The Truth

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When Xiao Zhan see that the fight is far from the end. He pull Yibo's hand and told him to stop fighting, but Yibo don't listen to him. He got no choice other than told Zhoucheng the truth. But before that, he need to take their attention first. He don't know about Zhoucheng but he knew how to take Yibo's attention.

Zhan hold the end of Yibo's t-shirt and begin to cry. As expected, Yibo stop fighting and look at Zhan.

"Hey, why are you crying? Don't cry, are you hurt or something?", Yibo look concern about him.

"Yeah, you hurt me", Zhan said it while crying.

"I did what? When? Did I hit you just now?", Yibo start to feel guilty.

"No, it's worse. You don't care about me anymore. You don't listen to me", Zhan said it with half shout, then continue to cry. It make Yibo feel bad. He can't stand it anymore. He hug Zhan and pat his back to sooth him.

"I'm sorry, I won't do it anymore. Didn't I already stop fighting?" Yibo said it while patting him.

"Don't fight anymore or you'll sleep outside tonight", Zhan.

"I promise you not, baby", Yibo. Zhan feel assured when Yibo call him like that.

"You're a bad husband, bad!", Zhan hit Yibo's chest when he said this.

"Okay, okay, I'm a bad husband. But my wife is a good boy, right? Good boy don't cry. Stop crying okay?, Yibo.

"Hmmm", Zhan wipes his tear and hold his voice to stop crying. He hugs Yibo to prevent him from continue to fight Zhoucheng.

Zhoucheng was at lost and he feels like a third wheel who witness a couple fighting. He also never see this side of Xiao Zhan, it almost as if he is not the one he known before. Xiao Zhan that he know is cheerful, didn't cry easily, matured and cute. He is still cute but the other criterias are the opposite of it. He need some times to precess it.

After Zhan has come down, Yibo pull the other chair so that Zhan will sit close to him. Yibo also offer Zhoucheng to have a sit again.

"Mmm... So, can anyone explain it to me what happened just now?", Cheng.

"What do you meant by that? I don't get it, which one?", Yibo.

"Wow, your personality change drastically. Do you hate me that much?", Cheng.

"No, it's his nature. His nickname is icy prince for a reason", Zhan said it happily.

"Okay, you're happy for that fact, huh?" Cheng look at him with a different expression.

"Yes, because aside from his family, he only smile brightly to me. Right, bobo?", Zhan hug Yibo's hand and look at Yibo's face.

"Yes, only for you baby", Yibo smile while answering that. After hearing that, Zhan feel shy and bury his face in Yibo's shoulder. Yibo keep smiling and pat Zhan's head.

"Alright, I got it. You guys are partners. No need to be so lovey dovey here", Cheng make a disgusted look. "Never knew Xiao Zhan would have this cute side too", add him.

"Well, I only show it my family", Zhan.

"Family? Is he your family?", Cheng point his finger to Yibo.

Yibo brush off Cheng's hand that point to his face. He then reply, "Not yet, but soon".

"You are so confident. Are you sure you can be his family?", Cheng.

"Why not, both of our parents give their bless already. So, it's not impossible. Marriage between men and men is legal in some countries. So we can get marry there if we want to be official. By then, we can adopt a child if we want a child one day. That will make us a family, right?", Yibo.

"Your parents give their bless? When? How?", Zhan.

"Did I not told you about this? It's long enough, I told them about us during our 6 months. I'm sure you're the one, so I told them. They already know I'm a gay when I'm a high schooler anyway. So, it's not that hard", Yibo.

"Look like I really don't have a chance", Cheng.

"Not even a tiny chance, bro", Yibo.

*Zhan's house*

"Mom, dad. Can I talk to you after dinner? I've something serious to discuss with you guys", Yibo.

"What matter? You can say it now. I'm listening", Dad.

"I think it's better for me to say it after this. In my family, make noise while eating is forbidden", Yibo.

"Your family must be a strict one. That's why you're wearing a stern face everytime, huh?", Mom. She was just kidding and apologize right away while Yibo said it's fine and keep on eating.

After dinner, Yibo ask Zhan to go to his room first because it's a very serious matter and it's better if he didn't know about it. Zhan want to stay but after being coax, he go to his room and told Yibo to make it fast. After Zhan gone, he told Zhan's parents that he is serious with their relationship and want to take another step. He knew that Zhan parents are accepting their relationship but he want to said it officially to his parents. He proposes that he'll get married with Zhan 5 years later. He got an offer to be a dance mentor in an international show few days ago. So, after he settle down everything, he will make Xiao Zhan his wife. He planned to open a dancing class around this area, so that both of them can live together and Zhan can still be the bakery's manager as usual and meet his parents often.

After seeing his affords, Zhan's parents give him their bless. He knew that they really love each other and can't be separated. They also saw how good Yibo treats Zhan. They can't oppose him, especially when he already planned everything ahead. Something might be not following the plan but it shown how much Yibo love Zhan and how serious he is to make Zhan as him.

"You got our bless, but how about your parents? Can they accept this marriage?", Dad ask with a serious face.

"I'm sure they gonna accept it. They already know about my sexuality and my partner. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I live here, they're always going out of station since I'm child anyway", Yibo looks confident when answering the question just now.

"Are you sure?", Dad.

"Yes, sir. Do you want me to prove it?", Yibo. Zhan's dad was stunned, he just act cool and wanna test him. He didn't know that Yibo would take it seriously. It's better than not, right.

"Mmm... it's fine. But can you give me their personal information? I'll confirm it myself", Dad.

"Sure, give me your phone", Yibo reach out his hand right after he said those words. Zhan's dad have no other choice but to give it to him.

When Yibo is typing, he realized that he is not saving Zhan's Dad's or Mom's phone number either.

"I save their number as Mr Wang and Mrs Wang", Yibo.

"Okay... can I get my phone back?", Dad asks.

"Before that, can I get your phone number too?", Yibo.

"Yeah, sure", Dad. After hearing this reply, Yibo call himself through Zhan's Dad phone immediately and save it as DAD.

"Here's your phone, dad", Yibo hand the phone back to it's owner. "You can save my number as anything you like, I don't mind at all", Yibo said with a smile.

"Bobo! Are you done yet?!", Zhan shout from upstairs. All three of them look at the stairs but no one is there.

Zhan's mom have a short laugh and said, "Zhanzhan is really obeying you. He is not even come down here. I think you should go now, there's nothing else, right?".

"Yes, you're right. I should be going now. But, please keep my plan as a secret. Zhan can't know about it", Yibo look at both of Mr and Mrs Xiao.

"Alright, we'll keep it save", Dad.

"Thanks. Good night", Yibo. He salutes Zhan's parents and went upstairs right away when Zhan call him one more time.

"Yes... coming", Yibo said to Zhan.

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