Chapter Three: Icy Hot and Eraserhead

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Hiiiiii!!! Ngl this story is now turning into an Endeavor story. Lmao Happy reading!😊

I went back to class after lunch. I watched them all train with class 1-B. "Satō. Let's get something to eat later." Aizawa abruptly said to me. "I refuse." I replied stubbornly. "Come on, we got off on the wrong foot." "No. You're a lazy teacher and let Bakugo do whatever he wants." "That's why we should have dinner together. Get to know each other. I have to report back to Principal Nezu by tomorrow morning." "Fine." I agreed. "So where's Eri?" I suddenly asked. "She's in the hospital, still recovering." "Poor girl. She doesn't have anybody. Overhaul put her grandfather in a coma." I sighed. "Come on. I'll take you to meet her." Aizawa walked off and I followed. We walked into the hospital and Aizawa knocked on Eri door. She smiled wide. "Mr. Aizawa!" She greeted. "Eri there's someone I want you to meet. This is Icy Hot. She's a hero like Deku and Lemillion." "You're a hero too?" She asked when we walked in. I nodded. "Yes. I save people just like they saved you. And I just met Deku today." I walked closer to her and got down on one knee. She was still sitting on her bed. I noticed the tiny horn on her head. My phone vibrated. I knew it was a text from Endeavor. About a few seconds later, he sent more texts. I stroked Eri's hair. "Has she visited the school?" I asked, looking at Eraserhead. "Once during the school festival." "I'll be right back Eri okay?" She nodded and I dragged Aizawa out. "So who will be raising her?" "She'll be with us at the school." "She can be with me. I'll take care of her. You can take care of her too." "You mean co parent?" "Well when you put it that way, yeah. She needs a stable mother and father figure. I'm only saying you because she's familiar with you and I doubt anybody else would do it between you and I." Aizawa sighed. "I'll see what I can do." I nodded and walked inside. "Eri would you like to stay with me?" She looked scared. "It's okay. She's nice." Aizawa said. "Okay!" Eri smiled wide. I've heard she's been smiling more after the school festival. I opened my arms and she jumped. I caught her. She should have a mother figure in her life. Her mom left her after Eri's quirk rewinded her father and killed him by accident. "Sensei. It's time to go." I heard Aizawa. "Alright we'll be here when you're released soon okay?" She nodded as I placed her on the bed. I waved and followed Aizawa. "So you want to be her parent? Considering how you were earlier, why the change of heart?" "What do you mean by that?" "I meant how you treated Bakugo." "Well that boy is out of control. Eri is a sweet innocent six year old girl. I would never do that to her. And I'm not as cold as you think I am." "Dinner's at six. Don't be late." He said once we reached the dorms and he went his separate way. My phone started vibrating again. The kids were in the lounge, chilling and talking. "What do you want?" I asked Enji. "Are you alone?" I sighed and walked back outside. "I am now. What's up? You never really contact me." "We're friends right?" "I don't know Enji. Are we?" "Don't be like that Icy Hot. Did he question you again?" "No Eraserhead took me to see Eri. We just got back and you called me. You know you should be more worried about fixing your broken family than bothering me." "I am. Meet me at the cafe." He said before hanging up. I sighed. I started walking. I wasn't sure what the hell Endeavor wanted. I walked inside of the cafe. It was easy to find him. I sat down. "Why are we here? And turn your flame off." "I wanted to talk to you." He said as he turned his flame off. "About?" "You were right twenty years ago and I should've listened to you. I know your premonition is never wrong. You saw me go down a dark path and abuse my family. I ended doing exactly what you saw. Once I realized I couldn't be greater than the number one hero, I forced it on my kids. Neither of them became a mixture of both fire and ice until you had Shoto. I abused him. Neglected my entire family, calling my other kids a failure. Touya is who he is because of me. Rei is a wonderful mother and wife but I drove her into madness. I've dumped everything onto Fuyumi as she has high hopes to bringing our family back together. Natsu hates me. He can't stand the sight of me. The doctors doesn't want me to see Rei. I can't face my family because I'm a coward. I completely broken my family right after I destroyed my relationship with you. Everyone hates me and I don't blame them. Shoto thinks I'm a great hero but as a father he can't forgive me right away. He wants to see how the future turns out. He's a kind boy. After everything I've done to him and he doesn't completely hate me. You probably hate me too, for abusing our Shoto." "I don't know him at all but I can tell he suffers PTSD from the trauma instilled in him. I don't like that at all. You're a terrible person. That's not the Enji I fell in love with back in our day. He would've never abused his family. I can't call him my son because I didn't raise him. I don't know why you wanted me to meet you here but I'm not the family you need to work on." "I know and I'm sorry. You tried to prevent