New Workers

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*10 months later*
**At Yizhan House**

"Husband, the breakfast is ready", Zhan called Yibo from the kitchen. When Yibo shown up, he ask weither sizhui (their son) is up or not. Yibo said no and then both of them start enjoying their breakfast.

"Ewek ewek ewek", Sizhui crying loudly.

Zhan go to the baby's room and take Sizhui to the kitchen. Once, he arrived at the kitchen, he take Sizhui's milk and let him drink. He usually pump his breast milk early in the morning, before cooking. Yes, they do have a maid but she was assigned to do all house chores except cooking and prepare their clothes, especially Yibo's working clothes. Zhan want to do at least this two works.

After Yibo finish his breakfast, he help feeding Zhan. "Husband, can we go to my bakery later?", Zhan ask politely.

"Sure, baby. But, can we go there after I finished my class?", Yibo. Now, he has another teacher to teach dance. So they take turn of the shift every week. This week, Yibo need to teach in the morning.

"Okay", Zhan answer with a smile.

*That evening*
**Sweet Xiao Bakery**

Three of them (Yibo, Zhan, Sizhui) going to the bakery as they planned. Then, Zhan see a new faces there. Before this, he only have one staff, Song Lan. 2 months before his delivery, he told Song Lan to find another workers to help him around the bakery because he can't going there as often anymore. Due to his weak body, well he is almost in 8 months pregnancy at that time. So Yibo want him to stay at home. Zhan let Song Lan manage the bakery, because he believes that Song Lan is a good guy while he will supervises their works and progress by reviewing Song Lan's weekly reports. This two new staffs, Jiang Yi and Jiang Li never meet Xiao Zhan before.

Jiang Li greet them as soon as she saw them walking into the bakery. Zhan smile at her sweetly while Yibo still wearing his stern face. Jiang Li look kinda scared of Yibo, so he only focus on Zhan. She asks him if he need any help while holding a tray.

Zhan look around the cafe, he took the tray and look at every cakes, breads and pastries in detail. He pick a few items but not pay for it. Jing Li told him that he need to pay for it first before eating them but Zhan said, "Don't worry, I'll pay later. Wait, do I need to pay? I don't know, I never eat anything from here. Should I pay for it, husband?".

"I don't know, ask the manager. Wait, where is he?", Yibo said that and try to search for him.

"Oh, he has small business at the back", Jiang Li.

"What business does he has? Call him right now", Yibo said with an annoying face but he didn't raise his voice.

"Husband, don't mad. You will ...", Zhan's word being cut off when Song Lan come up. Song Lan greet Yibo as polite as before but he still doesn't dare to look straight at him.

"Song Lan, I have a question. Do I have to pay for the items I take just now?", Zhan asked.

"Are you being serious, sir?", Song Lan was confused a little.

"Of course I am. I never eat something from this bakery before. So I kinda curious about it", Zhan.

"Oh, yeah. You always eat healthy foods for break. By the way, you don't need to pay, sir. Enjoy your meal", Song Lan.

"Thanks. So, I'll go to the table first. I'll call you later, okay?", Zhan.

"Yes sir", Song Lan.

"Hey, why did he doesn't need to pay? Who is he? I don't care who he is, how high is his ranking, he still need to pay", Jiang Yi.

"Yes, I agree. He looks nice but he act so arrogant suddenly", Jiang Li

"Girls, I wanna ask something. If the boss of this bakery want to eat something from here, does he need to pay?", Song Lan.

"I think no. It doesn't matter if he pay or not, the money still going to be into his pocket", Jiang Yi.

"So your answer is NO, right? What about you, Jiang Li?", Song Lan.

"No, why should he pay for it. This is his bakery", Jiang Li.

"There you go. Do you get it?", Song Lan.

"So, he is the boss?! For real?", Jiang Yi.

"Yes. His personality is completely different from his husband.  His husband is so scary. I still don't dare to look straight at him after our first meet", Song Lan.

"Why? Spill the tea", Jiang Li and Jiang Yi ask in harmony.

"Forget it. It's too horrible to say", Song Lan.

Meanwhile, at the table, Yibo hold Sizhui while Zhan is busy eating. Zhan took a picture before he eat and he'll write a little after he take one or two bites of every item. In the middle of tasting, he look at Yibo and asked.

"Why don't you eat anything? Tell me what you want", Zhan.

"Hidden Secret", Yibo only said this two words but he manage to make Zhan laugh.

"Hahaha, of course there's none of it. Only me can do it", Zhan.

"Then make it for me. I'm hungry", Yibo.

"But I'm not finish yet. Eat this chocolate bread first, it's not too sweet", Zhan bring the chocolate bread to Yibo's mouth but Yibo turn the other way, "NO".

Yibo put the bread down and hold Zhan's hand. He make a cute face and use his puppy eyes. "I want it now. Please... My wife's creation is great. Make it for me please... Can you? Don't you feel bad for your husband? He is hungry and miss the taste of Hidden Secret", Yibo.

"Aish, fine. Let me have a look", Zhan can't stand his cute face and agree to it. He walk to Song Lan, saying that he is going to use the kitchen. He then did his work as a chef.

On the other side, the staffs are shocking with Yibo's cute action. For a second, they thought that he is cute but after Zhan is in the kitchen, he make that scary face again.

"Yep, this is the icy prince that I know", Song Lan.

"Icy prince? You act like a scared cat but you dare to give him a nickname", Jiang Yi.

Song Lan look at her and said, "I'm not the one who give it. It's been his top nickname since university. He has a cold personality like an ice and almost as rich as a prince".

"Wow, you know a lot. Are you his friend?", Jiang Li.

"Me? His friend? Obviously not. Mr Zhan told me about it. Do you know that everyone was shock when he told about their relationship? I know how it feels. On our first time meeting, he was mad and yell at me but he changes 360° after he see our boss. Who would have known  that they have been a couple for 7 years at that time", Song Lan.

"7 years?!", Jiang Yi voice is loud this time. Yibo could even heard that.

"What are you guys doing there? Gossiping? Don't you have work to do? If you don't, go and help my wife. What kind of rude staffs are you", Yibo. He yell a bit which disturbing Sizhui's sleep. He wake up and crying, he try to calm him but fail. Jiang Li want to help but being yelled, he never let anyone besides his family touch Sizhui, not even the maid. Zhan come out from the kitchen after awhile and take Sizhui from Yibo's arms.

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