Bonus 3 (New Child)

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Xiao Zhan has been notices that his husband has something on his mind. So, he decided to take the initiative to ask him first.

"Husband, do you have a problem? You look so restless since yesterday", Zhan.

"Huh? Uh- no. I don't have a problem", Yibo.

Zhan walk closer to Yibo and put his hands around Yibo's neck. He ask Yibo again with a low voice, "Husband, do you have a problem? You can tell me anything. Maybe I can't help you, but at least you'll feel relax a little, right?".

Yibo put his hands around Zhan's waist and look at Zhan's face. "Wifey, why are you so cute", Zhan has a little laugh. Yibo then add, "Wifey, it's not me who have a problem, but Yubin. I have something to ask you".

"Yubin? What happened?", Zhan.

"He called me yesterday. He ask me a favor, so I need your words on this. It's a big problem", Yibo.

"Why is my desicion matter? He ask your help, not me", Zhan.

"Yes, but it related to you", Yibo.

"What? I don't get it. Tell me properly", Zhan.

"Alright, alright. You know what happens to Yubin nowadays right?", Yibo.

"Yes, I know. I felt sorry for him. What is his problem this time? Is it his niece?", Zhan.

"You can say it like that. It's not that she's being unwell or what. The thing is, Yubin's fiance doesn't like his niece. So, he ask us if we can help him taking care of her", Yibo.

"What's wrong with this girl? Wen Qin is still a baby, what's wrong with taking care of her? Wouldn't she be a mom later", Zhan is so angry with that girl behavior. Zhan never meet that girl in person but Yubin is like a brother to him.

"Baby, calm down", Yibo hug Zhan and pat his back to make him relax. After Zhab has calm down, Yibo make them to sit on their bed.

"Baby, do you want to have a daughter?", Yibo ask in a serious tone.

Zhan look at him in suprise. "Do you want more child, husband? I mean, it's not impossible to have more but asking for a daughter... We can't choose the baby's gender", Zhan.

"I don't meant like that, baby. If you want a daughter, we can adopt Wen Qin as our daughter. Yubin actually ask me to adopt her but I can't give my final answer yet. I need your desicion on this", Yibo.

"He told us to adopt his niece? For real?", Zhan. He somehow can't believe it.

"Yes, he said it's better to leave her with us than strangers. He said that you're a good mom, so he's sure that Wen Qin will be happier with us", Yibo stop for a while and hold Zhan's hand. "So, what do you say? Should we? If you don't want to, then I'll not force you", he added.

"It's not that I don't want to. I'm just shock with the fact. Can we raise her? Will she like us?", Zhan.

"She will, she is still a baby. If we treat her well, she will recognize us her parents naturally", Yibo try to calm Zhan down.

"If you said that, then I think we can", Zhan.

"Really? Do you think you can raise other people's child as your own?", Yibo.

"I think I can. I always want a daughter, do you know how hard for me to deal with our sons? I want to bake, cook, shopping and others with my children but they never want to. They only want to play", Zhan.

"Are you pouting just now? You're sulking with your sons? Hahaha", Yibo is laughing freely until Zhan pich his arm. "Ouch, okay, sorry sorry", Yibo.

Zhan is pouting right now. Yibo find him amusing and kiss him.

"Hmmm... Husband, when can I meet her?", Zhan.

"Are you that excited, baby? What do you want to do if you meet her?", Yibo.

"I want to take her to go shopping. You?", Zhan.

"Haih, you really are a mom, go to shopping once you meet your daughter. Do you have enough money?", Yibo.

"What's wrong with shopping? She need a beauty clothes too. Do you think I don't have money? I have a walking bank with me", Zhan.

"You said that I'm your walking bank? I thought you love me, you just over my money. Buhuu", Yibo.

"Haih, of course I love you. You're my husband, I love everything about you", Zhan.

"I'm just kidding, baby. I'll buy anything you want, that's my responsibility as a husband and father, right. I love you, baby", Yibo smile and kiss him.

Zhan kiss him back, "Love you too".

After their mouths separated, there's something in Zhan's head. So, he ask Yibo right away, "Husband, will Wen Qin change her surname to yours later?".

"Supposed to be. You change yours to mine, so she can't has your surname", Yibo.

"I don't meant like that. I was just curious if she will keep her surname or not", Zhan.

"She is going to be our daughter soon. So, she must have our surname. So, no one will questioning her. I'll take care of everything, don't worry about it, okay", Yibo.

At late evening, Yibo told his sons that they will have a younger sister soon. They're so suprises with that sudden news.

"Mama is pregnant again?", Sizhui.

"No, mama is not pregnant. We will adopt uncle Yubin's niece. She lost his parents, so we'll be his new parents. Treat your sister well, okay", Zhan.

"Yes, mama. Sizhui is a good gege. Right, Yuan?", Sizhui.

"Yes. Gege is the best", Yuan.

"I'm glad that you can accept this fact very calm and happily", Yibo.

"Papa, how old is she? Is she a baby? Because she is younger than Yuan", Sizhui.

"Yes, she is a baby. Her name is Qin and she is 1 year and a half. She can barely speak and she can't walk yet", Yibo.

"Oh, where will she sleep? We only have 3 bedrooms", Sizhui.

"How about you choose. Do you want to sleep with Yuan or you want to give up your playing room?", Yibo.

After Sizhui being thinking for a while, he decided to let Yuan move to his room. He then convince Yuan to move because he doesn't want a room where they play, painting and drawing together being remove.

Yibo and Zhan was smile happily that because of how Sizhui reacting. Yibo then pat Sizhui's shoulder as if he is coaxing him after Yuan didn't want to move to his room.

"Sizhui is so big now, you can make your own decision. I'm proud of you. You don't need to move, Yuan too. Baby Qin will sleep with us for a time being", Yibo.

"Really?! Oh thank Goodness", Sizhui.


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