me from going down a dark path but I was blinded by power hunger. I'm going to rebuild my family." "And how the hell are you going to turn Dabi back into Touya. He's so far gone." "I don't know but I'm not giving up on him. I'm not giving up on my family. I also wanted to give you this." Enji pulled out a small box and slid it over to me. I opened it, see my engagement ring. "You've kept this after all these years?" I asked completely shocked. "It was the only thing I had of you. Over time I completely forgot about it and I couldn't face the ring because I couldn't face you. When you gave me Shoto, I saw him in you and then I became possessed by power and I no longer saw you in him. I saw him as my pawn by the time he was five." I closed the box. "You abused him since he was five tears old?!" I hissed. I was a lot angrier than I should be. "I traumatized him and Touya the most. I wish I can take back the pain I caused." I looked at Enji. "You're pissing me off Todoroki." "You should be. I abused our son. You're his mother too." "I'm not his mother. Rei is his mother." "Icy Hot, Shoto is your son. And if he develops more quirks, we will tell him that you're his mother." "I want to hurt you so bad right now Todoroki." "You're feeling pain and anger towards me for hurting our son. You can't deny it." "Can you stop saying our son? If anything he is Rei's son. You don't deserve to call him your son. You're an abuser." I received a text. It was a strange number. But the text said it was Aizawa. That's right dinner. I gave the ring back. He placed the box in my hand. "I want you to keep it. You can do whatever you want with the ring. I'm going to become the Enji I used to be." "You can't. At least not to your family. I'll say it again, your eldest son is a deranged villain. Turn him back to Touya Todoroki and you're on the right track. Now if you don't mind, I have dinner with someone." I said as I got up. "With who?" "Aizawa." "You're going on a date with Eraserhead?" "God no. It's not a date." Endeavor followed me out of the cafe. He grabbed me. "I'm going to be the man you love." I pulled away. "I don't love you Enji. Focus on your family and stop being so affectionate with me. It's creepy. And we don't need the media think we're sneaking around." "I want you to be in Shoto's life." "I refuse." "Why?" "I'm not his mother. He has a loving mother. And I don't want to be tied to you. I'm done talking to you. I'll let you know if he has my quirks." I replied as I left. I needed to change. I walked into an available dorm I was currently staying in. I quickly showered and changed. There was a knock on the door. The door opened. "Come on." Said the man in a black turtleneck, black pants, grey cardigan and glasses. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail. "Who are you?" I asked. "Shota." "Eraserhead?" He nodded. "You cleaned up nice. Where's your binding cloth?" "I'm not going to wear it. Come on." I followed him out. I was wearing an oversized sweater over some leggings and heels. The students watched as we left. I got in the car. He pulled off. This man looked a lot different than earlier. The ride was silent. Thank goodness. I received a text from Midnight. "Hey boo! Haven't seen you since lunch. Everything alright?" I texted back. "Everything's good. Just been pretty busy, that's all." Aizawa pulled up and parked. I got out and followed him into the restaurant. "Table for two please." "Right this way." We followed. It was around six in the evening. Aizawa sat across from me. "This isn't a date." I pointed out. He nodded in agreement. The host set down two menus. Coffee looked good right now and I didn't get one with Endeavor. We both ended up ordering coffee to start off. It was complete awkward silence. Shortly afterwards, the host arrived with our coffee. She set the food menus down in front of us. "So...what do you think of UA and the students?" Aizawa asked as he rubbed the back of his neck with one hand, covering his coffee with the other. "UA is a really upscale prestigious school. The students are a mixture off everything. I guess that's what makes it entertaining. Iida seems like a great leader. I guess that's why he's class rep. I was keeping my eye out on Bakugo but it seems like I don't. He has no intentions of becoming a villain and I know he'll make a fine hero. Although I think he could use anger management. Todoroki seems depressed. Rightfully so considering who his father is. I feel bad for the poor kid. Yaoyorozu is pretty smart. No scratch that, she's a genius. With her intelligence, she'll be outsmarting all the villains. I can see her predicting villains next move before they know their next move just by putting one evidence together. They all have a promising future. You have a good group in your hands. They'll be outstanding heroes. And as for should get more sleep. You're quite judgmental." "We already got off on the wrong foot." "Ya think? I'm really close to telling Nezu no I'm not the candidate for this. I still don't think I am. I'm not a teacher type." "I think you'll make a fine teacher." "You know this isn't permanent right? He never specified why I'm doing this in the first place. Why the change of heart?" I threw back at him. "I don't see you as a bad person or