Chapter 10: How We Fight

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Chapter 10: How We Fight

In a large, almost empty space, six students walked in eager to ready themselves.

Izuku was in the front wearing his gym uniform and his digivice. He let out a sigh. "Man, we sure are lucky. Students from all over were booking training grounds faster than I thought they would. It's already been a week."

Yaoyorozu was behind in her gym uniform. "I suppose that's because of the Sports Festival."

Tokoyami walked beside her and nodded. "Yes. Everyone is trying to get stronger as fast as possible."

Iida came behind him, and swung his arm upward. "We should expect nothing less from the students of UA."

Uraraka walked beside him, and shared similar sentiments to Izuku. "Yeah, but that just shows how lucky we are, right?"

Tokoyami agreed to that. "Yes. We are lucky to have gained access to this space. We will use it to further progress our abilities."

That's when an obvious question came to Yaoyorozu. "Speaking of which. What is this place?"

Izuku was quick to answer. "Well since we're all gonna train together I figured that we'd need a special place since there were so many of us, so I looked throughout the school grounds to find the right place. This is the place I chose Gym Beta. It's one of the gym's made specifically with Cementoss' quirk in mind. The difference with the other one-" He then pointed at the bleachers at one end of the gym. "-is that there's a place to sit here."

Iida placed a hand on his chin in thought. "I see. I suppose the means you planned for us to do this in turns, yes?"

Izuku nodded. "Yep. And now that you mention it Iida. I thought you should go first."

Iida was a little surprised. Not only did Izuku take it upon himself to reserve a spot for them, but he also had a plan set for them. "You truly are a natural leader Midoriya."

Izuku was a little confused by that. "Huh?"

Yaoyorozu then explained. "I think he's referring to how you plan things out even when they don't have something to do with your knights."

Uraraka agreed. "Yeah. You're kinda like a big brother."

Tokoyami somewhat agreed. "You've taken the burden of leadership and ingrained it into your very being."

Izuku was caught a little off guard. "Wait, hold on. I don't. Well I guess I, but I'm."

Yaoyarozu giggled then tried to refocus the boy. "Come on class rep, let's get things started."

Izuku then came down to earth. "Right. Let's go."

Within the Digivice Impmon sighed. "Come on dude! Why is he still so nervous?"

Dorumon excused the boy with his own thoughts. "Remember Impmon, he practically raised us. He's used to being confident around things he knows inside and out."

Veemon then pointed out what was important. "Hey at least he's got human friends now. I call that progress."

The students walked to the bleachers and while many took their seats, Izuku and Iida held back.

They left some distance between them and the others.

Iida found himself getting a little excited. "Well Midoriya, who have you chosen to be my opponent?"

Izuku had something to say first. "Hold on. I'd like to establish something first. Some knights will also view this as important training, so they'll start at the Champion level. If the training isn't really pushing either of you then there's no point."

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