Chapter 1: The Hero's Begining

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Chapter 1: The Hero's Beginning

Izuku was running excitedly through town. From what he had heard there was something big going down at the Tatooin Station.

Dorumon's voice then came out of Izuku's phone. "Izuku are you sure about this? I wouldn't exactly call running towards a villain attack good risk management."

Gabumon's voice then followed. "We know you're brave, but sometimes it does no one good to be reckless."

Agumon then came for support. "Yeah, it's like eating too much without thinking about the stomach ache that you might get."

Impmon ever the devious one responded to that. "Says the one who loves to stuff his face." An obvious tease.

Izuku then responded to quiet them down. "Guys it'll be ok. There's probably a bunch of heroes there already, and I need to take notes."

Guilmon then said what they were all thinking. "Just be careful." His tone sounded tired and almost pleading.

Arriving at Tatooin Station, Izuku saw it. A large villain with a shark-shaped head. He seemed to be causing a bunch of collateral damage, but outside of that not much was going on. He had broken a part of a power line, but the construction themed Death Arms had arrived to catch it. Next was the firefighter themed hero Backdraft, who had created a line of water to keep the civilians out of the way.

Tons of praise from the watching public poured in for the two heroes, and some were practically mocking the villain. Next on the scene to receive praise was the wood clad knight Kamui Woods. He had arrived and began engaging the villain.

Izuku had wormed his way to the front of the crowd with his eyes wide with excitement.

Kamui Woods easily avoided the villain's attacks until landing on the top of an entrance tunnel. He then outstretched his arm in preparation of his special move.

In the excitement Izuku yelled out it's name with the hero. "Pre-emptive binding Lacquered Chain Prison!" The wood from Kamui's arm rushed towards the villain.

But before it could land a new voice echoed in the surrounding area. "Canyon Cannon!" The voice of a woman rang out, as a large woman who was over 60 feet tall kicked the villain through the station.

This left Kamui Woods standing there with a half finished attack, and a bunch of paparazzi coming in to take as many pictures as they could of the new heroine. Said heroine then introduced herself as "the world's next hottest hero" Mt. Lady.

Izuku then took out his notebook, and began to mumble to himself while taking notes. An older man who had been standing next to Izuku in the front of the crowd noticed this and asked him an important question.

"Wanna be a hero too, huh?" The man asked as if he already knew the answer.

Izuku then smiled at him with surety. "Yes! More than anything!" And he had friends by his side to help him.

*A few minutes later at Aldera Junior High...*

In class the teacher stood at the podium with a serious look. "So. As third-year students, it's time to start thinking seriously about your futures, and what you want to do with your lives. I could pass out some career aptitude tests, but why bother?" He picked up the papers from his desk, and threw them all to the side with a smile on his face. "I know you all want to go to the hero track!"

As he said this many of the students began to show off their quirks. The only exceptions being Bakugo who just looked down quietly, and Izuku who just raised his hand with an awkward smile.

The teacher then told them all to stop as power usage wasn't allowed in school.

Katsuki Bakugo then stole the show with words alone. "Hey, teach! Don't lump me in with these buncha losers. I'm the real deal, but these guys'll be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some D-Lister."

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