unfit to be a teacher." I started drinking my coffee. My phone vibrated. It was Endeavor. I rolled my eyes. Why is he so needy lately? "Are you going to answer it?" "It's nothing important." I replied as I shut my phone off. I looked through the menu. It was so awkward. "You're not much of a talker are you?" I asked. "Not really. You?" "Nah. Only when it comes to Midnight." My mind started to envision something. "Are you okay?" "There's going to be an explosion. One mile from here. Multiple casualties. We have to go!" I said as I grabbed my phone. We got up and rushed out. "Aizawa how fast are you?" I asked. "Without my binding cloth, not fast." "Get on my back." He reluctantly got on and I took off in speed. "There's three guys. Fourth floor, tenth floor and first floor. We'll get your cloth." Just like that, we were in front of his dorm. I went into mine and changed. We came out at the same time. He got back on my back and I took off. "Tenth floor has a chameleon quirk, first floor has smoke screen quirk and fourth floor has melting quirk. He can melt anyone and anything he touches." I added followed by a detailed description of them. We arrived in front of the building and Aizawa got off. We rushed inside. The bomb was on the tenth floor. We split up as I took the stairs, rushing to tenth floor. I won't be able to see this villain due to their quirk but based off my premonition, I already know their moves. The bomb was set to take off in less than a minute. Pulling the fire alarm would be useless as the villains would easily slip out. I took off my heels. I neared the corner. Right on cue, something fell out of his pocket. I see so he is crawling on the left wall. I punched him and he fell. His camouflage disappeared. I gripped him up and rushed to the bomb. He was struggling but due to my strong grip, he can't escape. "Let me go you monstrous freak!" "Heard that before." I sarcastically said. I started to disarm the bomb as my vision saw. "How did you even know we're here?" "Shut up!" I kept the bomb with me as I ran with the criminal in my arm. "Slow down we're gonna die!" He screamed. I headed down to the first floor. I ran with him to the police station. "This guy planted a bomb. I disarmed it. Eraserhead is dealing with the other two. No casualties." I reported followed by the location of the building. I gave the bomb and the criminal to the chief of police. "Thank you Icy Hot. Send out a dispatch immediately, Woof." I nodded and took off. I went to the first floor. Aizawa had both tied together. "Good work. The police should be here soon." Aizawa was still using his quirk to stop the criminals from melting smoke screen to escape. The sirens came closer. I froze their hands, giving Aizawa a chance to blink. The police came inside and took them out. "One has a smoke screen quirk and that one can melt anything and anyone." I informed as I pointed. I walked out with Aizawa. "How's your eyes?" "Extremely dry." He said as he squeezed eye drops in. We started walking back. "I think there's something in my eye." "The eye drops didn't work?" I asked as I stopped. He shook his head no as he rubbed his eye. "Stop it before you irritate it. Let me see." I removed his hand and he tilted his head back. I couldn't see anything it was probably if the criminal used a smoke screen. I started to blow in his eye. I blew in both eyes. He blinked repeatedly and exhaled. "Better?" He nodded as he lowered his head. His face was inches from mine. "Eraserhead. Icy Hot." I knew that voice all too well. I closed my eyes. "Endeavor?" I heard Aizawa say. I opened my eyes. "Am I interrupting something?" Endeavor folded his arms. "No. He got smokescreen in his eyes from the criminal. We stopped a bomb from going off." I answered. "I need to talk to you." He said as he gripped my arm. "Get your hands off me!" He was escorting me away from Aizawa. Endeavor is a lot stronger than me. "Why didn't you answer my calls or texts?" "Why are you bothering me? Did somebody die? Did something happen to Shoto?" I asked. "No." "Then why did you-" "Do you have feelings for Eraserhead?" Enji suddenly asked. "What? God no." "Good." "And what if I did?" I challenged. "Nothing." He took a deep breath. "Rei's coming home." "Good for you." I flatly said. I really wanted to not be here with him. "Y/N..." "If you hurt her or any of your kids again, I will hunt you down. I don't care if I see it happening before you know it'll happen, I'm hunting you down. She's a good woman." "I know. I'm not going to hurt my family ever again." Enji finally let me go. He turned his flame off. He looked at me. I started searching his face. Too bad I'm not a mind reader. "You're holding back aren't you?" I asked. "No." "I know you Enji. I know when you're holding back whatever you want to say." He sighed. "Look after Shoto while he's in school." "So you want me to stalk your son?" "Our son." Enji corrected me. "You and Rei's son." "Y/N-" "Don't start Enji. You know he's not mine. He knows Rei as his mother and it'll stay that way whether he develops my quirks or not. I'm going back to U.A now." I started walking away. I heard as he left out a sigh.
Yup this story has officially went from Aizawa to Endeavor story.

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