Bonus 2 (Help Me)

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At this time, Sizhui is already 5 years old while Yuan is 2 years old. They are so cute when they're playing together but they're like an enemy when they're mad at each others.

Sizhui and Yuan have a different temperament. Sizhui is more like Zhan, a good, kind and calm boy while Yuan is more like Yibo, an active boy who never know how to sit still and very stubborn. Even though Sizhui is a good brother, sometimes he wish that he's the only child or he hope he has another brother who is not that annoying.

One day, Sizhui and Yuan are fighting against each other about something. Then, Sizhui let his anger come out and said a shocking words, "What's wrong with you? You want everything I want. I hate you, don't come near me". Sizhui said that with a loud voice, it shown that he is really angry at that time.

Yuan on the other hand was shocked and can't said anything. He is quiet for a while and then he start to cry. When he try hold Sizhui's hand, Sizhui pull back his hand and walk away. It make Yuan cry loudly while saying, "Gege is bad, gege hate Yuan".

Zhan come seeing Yuan right after he heard Yuan is crying. He never expected that Sizhui would do something that will hurt other's feeling. Zhan try to coax Yuan, Yuan went into a sleep after he tired of crying. After that, Zhan going to see Sizhui in his room.
[Sizhui and Yuan have a separate room]

"Sizhui, can mama come in", Zhan asked after knocking Sizhui's door.

"Yes, come in", Sizhui.

"Sizhui, what did you said to your didi? He said you hate him", Zhan ask in a slow and low voice. It make Sizhui calm.

"He is the one that annoyed me. He want everything I have. He want to play everything I play, he want to eat everything I eat. What's wrong with him? I don't like that", Sizhui.

"Do you hate that he always take your toys and foods?", Zhan.

"Yes, papa bought him the same things, why does he still want mine? I don't like that", Sizhui.

"It's because he adore you. He must think that you're a great person and want to play with you. Since he is a hot tempered like papa, he didn't know how to said it out. You should be more calm and sharing with him", Zhan.

"Really? But he is too much... I can share but he also never share his belongings to me", Sizhui.

"Have you ever ask him nicely? You never ask him to share, right. He is too young to think of it on his own. You know what, I was like him too", Zhan.

"Mama too?", Sizhui look at Zhan with a confuse face.

"Yes, towards papa. I want to eat everything he eat because he make it look delicious. I want what he wear because he look good in it. He never mad at me and give everything I want. He buy me everything I want to. That make me love him more", Zhan.

"Yuan will love me more too?", Sizhui.

"Of course he will. You're a great brother. Try to be more calm and talk to him patiently, can you?", Zhan.

"I'll try", Sizhui.

"Good boy", Zhan pat Sizhui's head and then kiss his forehead.

After Yuan wake up, Sizhui come to him and apologize. Yuan was smiling again and hand him his toy back.

"Do you like this car?", Sizhui.

"Yes", Yuan.

"But have yours. How about we exchange, give me yours and I'll give you mine", Sizhui.

"This is mine. Papa gave it", Yuan.

"You can't have both. Each person get 1 car, if you want mine then give me your car. Mama said we should share, don't take mine", Sizhui.

"Share?", Yuan. Yuan is still a baby, he didn't know that difficult word yet.

"We can play together. We can play each other's toys together. After I done playing with your toy, I'll give it back. You must do the same too", Sizhui.

"Okay", Yuan.

This two kids finally make a truce and play together. Sometimes, they did get into a fight but not as hard as before.

*1 year later*
**Yibo and Yubin voice call**

"Hello, Yibo", Yubin.

"Hello, how are you? Is everything fine now?", Yibo.

"Yes, everything is fine. Thanks to your help... But... Can I have a favor?", Yubin.

"What? You want to borrow my money again? You only pay half of it", Yibo.

"No no no. This is a different favor. This is bigger", Yubin.

"Bigger? What's bigger than financial issue? Do you have a problem with your fiance?", Yibo.

"Well, sort of. You know about my niece, right? I've been taking care of her this pass two months but my fiance didn't like that idea. She want to break with me if I keep my niece. I don't have any family members. I don't close with my cousins and I don't dare to give her away. So, I call you", Yubin.

Yubin's sister and brother-in-law died two months ago in a car accident. His niece is also injured badly. She had been treated in the hospital for a month. Yubin take her home and take care of her for his sister's sake but now he is in a dilemma.

"Okay, but what do you want me to do?", Yibo. He is really clueless, he doesn't know what Yubin is thinking right now.

"Hmm... If it's not too much... Can you... Ermm... Can you... Take care of her?", Yubin.

"What?! You want me to take care of her? Are you insane?", Yibo.

"I'm serious. I don't have any relative and I don't dare to give her away to a stranger. At least, if you take care of her, I know she will be safe", Yubin.

"Let say I agree with that, how long do I need to take care of her?", Yibo.

"You can adopt her and take care of her for as long as you want. You can make her as your daughter forever, I don't mind that. I know zhan ge is good at raising kids. When I come to your house before, I can see that he treat them nicely", Yubin.

"Hey, Yubin. This is a trivial matter, I need to discuss with my wife first. If he said no, then there's nothing I can do", Yibo.

"Alright, I got it. But I do hope you guys will raise her up", Yubin.

"I got you. I'll give you a call if I get the answer, catch you later", Yibo.

"Yes, good bye friend", Yubin.

Yibo switch off the phone and have been thinking of Yubin's niece. She look so pitiful, Yibo want to help but he didn't know how to said it to Zhan. After he come inside the house, he can see Zhan is playing with his sons. He know Zhan ge is a kind person but will he willing to raise other person's child.


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