Chapter One: Class 1-A

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Hiiiiiiii! Simping for another man I can't have and here we are🧍🏽‍♀️This story is going to be like MHA but also different. Happy reading!😊

I stood in the hallway, class 1-A not far from me. Principal Nezu asked me to help out with class 1-A. With All Might's retirement, he can't really help out and his main focus are Midoriya and Bakugo. Mainly Midoriya since One For All was passed down to him. I didn't understand why Nezu picked me of all people. I'm not a teacher type person. "They're an excellent class and you don't have to do much." Principal Nezu said with a smile. That furry bastard has his way with words and his cute little face is hard to say no to. "What're standing out here like a school girl on her first day for?" I jumped. I looked to see my best friend, Midnight in front of me. "Class 1-A is right there. Go. They'd don't bite. Although Bakugo might. He has a bit of a mouth on him but you'll get used to it." "See I can't deal with a kid like that." "Oh come on please? You already told Nezu you would. Do it for me." She batted her eyes. I sighed. She always does that to get her way. "Alright fine." She hugged me tightly, pressing her boobs against my face. She's taller than me even with heels. I'm used to her boobs in my face. "Now go get 'em tiger!" She said as she slapped my ass. "Midnight!" I scolded. "Oh please. You know you like it." She winked. I started walking. I knocked on the door before walking in. Everyone were in their seats and Aizawa was talking. "Ah here she is now. Everyone this is Icy Hot." Aizawa introduced. "Nice to meet you." The class greeted. "Hi I'm-" "You're Icy Hot! Your quirks are so cool. Fire, Ice, Healing, premonition, strength, and Speed! You helped All Might take down All For One. You've been in countless battles and always come out strong. You're the strongest female hero!" Midoriya muttered. He's the hero nerd. "Ugh shut up you damn nerd!" I heard. That was Bakugo Katsuki. Izuku Midoriya's long term friend, rival and bully. "Let him speak." I barked. "Don't get mad at Kacchan. He's always like this." Midoriya defended. I walked up to Bakugo. "Well I don't like it." Bakugo Scuffed. Principal Nezu already gave me a brief description of each kid with a photo. "You got something to say Katsuki?" I challenged. "Tch. You don't scare me." "You need to work out your anger issues." I pointed out. "Shut up you hybrid quirk bastard." Bakugo disrespected. "Kacchan be nice!" "Eh? Don't tell me what to do you nerd!" I covered his mouth and froze it with my hand. "Icy Hot. Don't do that with students." Aizawa scolded. I rolled my eyes. The ice broke off and he was growling. I laughed. "Look at her boobs. They're so perky. A perfect place to nap on." I looked to see Mineta drooling. Like full on drooling a River. Asui hung Mineta upside down. "Alright why don't you all introduce yourselves to Icy Hot." Aizawa said as I walked back to the front. He was already in a sleeping bag, falling asleep. "Aizawa!" I scolded. I kicked him. He was out cold. "I-It's okay Icy Hot. He doesn't get enough sleep. Principal Nezu is okay with this." Midoriya excused. This boy defends everyone. "I'm Iida Tenya. My hero name is Ingenium. I've inherited it from my older brother Tensei. My quirk is Engine. I'm the class rep. I like learning new things. Nice to meet you!" He introduced as his hand moved up and down like a robot. "Calm down. Are you a robot? Nice to meet you Iida. Who's next?" "My name is Midoriya Izuku! My quirk is-well's unknown. My hero name is Deku and I like Pork Cutlet Bowls." Midoriya introduced. I already know his quirk is One For All. All Might himself told me, the day he passed it on. I was the first person who knew. But Midoriya doesn't know yet. "I'm also a really big fan of heroes and their quirks.HowtheyalltakedownvilliansandworktogetherandIwriteitinmynotebookmyfavoriteheroisAllMightthenumberoneheroalthoughEndeavoristhenumberoneheronow." Midoriya muttered. "Shut up Deku!" Bakugo yelled. "Bakugo you shut up!" I yelled back. The class grew silent. "Huh? You wanna fight?!" He challenged. His hands started to become explosives. I threw ice at him, pinning him to the wall. The class laughed. "Get me down you damn multi quirk mutt!" "Anyone next?" "I'll go! My name is Ochaco Uraraka. My hero name is Uravity. My quirk is zero gravity. Everything I touch in front of me, has no gravity." "Oh can you float in the air and tape his mouth shut?" She nodded. She grabbed tape off the desk and floated towards Bakugo. She taped his mouth. "Ah much quieter. Anyone next?" "I'm Todoroki Shoto. My hero name is Shoto. My quirk is half fire and half ice as well. And I like Cold Soba." He said in a quiet soft tone. "Your father's Endeavor correct?" He nodded. I definitely knew that was a touchy topic. This kid was somber and depressed. I can tell he's mentally fucked. "My name is Asui Tsuyu. Please call me Tsu. My quirk is frog. I can do anything a frog does. My hero name is Froppy and I like Jello." She introduced followed by a ribbit. So cute. "I'm Mineta Minoru. My hero name is Grape Juice and my quirk is pop off. I can take these off my head and they can stick to anything and anyone. If I take off too much, I start bleeding. And I like-" "Mineta-Chan. You're thinking of something perverted again aren't you?" Tsu said as she walked past him. She sat down. "What? N-No I wasn't!" The introduction kept going but went by faster. "Alright everyone, we're having a school festival so think about what kind of event you want to come up with." Aizawa said as he left out with his sleeping bag. "Does he always do this?" I asked. Everyone nodded. "Alright so do you guys have any ideas?" I asked. "Icy Hot. Come with me." Aizawa said when he peaked his head back in. I followed and closed the door behind me. "Did you freeze Bakugo up there?" "Yes. He's very disrespectful." "I won't tell the Principal about this. Don't do it again." "But why are you sleeping in class when they need to learn?" "That's none of your concern." The bell rang, signaling for lunch. Aizawa disappeared into the crowd. I did not like that man. He's lazy. "Satō Sensei." I looked over to see Todoroki. "Yes?" I asked. "I've been wanting to ask you since I first saw you on TV. We have two of the same quirks. Are you my long lost sister?" "I-What? No." "Then are you my biological mother?" "Todoroki!" I breathed. "No. I'm not your mother. Or your sister. And we're not even the same skin shade. I'm darker than you." "That doesn't make you any different than me." This kid is so wholesome and dense at the same time. "I have four more quirks. Do you?" "No." "Then we're not related." "So you're saying if I had quirks just like you, then you'd be my mother?" This kid started to freak me out. "Shoto I did not sleep with your father. We're not related okay? You have a mother, a sister, and a brother who loves you. And by the looks of it, your father is trying to atone his sins. Now please go eat." Todoroki walked off. "What was all that about?" Midnight asked me. "Todoroki thinks that I'm his long lost older sister or his mom." "When are you going to tell him?" "Never. Endeavor and I promised to not tell him but this kid's sharp." I replied as I followed her to the teacher's lounge.
Idk what I'm doing with this story lmao this chapter went left already. I know Bakugo can get out of that easily, but he's up there for comedic streak😭

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