Chapter 7: United I Stand

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Chapter 7: United I Stand

Now it was as if the world stood still. Eyes looked upon a new savior clad in black armor.

Izuku and MetalGreymon were in awe of this new power.

The villains had found themselves shocked beneath it.

The focus was all on Alphamon.

There was one who felt something else though.

Tomura Shigiraki felt rage coursing through his whole body. While he scratched his neck intensely a round bead bracelet on his right arm glowed orange. "Damn you! Just because you can it him in half doesn't mean Nomu's done!"

Alphamon did not answer. Instead he turned to look at what was left of Nomu's body.

Shigiraki wasn't lying. Nomu's top half was already starting to regenerate.

Alphamon wouldn't allow that. He put his hand in front of him, and a green circle appeared in front of his palm. "Soul Digitalization." Orbs of light then shot out and crashed into Nomu destroying it's body further and creating a small crater. Alphamon then turned to the villain. "I think that's enough to slow him down." He was surprised to see Shigiraki's hand right in his face.

Kurogiri had warped Shigiraki's arm to Alphamon to surprise him, and that seemed to satisfy the villain. He had a crazed smile, as his fingers touched Alphamon's head. "Now you die!"

Izuku didn't know what that meant, but he was scared that it may be Shigiraki's quirk. He hadn't seen it, so he couldn't be sure.

MetalGarurumon was starting to stand, and looked to the Royal Knight. "Alphamon?"

Shigiraki was excited to see the knight crumble away, but nothing happened.

Alphamon was confused, but he wasn't gonna waste this chance, as he grabbed Shigiraki's left arm and crushed it in his hand.

Sigaraki felt the pain travel through his body. His arm was broken, and he was being pulled into the warp gate.

Alphamon had pulled Shigiraki, and aimed his own hand at the villain's face. The red piece on his in his palm then glowed green threatening to burst. "Surrender villain. You've lost."

Kurogiri was going to move to help Shigiraki, but he felt high winds swirling towards him, dispersing his wind and revealing an armor piece around his neck.

WarGreymon had returned, and used Great Tornado to find the villain's weakness, and when he did he slammed his Dramon Destroyer onto it. "Guess who's back!"

Kurogir was slammed to the ground, and he couldn't escape like this.

Shigiraki looked to his only way out, and then to the Nomu was.

Alphamon reassured him of something. "Don't worry. We have someone keeping an eye on him."

MetalGarurumon now stood ready to attack anything that would come from the crater Nomu resided in.

Shigiraki was still disturbed by one thing. "How are you immune to my quirk? I'm supposed to be able to disintegrate anything."

Alphamon was now curious about that too. "What about liquids?"

Shigiraki's eyes widened at the question.

Alphamon then continued. "I'm going to take that as a "yes". Unfortunately for you I'm not a solid object. I'm ones and zeros given form by energy. In simple terms I'm just a solid projection."

Shigiraki's anger was now being mixed with great confusion. "What are you?!"

Alphamon had an answer that came to him almost instinctively. "Royal Knights Designation 1: The Lord of The Empty Seat, Alphamon."

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