Chapter Five: Todoroki Shoto

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Hiiiiiiiiii! I'm trying to be active again but it's hard lol. This will be a flashback of  Y/N. Happy reading!😊

Enji contacted me desperate. He filled me in on Rei can no longer have children and wanted me to be the candidate. After some convincing, I agreed to it. I'm currently carrying their fourth and final child. I strictly told him this is a one time thing and he needs to be happy that he has children. I don't know much about his wife Rei, but she seems sweet. A little stressed, granted she does have three children already. Touya the oldest, Fuyumi the second and only daughter, Natsuo the third and another one on the way. She's a housewife so I don't really get to spend time with her. But she brings the children along sometimes when I see the doctor. Enji talks about he's praying that this child can have both his and Rei's quirks. I can tell he sees him as his pawns. I get on Enji's ass when he says or implies that his other three are "failures." He also tries to come over often to check on me but I'm pretty much fine by myself. I haven't been with my best friend Nemuri since I started showing. I'll tell her after I give birth. I know she's encourage me to keep the baby solely because it's Enji's. I've been put on a leave and can't do any hero work. I'm bored out of my mind. There was a knock on the door. I don't expect company but it's probably Enji. "Coming!" I yelled as I struggled to get up. I walked to the door. I opened it. Sure enough, it was Enji. "What now?" I asked. "Just checking on you two." "We're fine." "Don't be like that." He hugged me. He does this to feel the baby kicking. And of course, the baby kicked. He chuckled. "Good to see you too." He placed his hand on my stomach. It's weird when he's this affectionate towards me knowing he's a married man. But I won't deny him from bonding with his child. I stepped back as he walked in. I can't lie, when I see him I kinda get attracted to him all over again. His height, his face, his big broad shoulders. "How's Rei and the kids?" "Rei's good." He avoided the children part. "Do you spend time with your children?" I pressed on. "Y/N stay out of this." "Enji those are kids. Your kids." "I know. Anyway how've been lately? You're due any day now." He changed the subject. "I've been in constant pain. My back hurts. My nipples hurt. My feet hurt. I can barely dress myself. My contractions hurt like hell." I complained. "You're almost there. Then our little perfect child will be born." "Don't start Enji. All of your children are perfect. Because they're born." "Did you eat yet?" He asked me. "I already had lunch." "I'm sure you're hungry again." "You can't cook Enji." "No but we can go to a restaurant." "No. The press will be all over it. They'll think of articles of you saying you had an affair and I'm your mistress. No, no, and hell no!" I sternly replied. Enji sighed. "You're Right. You look beautiful." "I look like an elephant and hippopotamus love child, shut up. I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Enji helped me up and I walked towards the bathroom. A gush of fluid hit the floor. Did I just pee on myself? I looked down as my hand was on the wall. I was standing in a puddle. "Uhhh-Enji?!" I screamed. I doubled over in pain and my body dropped. I heard his massive footsteps. "Couldn't make it to the bathroom? Don't worry I'll clean it up." "Enji it's time." "Time? It's noon." "Enji it's time!" Screamed. "Oh oh it's time! Here I got you! Can you stand?" I shook my head. My back had slid down the wall. Enji scooped me into his arms. He walked out of the long hallway and to the door. He opened it and placed me in his car. I was breathing heavily. I screamed as he pulled off. He was speeding towards the hospital. Our plan was for me to go in through the back entrance to be more discreet. Enji was on the phone. Probably to alert the nurses and doctors. I held my stomach as another contraction came. Each one was more painful than before. I felt as sweat dripped down my face. "You're gonna be okay. We're almost there. Just breathe." "Hurry up!" I shouted. The drive seemed like it was forever before we reached the hospital. Enji pulled up to the back entrance. A doctor and nurses were waiting for us with a wheelchair. Enji scooped me out and placed me in the wheelchair. They wheeled me in and into a private delivery room. The entire floor was private. Enji placed me on the bed. I grabbed his shirt. "Make it go away!" I cried. Enji took my hand that held his shirt. Enji helped me out of my pajamas and into a hospital gown. "You can do this Y/N. I'm going to go call Rei and let her know our baby is on their way." He walked out of the