Chapter Twenty-One: Family Night

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Hiiiiii! This is a flashback. Not too far back. At least last month. Right before the Pro Heroes meeting. Happy reading!☺️

I've decided to make a grand dinner and dessert for the students. The citizens didn't want to eat my cooking except for the students' parents. I was making dessert with Eri and Shoto. She wanted a candy apple. She stands on a stool as I help her make her candy apple. I was standing behind her, making sure she won't fall. She giggles as she roll her apple around in the chopped peanuts, watching it stick. "Good job!" I praise. I wrap it up in Saran Wrap and place it in the fridge so it can be cold for her. She gets down from the stool. "Come here." She skips to me. I take off a new necklace I had and place it around her neck. "Open it." She opens the small heart locket. She gasps as her eyes light up. "Now you can always have mommy and daddy with you at all times." I tell her. "Thank you!" I pick her up as I hug her. I kiss her cheek. "Now you and your brother both have a necklace." "Shoto!" She calls. He placed the pies in the oven. He walks over. Eri holds up her necklace. "I have one too!" He opens her locket and smiles wide. "It's cool. I like it." He approves. "Can we make a cake?" Eri asks. "Why not?"  I place Eri back on the stool and she wash her hands. I wash mine as well. "Shoto can you get the ingredients?" I ask as I grab a mixing bowl. I grab the flour out of the cabinet. "Why don't you show Eri how to do it?" I say as I back up. Shoto gets behind Eri and I watch as he shows her how to crack an egg. He helps her crack them since her hands are very small. I smile, watching them. I take the pies out of the oven. I place them on the counter. I get behind Shoto and grab the top handle. I mix with them. Eri giggles. "Is this cake?" "Not yet sweetie. It's cake batter." I tell her. I grab the cake pan. "Pour it in Eri." I watch as she pick up the bowl and pour it in the pan. Shoto scrapes the remains out of the bowl and into the pan. I open the oven as he grabs the pan. "Stay right there sweetie it's hot. I don't want you to get burned." I tell Eri. She nods and stay on the stool. Shoto puts the cake in. He close the oven. "Look who's getting darker." I tease Shoto. "It's your melanin." "What's Melanin?" Eri asks. I pick her up. "Melanin is a pigment that makes some skin shades darker. It's a rich texture. By that, I mean it costs more than gold. And because Shoto is my biological son, he inherited it along with my quirks." I explain. "Do I have melaninin?" "No sweetie you don't have melanin. If I gave birth to you, then yeah." "Okay! Can we make chocolate chip cookies?" She asks. I laugh. "Just who is going to eat all of this?" I ask her. "Everyone! I want to make some for everyone." She beams. "Do you have a lot of energy left Todoroki?" I ask. He nods. "Alright you two start on making the cookies. I'll clean up." I start washing dishes as they began to tear through the ingredients. Eri was making a mess. I laugh as she somehow got flour on her face. "How?" I ask. She shrugs. We laugh as I continue washing the dishes. I start cleaning up their mess afterwards. I take the cookie sheet and place it in the oven as well. I check on the cake. "I can clean her face." Shoto offers. "Thanks." She jumps into her brother's arms and they leave out. I managed to die her hair just like his. She loves it. "Daddy!" I hear. I turn to see Aizawa standing there. "What happened to your face?" He asks. "Flour!" She cheers. Shoto asks her out of the kitchen. He walks in. "Looks like you three are having fun." I smile and nod. "Yeah. They're so cute." He wraps his arms around me. "You are an amazing mother to them." "You're doing wonderful with Eri." "I try." Aizawa leans in and kiss me. "Check on desserts please before they burn." I tell him. He smiles and kiss my forehead. He walks to the oven. "I think the cake is done." I walk up to him. I stick a toothpick in. "You are correct." He takes it out and I take the cookies out. "You three sure made a lot." "Well Eri wants to feed everyone." "She's so precious." "We're back." Shoto announces. He puts Eri on her feet. She walks onto the kitchen and goes into the refrigerator. She grabs her candy apple that I placed on the lower shelf for her. She unwraps it. "Look!" Shouta drops down to her level. "You made this?" She nods. She inch it closer to his mouth. Shouta takes a bite. "Mmmm. Delicious." He says and she smiles wide. "Thank you daddy!" "You're welcome sweetie." He place a kiss on her forehead and stands. Eri takes a bite of her candy apple. "She wanted peanuts on it this time." I tell him. "Really?" Eri nods. I place the cookies on a tray. "Ready Eri?" I ask. She nods. She place her candy apple on the Saran Wrap and gave it to Shoto. He covers it and place it on the counter. I give her a small tray of cookies. "Now you have to be very careful okay? You don't want to drop them." Eri nods and I follow her out. We walk to where everyone was. "We made cookies!" She announces. Everyone looks at her. They turn their heads. I rudely clear my throat loudly. They look at me. I give them a death glare. They get up and starts taking a cookie. I take the tray out of her hands. "Go ask daddy for the rest of the cookies." "Okay!" Eri leaves. I place the small tray on the table. "Just because you don't like us heroes and won't eat from me, so not take it out on a seven year old. I am a mother first. If my daughter wants to make cookies for a bunch of strangers, then you as an adult will eat it and like it. She's a baby. She doesn't