Yibo's Secret

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"Hey, Yubin. Since you're good in keeping secrets, do you want to hear my secret?", Yibo ask his friend. Yubin nodded quickly because it's a rare situation that Yibo tell others about himself.

"He is my fiancee now and he gonna be my wife later", Yibo.

"What?! Don't joke around, Yibo", Yubin.

"Heh... Do I look like I'm kidding right now?", Yibo. Yubin still didn't believe Yibo's words. It's not because he is couple with a guy. Xiao Zhan is a pretty guy anyway, so he could attract both gender into liking him. But it is Wang Yibo that they talk about. He is an icy prince who almost never smile and talk to anyone. It's hard to believe that he can fall for someone, no matter that person is a guy or lady, and be in a serious relationship.

Yibo make a cute face to Zhan and ask for his help. "Baby, can you please tell him that you're mine? You don't mind, right? Help me please". Yubin who watch it start to believe because Yibo never shows anyone that face.

"*Sigh* Alright, stop making that face, Bobo. You're so cute that I can't turn you down", Yibo face the phone towards Yubin instantly after thanking him.

"It's true that we are engaged. He make me his fiance few days ago. We have this matching necklace if you don't believe it", Zhan show Yubin his necklace. On his necklace, there's "Bobo ai ni" words engraved to it which make Yubin to believe him. Yibo then showing him mine with exact necklace but the words are "baobao ai ni". Yubin who finally acknowledge their engagement, realizes his main reason on searching Yibo. He told Yibo again about it.

"You can meet your friends first, we'll talk later", Zhan.

"Talk to you later. Bye~ Love you, baby, muah", Yibo wait for a few seconds and ended the call. He knew that Zhan is too shy to say anything.

*6 years later*
**Sweet Xiao Bakery**

Yibo come to the bakery without saying anything. In addition, he also didn't told Zhan that he is coming today. Their last call was 2 days ago and Yibo is at his parent's house at that time. Zhan has been to that house a few times and become close to Yibo's mom.

Back to the story, Yibo opened the door and come in as usual. Yibo being welcome warmly but not with his love but the staff, Song Lan. He is a new worker, so he doesn't know who Yibo is which make Yibo's plan going fine so far. Yibo is searching for Hidden Secret but couldn't find it. He being told that it was sold out and he need to wait until tomorrow to buy it but he still want it today. Yibo is good in acting, the staff doesn't realize that he was acting this whole time. Who would has realize it was just an acting when someone being mad and want to meet the manager.

"I know that the manager make the dessert in a short amount but I want it now. Tell him to make it now!", Yibo.

"I'm sorry, sir but I can't do that", Song Lan.

"You can't but I can. Call your manager right now!", Yibo.

"I'm sorry. Please calm down, sir", Song Lan.

"I will if he shown up now", Yibo.

Xiao Zhan heard the noise and come out from the back. "What happened here? Anything wrong?", ask Zhan.

"Oh, nothing is wrong. I just want to meet you", Yibo said with a low voice and a smile on his face.

Song Lan was confused for a second, 'how can he be a different person that fast?'.

"Bobo? Is that you?", Zhan was shocked at first but he smiles after a second glance. He walk towards Yibo and touch his face. He knew it is real and not an illusion as before. He hug him tightly and say, "It's really you".

Yibo hug him back and smile. "Yes, it's me. Do you miss me, baby?"

"Mmm, miss you so much", Zhan look at Yibo's face and kiss him lightly but when he is about to release his hug, Yibo pull him into his arms and kiss him back. They kiss until Zhan's legs feel weak and Yibo release him after he knew Zhan couldn't take it anymore. Yibo is about to kiss him again but Zhan stop him.

"We can't do this here, the staff is here and it's working time", Zhan.

"What if you take a short break? You are the manager, right. Can we continue in my car?", Yibo. As expected, Zhan reject him again and again.

"Don't you said you miss me, baby? I'm already turn on right now but my wife is not willing to help me. My 'little brother' is sad. At this rate, maybe I should find someone else, the girl at the front shop look cute. Bye bye", Yibo wave to Zhan and was about to get going. He stopped his steps at the door when he heard Zhan's crying voice.

"NO!! You can't! No... Hisk, you're bad... hisk, you don't love me anymore... Hisk", Zhan is crying right now. He can't even imagine Yibo with someone else.

Yibo rush toward him but Zhan push him away, "Don't come... Hisk... You're bad". Yibo feel so wrong that he make his sweetheart crying but he also happy at the same time because it shown that Zhan love him so much. He try to hug Zhan again and again. He finally success when Zhan is tired of crying. He hug him tight and coax him.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry. I don't meant to hurt you. I just ...", Yibo could not finish his sentence when Zhan suddenly cut his word. "Just what? You just don't love me? Or... You just like a girl now?", Zhan.

"No. Baby, listen to me", Yibo.

"No, you want to go and look for others just because I'm rejected you. What about the time when I'm not with you? What do you take me for? You...", Zhan.

Yibo can't take it anymore. He feels the pain and knew his mistake. The only way to shut Zhan's mouth is by force. He kiss Zhan by force. After a while, Zhan stop struggling and give a permission for Yibo's tounge to enter his mouth. Zhan could feel his love, the movement is same as usual. He pant out of breath but Yibo still kiss him passionately. After Yibo let him free, he could no longer stand and cling to Yibo. Yibo then hug him in bridal style, Zhan is mad and ashame but he is too tired to do anything. Yibo take him into his car. In the car, Yibo put Zhan's head to his chest.

"Could you hear my heartbeat, baby? I'm really sorry, I didn't meant to hurt you. I was just kidding and I plan to help myself. I want to get out because I can't stand seeing you any longer. I might 'eat' you right there if I stay longer. I'm so so so so sorry. I promise to never make you cry yet I make you cry the moment I meet you, I'm sorry", Yibo.

Zhan wiped his eyes and look at Yibo, "No, I'm sorry. It's my fault"

"How could it be yours when I'm the one who did something bad just now? It's my fault no matter how you see it", Yibo.

"I love you so much and I shouldn't push my husband away when he is this hard. It's my fault too, we can do it here if you want", Zhan.

"Would you be okay doing 'that' in car? I can find us a room you know", Yibo.

"It's fine, there's less passerby at this hour. And isn't your car's tinted is dark enough", Zhan.
[Use your imagination, feel free to imagine anything but not too wild]

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