Who Are You?

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**In Sweet Xiao Bakery**

As usual, Wang Zhoucheng come again and buy the same thing. BUT today is not as usual day, Zhoucheng finally make his move today.

"Xiao Zhan, didn't you have anything to say to me?", Cheng ask a weird question at the counter.

Xiao Zhan look at him with a confused face. He ask back, "What? Did I do anything wrong?". Zhan is so clueless.

"Didn't you wanna ask why did I keep on buying the same thing everytime I come here?", Cheng.

"No, why should I? I'll do the same thing if I like something. I just assume that you like my dessert to a level that you wanna eat it everyday", Zhan.

"You really think like that? Nothing else? Like I'm crushing on you or something?", Cheng.

"I'm really not. You do? It make me happy that you like my creation, senior", Zhan answer it with a smile.

"I do have a crush at you. Ever since we're in highschool. You really didn't notice it?", Cheng.

"What?! I'm sorry, senior but I only see you as my senior. Nothing more", Zhan.

"Then, what is the meaning of this cake? Didn't you make it for someone you like? Are you deceiving me?", Cheng.

"Of course not, senior. I really make it for someone I like, but it's not you", Zhan. He didn't realize that he was giving false hope to Zhoucheng all this time. He a already feel guilty enough but he can senses another problem coming when he see Yibo coming.

"Then, for who?! Tell me! Now!", Cheng keep yelling at Zhan without seeing anyone around them.

"I'm sorry, senior. Calm down first", Zhan said it but he keep glance at Yibo.

"Do you think I can calm down right now?", Cheng.

"I'm sorry, but can I know what going on here?", Yibo ask Cheng politely. He know that he should not meddling with other's problem but Zhan is not others. Zhan is his boyfriend, of course he can't stand it.

Cheng on the other hand is still on fire. "This is our personal matter, you should stay away. This is between me and him", Cheng answer with an angry face.

"If it's a personal matter. You should settle it calmly. It would be embarrassing if others seeing your verbal fight", Yibo said it with a straight face.

Zhoucheng finally come to his sense again. He looking down as if he acknowledged his fault.

Once Yibo get the hint that Cheng is calmed down, he look at Zhan. He knew that Zhan is trying his best to keep calm and not to cry right now. Yibo really want to hug him right now but he know the border of it. He can't do something fishy, not in front of others. He can only talk to him with a sweet voice.

"Zhanzhan, are you okay?", Yibo.

"Oh, I'm fine. Why are you here?", Zhan answer it slowly. 'He must be angry too if he know the truth', Zhan thought in his heart.

"You ask me why? Of course I wanna pick you up. Did you forgot that I sent you this morning?", Yibo.

"Hmm...yeah. Sorry, but it's not time to close the bakery yet. There's 30 minutes more. Do you want anything?", Zhan.

"No thanks, I don't really eat sweet things. It's not like your bakery have a coffee, right?", Yibo just want to tease Zhan but Zhan take it seriously.

"No... But I can buy it for you", Zhan.

"It's okay, ba- zhanzhan. We can buy it later. I'll just wait for you here first", Yibo smile at him and sit at the near table.

Zhoucheng who watching them just now become curious. He is sure that he never meet Yibo before. So, he sit at the same table and start to be friend with him.

"Do you mind if I sit here?", Cheng.

"Not really. Just sit if you want", Yibo. Beside his icy prince's natural behavior, he is not really want to sit with someone who hurt his bunny. But, he need to act polite outside.

Cheng think to sit there multiple times, then he decided to sit on the opposite chair.
[It's a bakery guys, not a cafe. So, it only has 1 table (4 seats) for who's waiting their turn]

"Do you guys know each other? I think I never meet you before", Cheng.

"I'm not from here. We met in university and become close", Yibo.

Zhoucheng and Yibo have been waiting for a few minutes. Well it's more like Zhoucheng talk to himself, Yibo just answer Zhoucheng's question with the simplest way as usual.

Zhan start to clean the bakery and see that there's one Hidden Secret left. So, he decided to give it to Yibo.

"Bobo, are you hungry? There's one left. I think no one is coming, so it's for you", Zhan ask Yibo while holding it.

"It does look good, zhanzhan. But, you know that I'm not eating sweet, right?", Yibo answer it casually.

"Of course I know. That's why I make this dessert, because I feel bad for you. You always accompany me to eat cake but you just had a coffee", Zhan.

"You make it for me? I wonder what it will taste. Thank you, I'll eat it", Yibo smile and take it from Zhan's hand.

"Hmm, not really actually. I make it for my final but I got the inspiration from you. How is it? Is it good?", Zhan look so excited when Yibo eat it.

"It taste great, you're a talented chef for sure", Yibo said it with a smiling face. Zhan's face is blushing again.

Zhoucheng finally talk again after being silent for a while now. "Wait, you make it for him? So the person you like is him?"

Xiao Zhan start to panic and can't say anything while Yibo is busy eating. After waiting for some time, he ask again. "Tell me Xiao Zhan. I told you to explain it just now, right?", Cheng become fierce again.

"I... We... mmm... I indeed make it because I've been thinking of him", Zhan is scared.

"Who are you?", Cheng turn to Yibo and ask him.

"Why is it matter to you? Didn't I told you that we are friends", Yibo.

"Are you sure he see you as a friend? I don't buy it", Cheng.

"Is it matter if he see me as his friends or not?", Yibo.

"Of course it does. Since I like him, I want to make a move just now but I got rejected. If you guys are friends, it means his love is just one side. So, I'll pursue him again", Cheng.

"What if he reject you again", Yibo's words seen fine but his face is scary.

"It doesn't matter, I'll just keep pursuing him until he accept me", Cheng.

"I'm sorry, but I wouldn't let that happen", Yibo's face is full of anger now.

Same goes to Zhoucheng, "Why not? Friend is friend. You can't force him to follow your decision", Cheng.

"Are said it to yourself?", Yibo.

Zhan try to stop them, but he can't. Two of them are still fighting like cat and dog and never want to lose. The only things he can do are close the bakery a little early and send the workers home. He doesn't want anyone to know what happens there.

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