The Marriage

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Mom and Dad just look at them silently for awhile. After Yibo look ahead and find that Zhan's parents are looking at them, he getting shy but still smiling at them.

"By the way, did your parents know about this?", Dad.

"No... I didn't tell anyone yet", Yibo.

"But... I think I told mommy. She video called me the other day and she said my face look tired. Then I said I'm just tired of vomiting. It's been a few days, but I don't think she get it", Zhan.

"Alright. You better told them soon. So, they can prepared of what will happen later on", Dad. Yibo get what Dad means.

After dinner, they went back to their house. They didn't spend the night there because Zhan want to sleep at their house. Zhan want to use their fluffy blanket in cold air (A/C). Yibo think that his baby must be a hard to please baby when he grown up. Before going to sleep, Yibo text his parents to tell them about Zhan's pregnancy. Yibo's dad is not as calm as Zhan's dad. He being scolded and yelled overnight. It was like Yibo did something that unbelievably bad and unbearable. Just when Yibo think everything is fine when his dad can accept the situation, his dad make it big again.

"I don't care, I'll send someone there", Daddy.

"For what?", Yibo.

"To take care of the chores of course, what else? He can't do heavy work and you need to working at days until late evening. Would not it be tiring. I'll send one of our maid, so you don't need to worry of her payment", Daddy.

"If you insist... Then, thanks daddy", Yibo.

"So, how about the marriage then? Is it still on?", Daddy was curious about that.

"Yes, daddy. But, it not going to be as we planned before. Zhan is pregnant now, so he can't fly yet. So, we need to find the nearer place to hold the ceremony and hire a priest. We just invited our family and close friends, so I think it's not going to be a big deal", Yibo.

Daddy is nodded over the phone as he get it. "Do you need my help? Maybe I could provide a better place", he add.

"Is it not troubling you, Daddy?", Yibo asked. He never asking anything from his daddy in a long time. As he grown up, he try to do everything as best as he could and he try to not bother his daddy with just a trial things.

His dad smile. "Why would it troubling me? I'm happy to do that. You are my only child, this is the first and last time I can attend a wedding of my own child. I want to do the best for you. I know that I'm not around you most of the time, but believe me when I said I love you", Daddy.

"Thanks, daddy. Ermm, dad... Can I bother you to take care of everything needed for the marriage? Like the host, place, decorations, foods and so on?", Yibo feel bad to ask his dad but he need to,  because he can't predict what will Zhan did after this. "Don't wrong me, dad. It's not that I'm taking advantage of you or anything but Zhan is... unpredictable. I can't even leave our house for days before", he added before his dad could say anything.

"Of course, mommy can help you with that. She had a friend who run a wedding planning business. But... What with you can't leave the house? Did something happened?", Daddy.

"Oh, nothing much. Just his pregnancy symptoms. He feels nauseous and throw up every night and morning. So he feels weak and want my accompany. He being clingy and want to be my with 24/7. It's not bad actually, he looks cute. But, it's hard to do the chores. How can he manage to make breakfast, then go to work, then done everything chores after coming back from work? Where did he get the power for that? I can't even do that for a day", Yibo told his father. Daddy feels happy because it's the first time he heard Yibo complain about something.

"Moms are great, right? But I don't know about your mom. She do nothing at home", Daddy added. Both father and son laugh over the phone. Luckily they are not with their wife right now.

Zhan is now wake up from his sleep, not because of the laugh, but because he didn't feels the warm beside him. He look around and can't see Yibo in the room. So, he call for him like a little shout. Yibo heard him, so he end the conversation with his father and come inside the bedroom quickly. He sit on the bed and brush Zhan's hair.

"Hey, I'm just go to the kitchen to have a drink. Go back to your sleep", Yibo. Zhan yawn and lay back on bed with Yibo. He look at Yibo and hug his waist, "You sleep too. Don't leave", Zhan.

Yibo smile and answers, "Yes, yes, I sleep. Nite, baby", Yibo said as he kiss Zhan's forehead. Zhan sleep soundly after that, while Yibo keep watching him.

Yibo thought in his heart, "I didn't realize how hard you works everyday until I did it myself. You always look cute and never said you're tired or hurts. Except that day in the hotel, you never show me that you're hurting. I heard that pregnant is hard but you never said so. I promise to treasure you for the rest of my live. I love you, Xiao Zhan".

*Two months later***Gusu Hall**

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*Two months later*
**Gusu Hall**

[To be exact, in one of waiting room. Yibo and Zhan use different room because according to Chinese tradition, bride and groom can't meet each other before their wedding]

"Mom, why can't I wear a long suit like in the other gay wedding? I don't want to wear a gown", Zhan whining to his mom.

"You didn't said so before. Aren't we agreed on this already. Don't make a mess. Your wedding will be in an hour", Mom said with a wedding dress in his hands.

"Didn't you custom made it, Zhanzhan? You can't wear a long suit because of your baby bump", Mommy added.

"Yeah, but I changed my mind. It's gonna look weird on me since I'm a man", Zhan still with his opinion.

"Don't be like this, we do have time to buy another one", Mommy try to convince him but Zhan still didn't wanna hear her nor his mom.

"Zhanzhan, don't be like this, son. You only have half an hour before your wedding start", Mom.

"No! I don't want! I don't want to marry if I need to dress like a woman", Zhan said while looking straight at his mom.

"Mrs Wang, do something", Mom look at mommy while asking for her help.

"I don't know what to do. Yibo never said NO to me. Is this a cancel called for their wedding?", Mommy said without thinking.

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