Chapter Nine: Infiltrate

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Hiiiiiii! Hope all is well! Happy reading!☺️

I walk into class, really exhausted and tired. Aizawa wasn't there yet. The class were talking. Aizawa walks in. He looks at me. "Good morning class." He greets, not taking his eyes off me. "Good morning Aizawa Sensei." They greeted back. "Sensei you don't look tired." Asui points out. "I've finally gotten a good nights rest." I tear my eyes away from him. God I felt so awkward. Shouta watching me doesn't help. "Today you'll be training with Midnight. She will teach you how to handle interviews from the press." Aizawa announce. "I saw Todoroki's interview. It was definitely awkward. And they totally cut out Bakugo." Asui pointed out." "Shut it frog face!" I sigh. "Bakugo." I sternly say. He grinds his teeth in anger. "Let's go." Shouta walks out and the class follows. "I've been thinking about you." Aizawa says to me in the hallway. The class was out of sight. He cornered me, my back against the wall. "M-Me? Why?" I ask. "I've been thinking about my fantasies with you and Midnight." Fuck he remembers that? "And that helped you sleep?" "No. Your voice popped in my head. And I can feel your hand on top of mine, controlling my strokes. Your sultry voice in my ear. Your lips against mine." "Aizawa we're on school grounds." "I know. But that's what makes me want you more." Shouta leans in closer. "Aizawa..." "Fuck say my name again." "You need to behave yourself." "I'm being a bad boy. Maybe I need a spanking." What the fuck? I grab Aizawa by his throat and spin, slamming him against the wall. Not hard enough to put him through it. "Who are you and what have you done with Aizawa?" He laughs. Just then, the body started transforming. "Toga!" I yell. She giggles. "You got me!" "Where is Shouta?!" I demand. "You're cuter in person. Let's play!" She takes out a knife. In the same second, I take her hand and pin it to the wall. Her hand went through the wall. "I already saw this coming and you should know this." I squeeze her wrist, forcing her to drop the knife. I release her throat and grip her up. I twist both her arms behind her back and rush her to Principal Nezu. I barge right in. "Y/N I'm in a-" "Lock down the school. Toga got in. Aizawa is missing and I don't know how many successfully infiltrated." I cut him off. His eyes grew wide. Shit, I thought about class 1-A. "Class 1-A is outside with Midnight." I tell him. "You alert Midnight and I'm going to lock down the school." I nod and walk out, keeping my grip on Toga. "Satō Sensei, everything alright? I had this weird thing where I saw Aizawa Sensei is held hostage and the villains are here. Oh my god is that Toga?" Shoto asks. "Go back outside Todoroki and warn Midnight. Tell her Principal Nezu is locking down the school." I instructed. Shoto nods and takes off. "You're strong." "Shut up Toga." "Can we play?" I look at her. She had a huge smile on her face. She honestly has a sweet childlike behavior. I don't even think she knows what she did was wrong. I grab some rope from the gym and tie her hands together. I kept my grip on her and take out my phone. "Y/N everything alright?" "Get your ass down here. The League of Villains infiltrated. I'm not sure how many but I have Toga with me." I say. "I'm on my way." He hangs up. "How many are with you?" I ask Toga. She giggles. "I know you're here Dabi." "I expect nothing less from you, Satō." Dabi says, coming into view. "Cut this out Touya." "Only you know who I am." "Your father knows who you are too." "Does he believe you though? I look nothing like Touya Todoroki." He sneers, flames in hand. "Release Toga." "You know I can't do that." "Oh? Then I'll just take her." "Try it." Dabi lunges and I dodge out of the way with Toga with me. "Save me Dabi!" Dabi throws his flames towards us and I counter it with mine. "Such amazing blue flames. Just like mine. Are you sure we're not related too?" "I'm not your mother Dabi!" "Oh? Don't say it like that. You do have little bit of history with dear old dad." "Don't start Dabi. Where's Shouta?" "Don't worry, he's not hurt." "Where is Aizawa?" I demand. "As if I'll ever tell you. So tell me, does he know?" "Touya!" I scold. Dabi laughs. "So he doesn't know who is biological mother is. Still keeping secrets." "That is none of your business Todoroki!" I throw Toga and run behind Dabi. I grab him by his neck, putting Toga's knife to his neck. He laughs darkly. "Quick as ever. As expected from the legendary Icy Hot. But I must say, our fight ends here." Just then, the warp gate appears, taking Toga and Dabi. "No!" I run, and jump through the warp gate. "Satō!" I felt as I was caught in mid air. The warp gate disappears. "Are you stupid?!" "Dammit Todoroki! You let them go!" "There's no telling in what they'll do to you if you go through there." Enji spat, placing me over his broad shoulders. God I hate being short sometimes. It's moments like this where Endeavor just completely dominate me. "Enji you put me down!" I scream, squirming. I knew it was completely useless since he's a lot stronger than I am. "Y/N it's a lost cause. They escaped through the warp gate. It's nothing we