Bonus 4 (New House)

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*Two Weeks Later*
**Yizhan's Room**

This couple has been taking care of Qin for a few weeks now. His surname is also has been changed from Wen into Wang.

Qin was hungry but she didn't want to drink his milk from the bottle. When Zhan try to stop his crying by putting her close to his chest, Qin keep touching his chest but she still didn't want to drink the milk. So, Zhan thought that maybe Qin wanting a breastfeed. He didn't know if there's any milk because he stop breastfeeding Yuan for a year. But since Qin keep crying, he try to breastfeed her. As expected, nothing comes out but Qin keep on sucking his nipples.

"Qin, stop sucking. Drink your milk", Qin refused and keep on sucking. After she felt tired a bit, Zhan pull his nipple out of Qin's mouth and replace it with milk bottle.

Zhan keep thinking about it. That's not wrong to breastfeed her, he just need to be able to milking. So, he contacted Yibo and ask him to buy a milk for breastfeeding mom. Well, of course Yibo was shocked at first.

"Do you want to breastfeed Qin, wifey?", Yibo.

"I don't want too but she wants it. She keep on sucking my nipple even nothing is coming out. Can you buy it?", Zhan.

"Aww, poor my wife. Alright, baby. I'll buy it later", Yibo.

After three days of consuming the milk and Qin's help on sucking his nipples every 2 times a day, Zhan can finally breastfeeding Qin. Zhan has no doubt to call Qin as his daughter now, since Qin being breastfeed by him. Qin is already 1 year and 6 months but he can't stand properly yet, maybe due to the incident side effect.

Yibo and Zhan has been discussing on moving to a bigger house for a few days. So that their children can have more space to play. Yibo found a perfect house that is closer to his dancing academy. It's also nearer to Sizhui's school and Zhan's cafe but a little bit far from Zhan's parent's house and Zhan's bakery. Zhan doesn't mind that since it's not too far than their current house and he is not going to the bakeries often. So, they decide to buy the house. They've been planned to move on next two months, during Sizhui's semester break.

[Zhan own a bakery and a cafe now. Of course the cakes in the cafe and bakery are similar thought]

*1 Week Before Moving*
**Yizhan's House**

"Sons, after you finish your breakfast, go washing up. We'll going out today, okay?", Zhan.

"Yes, mama", Sizhui and Yuan.

"Will we eat ice cream?", Yuan.

"Maybe, do you want to eat cake as well?", Yibo.

"I want", Sizhui.

"Alright, we'll going to mama's cafe later. There's an ice cream shop nearby. How about it?", Yibo.

"Sounds good. Where are we going today?", Sizhui.

"We're going to see our new house", Yibo.

"New house?! We're going to move? Why? I like this house", Sizhui.

"Papa know that you like this house. Papa like it too. It's my first house that I ever buy myself... But this house is a little bit small. So, I buy a new one. You gonna like it, it's not too far from here and closer to your school", Yibo.

"Okay, what about our stuffs? My toys?", Sizhui. He was worried that he need to leave everything here, he love his toys.

"We'll transfer everything there, later. Don't worry, you don't need to throw away your toys", Zhan.

"Ahhh, I see", Sizhui.

*A Few Hours Later*
**New House**

"Sizhui, Yuan, there's four room upstairs. You can choose which room you like to be your bedroom", Yibo.

"Alright. Let's go, Yuan", Sizhui. Sizhui hold Yuan hand to lead him the way but Sizhui did not pull Yuan's hand.

"Okay", Yuan.

After being left alone by his sons, Yibo talk to Zhan. "Baby, would you think it's good to separate Qin from us, now?", Yibo.

"Not yet, she still crying in the middle of the night sometimes. We will wait until she is not crying at night", Zhan.

"Alright, if you said so. She is almost 2 years old, why is her development so slow? Our son can talk and walk at the age of two", Yibo.

"Due to the accident, maybe... Or she is just a slow learner. She can stand but don't know how to walk yet. I heard that it's normal", Zhan.

"Papa! We choosed it!", Sizhui shout from upstairs.

Both of them going upstairs and talk about the room's decorations. Both of the little boys have a same concept but with just a little bit different. Sizhui's room will be in red and black colour while Yuan's room will be in a few shades colour of greens. Yibo and Zhan also think on how to decorate Qin's room. After that, they go to Zhan's cafe for their lunch, then they going to a mall.

They moving in a week later as they planned. Zhan feels so happy with his life now, he has a caring husband, good sons and beautiful daughter, stable work (Sweet Xiao Bakery and Green Shrimp Cafe). There's nothing more that he want to ask in his life, everything is so perfect. Same goes to Yibo.

"Thank you for everything, my love. My life is happier with you by my side", Yibo.

"Thank you, my lovely husband. You give me a happy life, it's better than my dream life. I Love You", Zhan.


I make a short series for their children, called "Wang's Siblings"

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I make a short series for their children, called "Wang's Siblings". I hope you'll like it too.

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