Bonus 1 (Pregnant?)

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Zhan is in his last trimester now. So, his belly is three times bigger than his normal skinny body. Sizhui is curious about it as well. So, one day, when Zhan and Sizhui are playing together, Sizhui asks it out of his curiosity.

"Mama, why is mama's belly is big? You didn't eat much", Sizhui.

"Mama is pregnant, not fat", Zhan.

"Pregnant? What is that?", Sizhui. He only 2 and a half years old, he is too young to understand that word.

"It means, mama has a baby in here", Zhan said it while touching his belly.

"Baby? How did the baby get in there?", Sizhui.

"God give it to us. Because Sizhui is a good boy, always listen to mama and papa, God want to give you a present. So, God give you didi, so that you have a friend to play with", Zhan.

"Ooo, so it is because I'm a good boy", Sizhui.

"Yes. Do you happy to get a younger brother?", Zhan.

"Like, I like", Sizhui. After playing for a while, he ask again, "Mama, when will the baby come out. I want to play with him"

Zhan look at him and answer with a smily face, "You need to wait for another three months to play with him"

"It's so long. Why I need to wait that long?", Sizhui

"Because he is too weak and tiny now. He is still growing, he will come out when he is strong enough", Zhan.

"He is growing? What did he eat?", Sizhui.

"He eat what I'm eating. My belly is getting bigger because he is getting bigger too", Zhan.

"Wow, he is really growing. But mama eat so little. Mama need to eat more, so he can eat more and become stronger too", Sizhui.

"Yes, yes. Sizhui is really smart and caring. He must be happy to have a brother like you", Zhan.

Sizhui is giggling, he is shy when Zhan praise him like that.

*A few hours later*

Yibo come home and greet Sizhui who is watching television in the living room.

"Sizhui, what did you ask mama to make this time?", Yibo. He smells something delicious and he is 100% sure that Zhan is baking right now.

Sizhui shake his head and answered, "I'm not, mama make it himself".

Yibo nodded and go to the kitchen. He greet Zhan and give him a peck on his cheek. "What are you doing, baby?", Yibo.

"Carrot cake", Zhan.

"Out of the blue? Are you craving for it, bunny?", Yibo.

"No... I just want to eat it", Zhan.

"Okay². I'll go and take a bath first okay", Yibo.

"Hmmm", Zhan.

Yibo going out from the kitchen and ask Sizhui if he want to take a bath together. Sizhui nodded and come towards Yibo after he switched off the television. During the bathing time, Sizhui told Yibo about those things Zhan told him earlier.

"Papa, papa, I'm a good boy, right?", Sizhui.

"Huh? Uh, yes. Sizhui is a good boy", Yibo.

"So, mama is telling me the true. I'm a good boy, God give me a brother to play with later", Sizhui.

"What? Mama said that?", Yibo. He was confused, he never see that's coming. Well, he is Wang Zhan (Xiao Zhan's surname changed to Wang after their marriage) after all, so he manage to create a fake story like that.

"Uh-huh, mama said that. He said God give me a present for being a good boy and listen to you. God give the baby as my friend but he is weak, he is growing in mama's belly now", Sizhui.

"Wow, Sizhui is so clever", Yibo.

"But... Papa, I want to ask", Sizhui.

"What?", Yibo.

"Why is the baby growing in mama's belly, not in papa? Papa is strong", Sizhui.

"Mama is special, I can't get pregnant", Yibo.

"Why not?", Sizhui.

"I'm a man. Man can't get pregnant", Yibo.

"But mama is man too", Sizhui.

Yibo forgot the fact that Zhan is a man too when he said this. "This is hard, how should I tell him Zhan is an Omega?", said Yibo in his heart. After thinking for a while, he said, "Sizhui, let's ask mama later. I don't know too".

Sizhui agreed to it. After the finish taking bath and wore their clothes, they went to the dining room together. Zhan is already there and just finish cut the carrot cake that he just bake.

Sizhui look at Yibo and Yibo give him a sign to ask Zhan himself. He nodded and asked Zhan.

"Mama, why is the baby growing in mama's and not papa? Papa eat more, so the baby can eat more", Sizhui.

Zhan laugh after he heard that. After he come back to his sense, he answered Sizhui's question calmly. "Papa eat more but God choose me because I'm special. Man can't get pregnant but I can. Mama is an Omega", Zhan.

"Omega?", Sizhui. This is a new term, he learn so much today.

"Omega is a man but he can get pregnant like woman. That's why I am a mom and not dad. Did you get it?", Zhan.

"Yes, Mama has a power. Mama can be a man and woman", Sizhui.

"Yes, you're right. That's why, only me can get pregnant", Zhan.

Sizhui is pleases with the answer. Later, he find that Zhan eat more than usual so he thinks that the baby must be stronger now. He is so excited to have a brother soon.

*After Dinner*
**In Yizhan's bedroom**

After dinner, they go to their room together and let Sizhui play with their maid. Sizhui is a big boy now, so Yibo let the maid play with him. Zhan and Yibo is sitting on their bed now.

"My baby Zhanzhan is good at telling story. I thought you will said that because you're a good wife", Yibo.

"Then, what if he ask me about you? Are you not a good dad?", Zhan.

"You're so good in this", Yibo. He then add, "I guess it because you're a baby. So, you understand him more".

Zhan pout his lips and look the other way. Yibo the hold both of his cheeks and kiss him.

"My wife is so cute, I love you the most", Yibo give Zhan a light kiss. He rub Zhan's belly and then he hold Zhan's hands. "Wifey, I love you so much. Thank you for being with me and bear my sons. I'm the luckiest guy in this world when you chose me", Yibo.

"No, I'm the luckiest one. You're so cold to others, no one want to be close to you but you're so warm when you approach me, I feels good. I'm glad that you can stand my childish behavior", Zhan.

"My wife is too cute, you're so charming and talented", Yibo. They're kissing for awhile before their mouths separate. Yibo kiss Zhan's forehead and hug him.


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