can do." He calmly says. "We still need to find Shouta!" "We'll find your boyfriend." "Don't start Todoroki. He's not my boyfriend." "My bad, new sex client." "I-" I had nothing to say. I was caught off guard. "I didn't sleep with him." I lowly say. "What?" "It was Midnight, not me. I just helped him pleasure himself better." "Not that I needed to know that but good to hear. Anyway, I have everyone searching for Aizawa this very moment." I start to get a vision. "He's underground." I whisper. "He's underground Enji, he's underground!" I scream. Enji takes off, me still on his shoulders. We were outside in seconds. I wrap my arms around his neck and flip my body around, making him give me a piggy back ride. "Where?" "That way!" I point. Enji takes off. "Shigaraki's down there too. And a bunch of other's, including the Nomu. You need to tell backup where he is." Enji scuffs. "They're no match for us." "Todoroki!" I scold. He sighs. "Fine. But only for you." We arrive and I get down. He makes a quick call. "How do we get in?" He asks. "There's only one way." I say as I punch the street, creating a large hole. We jump in the hole, landing on our feet. "Ah if it isn't the number one hero and the strongest female hero." Shigaraki says. He starts scratching. "Cut the small talk." I spat. I look over to see Shouta tied up to a chair, bleeding. He looked unconscious. I move forward. "Ah, ah, ah. Come any closer and he's ash." Shiggy threatens, four fingers on Aizawa's shoulders. His pinky was hovering over. Dammit. "Enji..." I trail off. "We got this Satō." I calculated Shigaraki's scratching. Every fifth scratch, his hand lifts off Aizawa slightly. "Five!" I say, throwing ice towards Shigaraki, freezing him. I didn't freeze his head. "Attack!" He screams. The Nomu approach us. I grab Aizawa and move him out of the way. Enji starts fighting against the Nomu. I cut the rope. I start slapping Aizawa. "Hey, hey wake up. Shouta wake up." I slap him harder. He groans and looks at me. He blinks. "Satō, is that you? What happened?" "You've been held hostage." "Toga...she got me." "I know." "Icy Hot, take Eraserhead and go." Endeavor says. "Enji-" "Go!" He demands. I put Aizawa on my back. I run from the Nomu who got past Enji. "Do you have energy to use your bandage cloth?" I ask. "I'll try." "You don't have a choice." I tell him. Just then, Aizawa uses his cloth, wrapping it around a pole and pull us out. We landed on the street. The ambulance was here. The medics took Aizawa. "Take him to the hospital. Shigaraki is frozen and the other members escaped. Find them. I'm going back to Endeavor." I tell the police. I jump back down the hole, landing on a Nomu. It throws me off. "I told you to leave!" "You should know I never listen to you." "Still the same old Satō." I get up and throw fire towards the Nomu along with Enji. One starts crawling up the wall. I punch it down. There were only three Nomu but they're strong. Once again, Kurogiri arrives using his warp gate. He takes Shigaraki. Fuck, not again. These Nomu keep regenerating. I burn the Nomu again. I then put ice on it. I burn it again, boosting my flames. It screams. It can't regenerate now. The Nomu dies. Enji and I team up, taking down the last Nomu. We pant, out of breath. A helicopter hover above. They drop down a ladder in the hole. "Hold on." Enji picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck as he gets in the ladder. I bury my face into his neck. We get lifted out of the hole. Enji then gets off the ladder, landing on the ground. "They got all got away." A police officer tells us. "Kurogiri." I spat. He's a nuisance. A car pull up and Enji gets in. I get on after him. "We need to talk." "About?" "Your son." I say. "Fine. We can talk in my office." The driver pull up to Endeavor's Agency and we get out. We walk in. Our injuries were minor thank god. I follow him into his office. "It's Shoto. He saw me with Toga in the hallway. Shoto basically described his first vision saying he saw Aizawa kidnapped and the League of Villains are at the school." I say as soon as Enji closes his door. "Hmm." "Hmm? He's inheriting my quirks and all you can say is Hmm?! Don't you Hmm me!" I scream. "Y/N calm down. I'm thinking it's another fluke. Like his healing, which was probably Midoriya's subconscious doing." "Todoroki!" I scold. "He's inheriting my quirks. Sooner or later he's going to figure out this isn't a coincidence and that I birthed him. This can't be happening. TodorokithisistoosoonandIknowhewillquestionme-" "Y/N! You're panicking. Stop before you hyperventilate. Deep breaths." I nod. "Okay." I start inhaling and exhaling deeply. Enji pulls me into his arms, holding me. "He's going to question you, yes. You have two options. You can either tell him the truth, revealing you're his mother. Or, you can find a way to downplay it as a weird coincidence." "This isn't a coincidence Enji. That boy isn't dumb. He's your son after all." "Our son." "Your son. With Rei, your wife." Enji squeezes me. I pull away. "I need to go see Aizawa. I want to make sure he's okay." I say, as I walk out.
This will probably be a short story too idk.

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