Finally Agreed

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"Don't speak nonsense, sister. I think I know", Mom. She called Yibo to pursuing Zhan. She know that if there is the only one person in this world that can pursuit his son, that person is Wang Yibo. She then hand over the phone to Zhan, saying that Yibo wanna talk to him and step back.

"Hello, baby. I heard there's a problem there. What happened?", Yibo. Zhan's mom obviously told him, he just want to convince his fiance.

Zhan silent for a while and answer, "I don't wanna wear this dress. I want to marry in a long suit like a man, not as a woman". Zhan is whining, of course he is using his soft and cute voice.

"Why? We already agreed, right? Everyone is here. You don't want to marry me, baby?", Yibo. It make Zhan shocked and he deny it quickly.

"No, no, not like that. It just feels weird. I already put on a make up and wig... And... I didn't see me in the mirror anymore", Zhan said it slowly.

"So, you feels like it is not you who marrying me?", Yibo. He know that Zhan is an overthinking person but he never imagine that this situation will happen. Zhan just hurm to the question.

"Baby, listen to me. It's still you no matter what. I can still see you through all those make up, because there's only you in my heart. I don't want to marry others. Can you be a good wife and wear it for me? Just for a short time. You can change to be in man clothes after this event end. Please... Do it for me, baby. Please, I need my bride now. Please", Yibo keep on begging him until he said yes. "Thanks, baby. I'm sure you're the prettiest tonight. Mmuah, love you baby", Yibo. Zhan's face is already as red as ripped tomato.

*30 mins later*
**Wedding Area**

All of the guests are there, sitting at the their table neatly. Yibo and the priest are already on the altar. Now, it's time to the bride to come in. When Zhan come in with his dad, everyone was amaze with his beauty. He look super gorgeous and no one notice his baby bump.

 He look super gorgeous and no one notice his baby bump

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[Sean is very pretty. It worth my time to edit this picture]

Both Zhan and his dad walk straight to the altar without look at others. Zhan is shy when their friends praise him, his blushing face make him more pretty. As they arrive at the altar, Zhan's Dad give Zhan's left hand to Yibo. Yibo hold both of Zhan's hands, look at him, smile and say, "Didn't I told you that you're the prettiest today?". Zhan didn't said anything and just look at Yibo. Father give a light cough to them as if saying that they're not married yet or there's peoples around them. They did the marriage bows perfectly and exchange the rings. Now, they're officially married.

When Zhan seeing his friends off with Yibo beside him, one of them asking Yibo, "I know that our Zhanzhan is cute, pretty and kind. But make you want to marry him? I'm not offend it, bro, just curious". Then another one add, "Yeah, me too. It's not like he can give you a child".

Yibo just smile to them since they're his seniors, so he need to be polite. "I just want him be to be mine, only mine. I love him no matter what", Yibo answers with a serious voice but he still smile. Zhan's friends just nodded and agree with him.

Zhan who look at Yibo this whole time, suddenly make a sound. "Guys, I... actually... I can", Zhan hesitate a bit and pause a moment. He take a deep breath and add, "I can give him child, or children if he want. I can pregnant"

His friends doesn't know if they should believe him. They knows that a change for a man to be born as an Omega is very rare. There's only 10% of Omega population around the world, plus he never shows any symptoms of an Omega, like realease a hormone or in heat or something related. The previous friend who ask Yibo first said, "Don't kidding us, zhanzhan. We're just kidding, no need to take it seriously"

Zhan look at his friend and said, "I'm not kidding. I'm three months pregnant now. Why do you think I agreed to wear a dress today? This is to hide my baby bump". His friends didn't said anything. He look at Yibo and ask, "Husband, can I let them touch my belly?". Yibo smile and nodded to him. "You can touch it if you don't believe me".

They hesitate at first but after one touch it, the others did it too. "Zhan, you are really going to be a mom soon? Congrats". The group of friends have a little more chit chat later.

*Yizhan's House*
**In bedroom**

"Baby, now that your friend mention it. Did you know that you're an Omega to begin with?", Yibo.

"I knew it when I'm 18 years old. Luckily, my first heat was during holiday. My mom told me to keep it secret and be careful with others", Zhan.

"And you let me come inside you?", Yibo is so curious.

"Maybe I forgot about it, or because I'm a weak Omega. My pheromone is weak and my heat is short and just once per two months", Zhan.

"So you think that you wouldn't get pregnant? What if I left you after I know that you're pregnant? Did you not think about it?", Yibo. Of course he is not gonna leave him, he just want Zhan to realize his mistake and be more cautious after this.

Zhan shook his head. "Never, you said you'll be with me forever. If you did leave me, at least I have the baby. He can replace you", Zhan.

"What?! He is a baby, he can't replace me. No one can replace me, not even my own child. You're mine", Yibo.

Zhan laugh at Yibo's childish act. He then rub and talk to his belly as if the baby can heard him. "Baby, look at your papa. He is jealous of you. Mama is not only him, right?", Zhan.

"No, mama is mine. Baby can't take mama away from papa", Yibo.

"Hey, husband. Tell me, do you want more child?", Zhan.

Zhan's sudden question shocked him. "What? Can you bare more? It is hard, right?", Yibo.

Zhan smile while shaking his head. "Nope, I don't want our child to be alone like us when he/she growing up. I want to have at least two kids", Zhan.

"Alright, alright. It's two then, now we need to sleep. It's late now", Yibo. In his heart, he can't stop thinking how can Zhan planning to have more child when he's still carrying the first one in his body. But, it's not bad, the more the merrier.

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