Chapter Twenty-Five: In Loving Memory

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Hiiiii! Hope all is well. This is Enji's POV. Happy reading!☺️

~~~~~~~~~~~Enji's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Last week, we lost an amazing hero." I say. "But she was just more than a hero. She was a friend. A teacher. A mother and a partner. I've known Satō for twenty-three years and counting. She was a beautiful soul. She loved hard. She was an intelligent woman despite her not believing in it. She was the love of my life but I screwed up as a partner." I continue. "She's a hero. It was her job to die for Japan! For us." Someone from the back shouts. I keep my composure. "You're right. As a pro hero, it is our job to give our life to each and every one of you." "Exactly so don't give some heartfelt speech on how great she was. Heroes come and go every day." I slam my hands on the podium. "You can treat me like shit, I don't care. But don't you dare speak ill on a woman who laid down her life to protect your scary ass. You sound so ungrateful right now and I'm not having it. Because of her, she single handedly took down Shigaraki Tomura along with his big beast. She did that while knowing she wasn't going to make it. Even while having her own family, she thought about you and your family. Had she not done what she did, we'd all be dead right now. Foreign number one heroes would have began to drop rapidly. She didn't want that to happen like it did to Star and Stripe. She sacrificed herself to create a space for us. To rebuild Japan. To get back on our feet and live another day. She gave U.A students, your children a second chance at life. Gave them a bright future. She is the hero your kids now look up to." I snap. "She's a dumbass for abandoning her family. She gets that from you." "She did not abandon her family like I did. She thought about them and their future as well. They were always on her mind and she loves them wholeheartedly." I say as I get off the stage. I walk up the aisle. "If you got something to say then let's take this outside!" I threaten. I was being held back. "Endeavor don't do it, I promise you it's not worth it." Hawks says as his feathers hold me back. They were piercing through my skin as I inch closer. I close my eyes and exhale deeply. "You must be a real low life to speak ill of the dead. Especially when her children are here, listening to all of this." I say in a calm demeanor. I look up to see Shoto choking someone. Fuck. "Shoto!" I scream. Hawks move past me and I rush to him with Rei coming from the other side. "Shut the hell up about my mother." He barks. He had frozen the guy's mouth. "Shoto honey. Let him go." Rei says as she tries to pull him off. I managed to pull him off and Rei hugs him tightly. "Looks like you breed nothing but monsters Endeavor." Someone else says. I shoot them a death glare. They quiet down. "Rei take him outside for some air." I advise her. She nods and escort him out. Natsuo, and Fuyumi follow. "Eraser head, take over for me." I say as I grab Eri. He nods and gets up. I exist, catching up to them. "How could they just say that?!" Shoto screams as he paces outside. "I know sweetie, but please calm down." Rei coos. "How can I calm down when they blatantly run her name through the mud?!" He yells. "What?" Natsuo asks. "He's gotten hold of the American lingo from his mom." I explain. "I know but look at me please? They don't know her like we do. And they never will." Rei says as she grabs him. She holds his face gently. He push her off. "You're not my mother so stop telling me what to do!" He barks at her. I place Eri on her feet. "She's still your mother and that's no way to speak to her!" I yell back. Shoto gets in my face. Fuyumi grabs Eri. "This is all your fault. Why did you allow her to do this? Why didn't you stop her? Why didn't you talk her out of it? Huh? How do you mess up twice?! Huh?!" Shoto takes a swing, punching me in my face. I stand there. "Rei, take the kids back inside." She wipes tears and rush them inside. "Answer me number one hero. How could you let my mother die?! Have I not suffered enough?" "I didn't let her do anything. I-we tried to stop her. But she was dead set on with her plan. There was nothing Eraser Head and I could do." I respond in a calm manner. "Bullshit! You could have used force or order her to not do it, something!" "It's not like we didn't try son, we did. We've tried every possible thing to stop her. She was the only one who came up with a solid plan when we came up blank." I reply. I grab Shoto and wrap my arms around him tightly as he break down crying. "I'm so sorry son." I apologize as I rub his back. "Why did she had to go and not you?" I close my eyes as my heart drops. "I know. I want to trade places with her so badly. I truly do. She should be here. You need her more than you need me." "Why couldn't she be selfish and think about herself for once?" "Because that's not who she is Shoto. And you get that from her. Being selfless." I answer. "D-Did she not love us? Did she not w-want me?" He asks. "No. Please no don't say that. Don't ever think that. She loves you and Eri with every inch of her. She did what she did so you two can have a bright future." "I-I saw her future." "What? You said you couldn't." "I lied. I didn't want it to be true. She was never going to make it. The entire fight. Me running to her, everything." "Oh Shoto." I say as I pull him back into another hug. "I'm so sorry you had to see that." I apologize again. Shoto pulls away. "I-I need to apologize to mom." I nod and follow him back in. I walk behind him to the front of the aisle. We sit down. "I'm sorry about saying you're not my mom. I didn't mean it." "I know baby. I understand your pain." I watch as Rei pulls Shoto close to her. He leans his head on her shoulder. "Are you okay Shoto?" Eri asks. She was sitting in Rei's lap. "I'm okay." He replies as he kiss her forehead.
I couldn't choose between Aizawa or Enji so I just killed her off lmao I'm sorry🤧

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