know what's going on with the world. If you crush her spirit or ignore her again, so help me god-" "We have more cookies!" Eri announces as she cuts me off. I look in her direction. I smile. "Just in time. They were begging for more cookies!" I lied. Her face lit up. "Really?" She looks up at Aizawa. "Okay okay." He place the large tray down next to the small tray. The small tray was empty. "Do-Do you have any milk?" Someone asks. "Yeah. I'll get that for you. Say thank you to Eri. She wanted to make cookies for everyone." I tell them as I pick up the small tray. "Thank you Eri." I hear as I walk away. I walk into the kitchen. Shoto was putting another batch of cookies in the oven. I go into the fridge. "You know you don't have to keep helping." "I know. But I like it." "Have you been visiting your family?" I ask. "Of course." I smile. "Good." "Even Natsu comes home more often." I smile wider. "Good! Can you help me with the glasses please?" Shoto grabs glasses and puts them on a new tray. I pour milk in each glass. He walks out of the kitchen with the tray. I place the empty milk carton in the trash. "Did you threaten the citizens of Japan?" I hear Aizawa's voice. "I'm a mom first. Anyone who hurt my babies will get a rude awakening." I tell him. "I never said I disagree with you. They have no right taking it out on a child." "It's their thing right? They did it to Midoriya. But they're not going to do it to either of my kids. They don't want to make me their worst enemy."  He smiles. "That's so hot." I roll my eyes and playfully shove him. "They're asking for more cookies." Shoto tells me. "Huh. Seems like they're genuinely enjoying it." I watch as Shoto gives Eri her candy apple back to her. "Thank you big brother!" He smiles. "It has a nice ring to it. When I go back home, everyone's older than me. But when I'm here, I'm a big brother." "Look at you like being a big brother. You know your job is to protect her for the rest of her life. Especially from boys." "I know. Nobody's going to hurt her. I'll kill then." "Damn Todoroki. You sound like Bakugo." I joke. Shoto checks on the cookies. He takes them out. His phone rings. He answers it. "If it's your father, hang up." I tell him. Shoto shakes his head no. "Hey mom." He says before walking out of the kitchen." "Has he called you mom yet?" Shouta asks. "Nah. And it'd just be plain weird. Rei is his mother." "You are too." "I know. But he doesn't have to call me mom." I respond as I stroke Eri's hair. She looks up at me, eating her candy apple. "You know we have to tell her when she gets older Shouta." "I know. It's all I can think about. I just hope she will still love us." "Her mother abandoned her after the misfortune of killing her own father. She will never hate us for loving her. We're her family now." "I know but-" "Shouta, take it from me. I was like this with Shoto. Look how that turned out." He sighs. "You're right." Eri finish her candy apple and throws the stick away. "You two take the cookies out, I'll clean up." I look at Aizawa. "Are you sure?" He kiss my forehead. "Go. Relax yourself." "Come on Eri." I say as I take the tray of cookies. She follows me out. I place them on the table. I look at the time. "Come on Eri it's bedtime." "I wanna say g'nite to Shoto." I nod as I pick her up. "Let's go find him." I walk around. I walk outside. Shoto was with his father. "Hey Eri wants to say Goodnight." I interrupt. Shoto turns and walks to us. Eri reach for her brother. "Sweet dreams Eri." He kiss her forehead. She kiss his cheek. "G'nite!" I take her. She waves to Enji. "G'nite!" "Goodnight Eri." He says. I take her inside. I head into the kitchen. "Come on Shouta." He turns the water off and dries his hands. He follows us to Shoto's room. She really likes sleeping with her brother. I place her in bed after taking her slippers off. We take our shoes off and climb into bed. Eri grabs her book. I open the book from where we left off the night before. She snuggles close to me. I wrap my arm around her as I begin to read. About twenty minutes later, Eri falls asleep. I close the book after placing a bookmark in. Shouta grabs her and place her gently under the blanket. He ticks her in. We kiss her forehead. "Goodnight my sweet baby. We love you." I say before walking out. "G'night mama. G'night daddy." Eri's little voice says. I smile as I close the door behind me. Aizawa takes my hand and kiss it. We walk down the hall. "Alright y'all thirty more minutes and it's bedtime." I announce. "Yes we will be in bed! Teeth brushed." Iida says hyperactively. "Goodnight everyone." They said goodnight back and I follow Shouta to his room. It was almost eight-thirty now. I wasn't sleepy, just exhausted. I climb into his bed as he close the door. "How do you get Eri in bed on time?" Shouta asks. "Easy. She gets tired when she bathed first and then eat. She technically wasn't supposed to eat that candy apple because no sweets before bed and she already brushed her teeth. But she deserve it every once in a while. If you bathe her at six, feed her around seven, she's in bed by seven-thirty. With the candy apple, she was able to stay up for an extra twenty minutes while I read to her." "So bath then dinner?" I nod. "If you give her dinner before bath then she's too tired to bathe an hour later." "Impressive." Shouta climbs in bed. He pulls me close. He looks me in the eyes fondly. "You're doing it again." "Get used to it." He tells me. He turns the tv on. We begin to watch a movie.
Hope this was cute enough. I love Shoto and Eri's relationship. He's such a good older brother.

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