Chapter Two: Todoroki Family

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Hiiiiii! Hahaha that last chapter is wild. My brain goes left every time I write. Happy reading!😊

Midoriya and All Might was talking in the lounge. "Oops pardon us." I said. I closed the door back. I followed Midnight. "So wait, You, Enji and Rei all promised to not tell Shoto right? Why not tell him now? That boy is smart and he'll find out sooner or later." "It was their wish and I respect that." "But you and Enji are his biological parents. Not him and Rei." "You make it sound like I'm a home wrecker. I already told you this. The doctor said Rei couldn't have anymore kids after Natsuo. Enji knew me for years and thought I was the perfect candidate. The doctor said since I was their gestational, none of my DNA will mix in with theirs. But he was unsure about my quirks. Rei wanted a quirkless person which is not only pretty much rare but they might not keep their mouth shut and you have to pay them. A total stranger, versus me being already acquainted with Enji. And from the looks of it, it turned out well. I mean he's an emo depressed kid but he only had two quirks." "What happens if he develop the other two?" "Then they'd tell him. I also agreed to not be in his life but since Principal Nezu doesn't know this, he coincidentally assigned me to the same class Shoto is." "That's too bad you turned down Enji's proposal years ago when you two were younger." "Back in our dominatrix days? Nah he was just hooked." "You had that boy wrapped around your little finger. He was head over heels for you." "Look at how he treated his family. His first born is a villain, his wife in the nut house that he shipped her to, Natsuo hates him, poor Fuyumi is trying to hold the family down and Shoto is so lost. If Fuyumi wasn't guiding him and basically raising him, he would've been like Touya. I mean he can turn like that now if he snaps but I guess he has a strong support system. And besides, he wanted to marry me for my quirks." "No he loved you. Before he turned into a power hungry maniac. Stop acting like he didn't chase after you in high school." She said as she ate. "You know our agency is still up and running. In full swing. You can always come back, partner." "It's still busy? Man there's a lot of submissive people out there." We laughed. "You know who else needs it? Shota." "Aizawa?" Midnight nodded. "Nah that man needs sleep. And to cut ties with that damn sleeping bag." "You can tell he needs it. And I know you're dick deprived too." "Nemuri!" I scolded causing her to laugh. "You know I'm right. Come on, when was the last time you even had sex?" Thank god we were outside and students couldn't hear us. I shrugged. "Was it with me?" I nodded. "Damn you really are deprived. Well maybe you and I can loosen Aizawa up." "God no. He's a teacher. And I'm kind of like a teacher. I don't like him. In fact he pisses me off, sleeping in class like that." "You're getting bland Y/N. That would've turned you on. Just thinking about a hot steamy sleeping bag fuck sesh." "Midnight! We're still on school grounds." "They don't care about whatever I say." "Yeah but only you and Enji knows I'm a dominatrix. I don't want the world to know." "You're full of secrets Icy Hot. Now Icy Hot Jr. is asking questions." "Midnight!" I scolded again, getting frustrated. "Serious question. Does the other kids know?" "Yes they know. Which is why they don't have hate towards me and doesn't disown Shoto. Well excluding Touya. That boy is all kids of loose screws. You can tell he doesn't care. I'm surprised he hasn't told Shoto himself. But he cut ties with his family so...that's not on his mind." "Imagine if you had Enji's kids. Do you think he would've been happy?" "You know I don't think about those things. The what ifs. What's done is done. I can't turn back the time now. Besides we were too young to get married and have kids. And he was freakishly obsessed with my dominatrix life." "He has a wild side underneath that big burly scariness." I finished my food. "He's not even scary once you get to know him." "Yeah you got to know him really well Mrs. Todoroki." "Shhh! Don't call me that. I'm not his wife." "You would've been. Why did you turn down his proposal? You never told me that story." "He was chasing after All Might in the race to become the number one hero. I could tell he was going to go mad with power and now look. He did. My vision was right." We put our trash away. My phone started ringing. I looked. "It's Enji." "Your lover?" "I don't love him. That was twenty years-" She covered my mouth. "Don't say that so loud. I'm not old. You're old." I rolled my eyes and removed her hand. She hates when she is reminded of her age. "Hello?" I answered. "Can you talk? Are you alone?" Enji's deep husky voice asked in my ear. "I'm outside with Kayama." "Hmph you two were always best friends. How's it going so far with Shoto?" I started walking away from Midnight and lowered my voice. "Enji he's asking questions. He already asked if I'm his long lost sister or his biological mother because two of our quirks are the same. He doesn't care that I'm black. What if he develops more quirks? My quirks?" "Then you and I have created the perfect child." "Enji! Because of your power hunger, you've ruined your own family. And stop making it sound like you and I had sex in order for me to conceive and birth Shoto." I reminded him. "His speed is gradually increasing. That's only natural and he may take after my strength. But if he starts to foresee things and can start healing then you, Rei and I will tell him the truth. Until then, just remain calm." I took a deep breath. "You're right. We still have time." "I'll text you later." Enji said before hanging up. I placed my phone in my pocket and sighed. "That looked intense." Midnight said. "He said we're good unless Shoto develop my quirks. First time meeting this kid and he's already questioning me." "But you are his mother." "I didn't raise him so legally, Rei is his mom. And she always will be." "Yeah but she burned him with hot water and tried to cool him down which left him that scar. Not to mention his father abused him." "Listen if I had a saying in this, I would hurt Enji for what he did to Shoto." "You have a stressful life." "Tell me about it. I groaned. "Well I'm gonna go. I'll text you later." She said. I headed back towards the school. To the class that my biological son was in.
I just wanted to explain this to clarify the MC is not a home wrecker lmao. Why not add a little more drama to the already dysfunctional Todoroki family?🤔 That's the end of her backstory.

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