Hidden Secret

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It's been a weeks since Xiao Zhan come home. So, he start to work at his mom's bakery names Sweet Xiao Bakery. During dinner, his dad ask him about his work that day.

"How is your first day? Is it okay?", dad.

"It's fine. Not many customers come today but number is still okay", Zhan.

"Mama has been thinking to give Zhan the bakery. How about you take over the bakery since you already finish your study", mom.

"Heh!! Take over?! Me?! Isn't it too soon?", Zhan.

"Who else beside you? You're our only child. You're old enough to manage it by yourself. I'm sure you gonna do great. Don't worry, mama will help you", mom.

"Ermm, alright, if you said so", Zhan.

It has been almost a month since Xiao Zhan become the manager. He think that it's a good time to sell 'hidden secret' at that bakery. He is so excited to tell his idea to his mom but nervous at the same. He simply imagining the scene in his mind but it's fly through the air when a customer come in.

"Welcome. Can I help you?", Zhan.

"I wanna one slice of this chocolate cake and that cheese red velvet, please", customer.

"Alright", Xiao Zhan immediately pack up the order and give it to the customer. "Here is your order sir. It's ¥20"

"Okay... Xiao Zhan? You are Xiao Zhan right?", customer.

"Yes, you know me?", Zhan.

"Hey, you really forgot me? I'm your senior, Wang Zhuocheng", Cheng.

"Hey, you really forgot me? I'm your senior, Wang Zhuocheng", Cheng

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"Wang Zhuocheng... Zuocheng... Ahhh, senior Cheng. Sorry, I didn't recognize you. You're change", Zhan.

"Yeah, I'm change a bit. Haven't seen you for 4 years now but you're still as cute as before", Cheng.

"I don't know what I should feel about it. Are you working around here, now?", Zhan.

"Yes, I just start working as a teacher at C middle school this week. Before this I teach in Sichuan", Cheng.

"I see, no wonder I just seeing you now. I just start working here a month ago actually", Zhan.

"Is this your own bakery? I just realize that this bakery has a similar name as your surname", Cheng.

"Yes. It's my mom's bakery originally but she hand it over to me last month", Zhan.

"Alright, here's the money. I should get going now", Cheng.

**At Xiao Zhan's house**

After having dinner, they all watching TV together. Xiao Zhan gather all of his courage to tell his mom about the new menu.

"Errr, mama... Can I talk to you about the bakery stuff?", Zhan.

"Yeah, sure zhanzhan. What is it? Is there anything wrong?", mom.

"No, no, it's not like that. It just that... Can I add new pastry in our menu?", Zhan.

"Of course, honey. What do you wanna add? Tell me", mom.

Zhan grab his phone & open his gallery and show 'hidden secret' picture. "This is my creation, Hidden Secret. What do you feel about it? Is it okay to sell it?"

"You did it yourself? It's look pretty and yummy, the colour is kinda unique too. We can try to sell it but why you named it Hidden Secret?", Mom.

"Oh, I just think the name suit the concept. I make it for my Final Year Project. I make it for non-sweet tooth. It's kinda savoury though", Zhan.

"Really?! It's rare to find savoury pastry. Where did you get the idea?", Mom.

"Ooo... It just that... Yibo is one of them. He is not really eat sweet but not too good with spicy food", Zhan.

"Talk about Hidden Secret, do you have any hidden secret? I kinda have a sense that this cake is related to that Yibo kid", dad.

Zhan was shocked when his father said that, he try to deny it but his father don't buy it at all.

"You guys are together, right? Just admit it. I already knew it", dad.

"What?! How can we are together? We're both man, aren't we?", Zhan.

"So he lied to me? I thought you guys are a real couple, I keep thinking about that though", dad.

"He told you? But he promised to keep it as a secret", Zhan.

"What? You suddenly admit it after I said that? If you guys are a couple, said so. If not, don't give him fake hope. I know he is serious about his baobao", dad.

Xiao Zhan was shocked that his father already found out about his secret relationship. He can't deny it anymore. "Yes, we are together. Wait a second, he told you my pet name too? I can't believe he told you that. When did he have time to... Ah, during breakfast, right? So, mom know it too?", Zhan.

"He didn't told me, I overheard it myself. He didn't said anything but before he went home, I make him admit it. Your mom knew it because I told her. So, do you have anything to say?", dad.

"I'm sorry, I hid it because I'm afraid that mama and papa will oppose it. You guys didn't mad at me, right?", Zhan ask one question after another non stop.

"Done? *zhan nodded* We're fine with it, he seems like a good boy. He is polite and nice with us too", mom.

"Papa is fine with it but I wanna ask you something. How long have you guys being dating?", Dad.

"1 year", Zhan.

After answering that, his parents keep asking a questions and he need to answer it by hook or by crook. It is normal for a parents eager to know about their son's affair. They ask almost everything, like how they meet, why Zhan like him, who start first, who confest first, when is their first date, how Yibo treat Zhan, who else knew about their affair and so on.

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