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The final exam was finished and Zhan is packing his clothes. Suddenly, someone knock his door as asking a permission to get inside.

"Who is it? Come in, the door is not lock"

Yibo come in as he said the words. He bring two set of lunch meals for them and put it on the study table. Then he turn to Zhan and ask a few questions.

"Do you need my help? Anything else?"

"Oh, no thanks. It almost done by the way"

"Okay, come get it (foods) when you're done with it. I'll wait for you"

"Alright, I'll be fast"

After they done eating, both of them sit on the bed together. Zhan is in Yibo's arm position, then they having a normal conversation between partners.

"You will be leaving tomorrow, right? How are you gonna be there?"

"I'll just take a bus. It's not that far since my hometown is in Chingqing too. It will just take 1 hour and half by bus"

Even though Zhan answer it with a smile on his face, Yibo know that he is sad right now. Both of them have been together for a year now, it must be sad to not having each other around.

"Bao bao, do you mind if I sleep over at your house tomorrow?"

"Huh?! Sleep over? Are you for real? It took more than 10 hours from Chongqing to Hunan. And you wanna go to my house? When will you be at your house?"

"You don't want me to go to your house, baby? I never been there"

"It's not that I don't want to. I just care about you. You will be driving for more than 12 hours if you do so"

"I'm fine with it. Will you let me sleep over? It's make me sad to send you off, I prefer to send you home myself. I can meet my in-laws too, right?"

Zhan let out a sigh. "Fine, if you're insist. But don't blame me afterward"

"I'm sure not, baby. Thanks". Yibo kiss Zhan's cheek and hug him tighter.

**Xiao Zhan's house**

"Mama! Papa! Zhanzhan is back!". Xiao Zhan shouting right after Yibo park his car in front of the house.

Yibo watch his boyfriend as a child who is so excited to meet his parents. Yibo know this childish side of Xiao Zhan so he doesn't care much. When Xiao Zhan greet his parents, Yibo take out Xiao Zhan's belonging from his car's boot and his normal size of bag pack. His dad who notice Yibo then ask Xiao Zhan who is the handsome man at the car, he can't be a driver.

"Oh, yes. I forgot to introduce him. He is Wang Yibo, a close friend of mine in university. He want to sleep here tonight, can he? Sorry, I forgot to tell you this yesterday"

Zhan's father, "Sure, he is your friend but we haven't prepare anything for him"

Yibo smile brightly after he got the permission, but he has another request. "It's fine, uncle. You don't need to treat me special. But... Can I ask a permission to sleep in Xiao Zhan's room?"

"Huh?!", All three of Xiaos suprise with the request.

"Oh, what I meant is if you haven't prepare a bed in guest's room, I can sleep with Xiao Zhan. Beside, we have sleep over at each other's room before. So, I'm fine sharing a room with him. Is it okay, zhanzhan?"

"Yeah, I wanna sleep with you too". Xiao Zhan immediately realize his words and his parents are look at him. "Ehem, no, I meant, I'm fine with sharing my bed. We're a close friends anyway".

Imagine this is them that night

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Imagine this is them that night

**Tomorrow Morning**

Yibo has wake up and brush his teeth. Then he wake his boy up, "Zhanzhan, wake up" "Ermm..." But Xiao Zhan is still sleepy.

"Wake up baby, it's morning already. Baby, I'm going back today" "Ermm... 5 mins..."

"Alright, I give you 5 more mins. I'm going outside first", Yibo kiss Zhan's in his forehead and left the room. Xiao zhan wake up a few minutes later and didn't see any of Yibo's belonging. He remembered that Yibo will going home today. He grab his phone quickly and give him a call.

Yibo look at his phone but reject the call after a few seconds. He finally answered it at the third call.

"Bobo... Where are you right now? Why don't you wait until I wake up? Huhuhu... You're bad"

"Hey, calm down. I'm not going yet, don't cry. Sorry but I can't talk now"

"Why are you whispering? Talk to me". Yibo ended the call and Xiao Zhan continue crying in his room. Suddenly, someone open the door. He thought that it's his mom, so he wipe his tears right away. After he see who the person is, he immediately hugging him.

Yibo stroke his back to calm him down for awhile. After he feels like Xiao Zhan has calm down, he release his hugging and drag him to sit on the bed.

"Baby, why are you crying? It make me sad to leave you"

"Where are you just now? Why you hang me out? Why you didn't talk to me?

"Baby... I'm just at the kitchen, having breakfast with your parents"

"Breakfast? With my parents?? Where's your bag?"

"Oh, I put it in my car already. I'm actually waiting for you down there. I'll never going home before you wake up"

"You're bad, Bobo. You should stay with me until I wake up. You scared me"

"Okay², I'm a bad boyfriend. I'm sorry but now... You should wash your face and brush your teeth. I'll tidy up the bed"

After that, they go to the kitchen together. After Yibo finish his breakfast, he has a secret conversation with Zhan's dad before he going home.
Yes, both of them alone. Are you curious about their conversation? Don't think too much, honey.

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