Chapter 2: The Test of Tests

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Chapter 2: The Test of Tests

It had been almost ten months since Izuku met All Might, and started training his hardest. It had been absolute Hell for him. He forced himself to summon all his friends in their highest level to try and increase his own stamina. This has led him to eating a lot more, but not really gaining any weight. The digimon have been working hard too. Anytime Izuku could keep them out they'd use to train in a location they found to be fairly empty. Izuku wasn't ignoring his body either. When he wasn't training his quirk he was pushing his body. By the end everyone was stronger in some way.

Now Izuku stood in front of it. The shining gates of UA high, the school of his dreams. He was here and his friends were there for support. On the walk here he had even been mumbling to himself possible strategies depending on what the practical exam could be, and almost none of them were inclusive. Although they had their advantages he couldn't waste energy on Veemon or Impmon, so depending on the scenario he had four options, and still that there were so many possibilities. This was UA after all, the only thing he could predict was how unpredictable they were. Izuku held his phone tight with a determined look.

As Izuku slowly began to take his first step his side shot forward from the impact of something hitting against it. This "something" had been Bakugo tired of Izuku walking in front of him. Izuku swallowed, and continued his way forward determined. For about three more steps until tripping over ready to hit the floor with his face, and even dropping his phone.

He was ready to face the inevitable, he was a failure, and man, it is taking a while to hit the floor. Wait, why hasn't he hit the floor? This was when Izuku realized that he was suspended in midair.

He looked to his side to see a brunette girl smiling at him. "Sorry, I didn't want to use my quirk on you, but I thought you wouldn't mind." When she righted him, she put her finger tips together, and gravity seemed to return to him. "Welp, see you in there." She said and walked off to the school.

Izuku scrambled on the floor to get his phone, and once he did he looked back to the nice girl. He then got a dopey smile. "I just talked to a girl."

All the digimon spoke through his phone with a collective sigh. "No you didn't."

Ignoring them all, Izuku proceeded into the school and made his way into his dream.

*Hours Later...*

The written exam wasn't too bad, but he knew he could have done better. Now Izuku sat next to Bakugou in the auditorium. It was because of the school they went to, but Bakugo still didn't like it.

The explanation of this test was given by the Voice Hero: Present Mic. An eccentric man with hair to match. He kept trying to pump up the crowd, but was ultimately met with silence. As he explained, the rules seemed similar to a game. Find a robot, destroy it, and get points depending on which type you destroyed. One student called out that their papers had a fourth robot listed, but he was told it was more of an obstacle by the loud presenter, the student also called out Izuku's distracting mumbling which got him to be quiet for the rest of the presentation.

When it was over everyone was taken into different buses and sent to separate testing grounds. This was where Izuku breathed a sigh of relief, as Bakugo would not be sent to the same field as him. When they got off the bus Izuku was wearing a light green track suit with a hood. He figured that if he was gonna help his friends then something to help protect his eyes would be good.

He looked to the large door that would lead to the testing grounds, then down to his fellow examinees. He saw how much bigger some of them were, and that some had support gear way fancier than his phone, and how calm most of them were. He didn't understand how not a single one looked nervous. His eyes then landed on the nice girl from earlier. He began to walk to her thinking it would be a good idea to thank her.

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