room. "Todoroki!" I screamed. The doctor checked my vitals. "Ms. Satō, I'm going to check to see your cervix. You need to be ten centimeters." I nodded as I breathed heavily. I heard as Enji came back. "You're at a three." She announced. "How long until she reached ten?" Enji asked. "Could be in a few hours. Could be tomorrow. Could be a day and a half from now." "Two days?!" I screeched. "Enji I can't do this. I won't last that long. T-The pain is excruciating. I feel like my whole body is on fire!" I whined. I started crying. Enji took my hand and pat my head. "I'm right here. Rei is coming with the kids and we'll be all with you." "Forty-eight hours Enji! That's impossible!" "We won't leave your side." Enji promised. Hours passed on. Rei showed up with their kids about two hours later. I've been in labor so far for sixteen hours. The kids were asleep. Rei was asleep. Enji was awake. My contraction stopped temporarily. "Get some sleep Enji. I know you're tired." I drowsily said. "I'll be fine." There was a knock on the door and the doctor came back. "Hi. I came back to check your cervix again." I nodded. I heard as she washed her hands and put a glove on. "You're at a five now." "Two centimeters?!" She nodded. In sixteen hours, I was only at a five. My contractions started again and I screamed in pain. Enji rushed to my side and held my hand. I squeezed it. "Get this thing out of me already!" I ordered, panting heavily. "I can't take it!" I started crying. It felt like I was being stabbed in my pelvic area repeatedly. My vagina felt like it was being stabbed too. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. The contraction stopped. I was exhausted. I barely got any sleep. I placed my hand over my stomach, rubbing it. "Please come out baby Todoroki." I begged. I was desperate. I was starving. I started sobbing. My emotions were off the radar. "What's wrong?" "I-I want this to end!" I wiped my tears. "Don't cry Ms. Satō. You can do it!" I heard Fuyumi's little voice. She looked so worried. Rei picked up Fuyumi and placed her in bed next to me. "Rei..." I trailed off. Enji grabbed Fuyumi and placed her down. "Enji stop." Rei said as she placed Fuyumi next to me once again. Fuyumi snuggled next to me and placed her head on my stomach. I wrapped an arm around her. "Come on out baby brother." She encouraged. She looked up at me. "I think it's a boy." She smiled wide. Her smile filled my body with happiness and warmth. Who knew a sweet child could ease my mind? I smiled back. She was confident on her guess. I closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep. Hours past again. The doctor said I was at a nine. Finally, I was getting closer. It's taken thirty-four hours to be from three to nine centimeters. I've tried walking around in the hall, tried squatting and some dancing. All resulted in me being placed back in bed once the contraction started. I felt like ripping my hair out. This baby was so stubborn. Definitely a Todoroki. After two more ours, I was finally at a ten. The doctor prepped my legs and Rei held the children. I held Enji's hand. "On the count of thee I need you to push alright? Ready? One..." I started pushing. I couldn't wait any longer. I squeezed Enji's hand. Beads of sweat came down my face. "You can do this Y/N. I got you." Enji cooed. "Shut up Hellboy!" I screamed. "Push!" I pushed again. I squeezed his hand tighter. "R-Rei switch places with me! You've done this three times!" I pleaded, while crying. She looked worried. "I'm sorry Y/N I wish I could. But you got this." Rei was rubbing my back. "Push!" I screamed as I pushed. "Why all the screaming?" "Be quiet Touya!" "Alright give me one final push. Inhale deeply and push as hard as you can." I inhaled a deep breath and pushed. I screamed on top of my lungs again. I bent Enji's wrist backwards, hearing it snap. "It's a boy!" I heard crying and I laid back. I let go of Enji's hand. I tried to slow down my breathing. I looked up at the ceiling. After thirty six hours, it was finally over. I looked at Enji and his broken wrist. "I'm sorry..." my voice was barely above a whisper as my throat was beyond sore. "Don't worry about it. You've done a wonderful job, so thank you." I reached over and grabbed his wrist, healing it. Rei was holding the baby. "C-Can I see him?" I asked. She walked over and I sat up. A beautiful baby with red and white hair was wrapped in her arms. His eyes were closed. Rei smiled wide. "Shoto." She said. Tears ran down my face. I wiped my tears. He was so precious. My body collapsed back and I feel into a deep slumber. A much needed sleep.
I'll try to be active again but I'm reading BNHA and it's wild y'all. I'm on chapter 306.

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