Yibo

Zhan shook his head, "No. You're a good person". Zhan seem to calm down a bit.

Yibo wipe up Zhan's tears and ask him, "Am I a good husband?". Zhan nodded, "You're a great husband".

"If so, don't cry anymore. I feel bad, do you want anything else?", Yibo.

"I want to sleep. Take me to bed", Zhan reach out his hands and put it around Yibo's neck as if he asked for a lift. Yibo give him a smile, kiss me lightly and lift him up. He bring Zhan to bed and put him down. Zhan grab Yibo's hand faster, "stay with me". Yibo smile and hug him to sleep. "Don't go anywhere, stay with me", said Zhan before sleeping.

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