Chapter Four: Endeavor's Agency

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. Happy reading!😊

Endeavor invited me to his agency because Shoto was going to be there. I didn't want to go or at least be with other kids but Enji decided to have a word with Principal Nezu. Guess who thought it was the best idea in the world? Curse that damn mouse, polar bear or whatever mutated animal he is. Shoto invited Bakugo and Midoriya to tag along. It was bright and early. One of Enji's sidekicks Kamiji who goes by Burnin was extremely loud. "This loud in the morning?" Bakugo growled. I actually agreed with him. The sun wasn't even up yet. She has a lot of energy. Midoriya was still yawning. Shoto came out. "Good morning." He greeted. We were all tired. Endeavor came out of his office. "Today, you three will be with me and Icy Hot as we will search for villains. Try to keep up." "Tch. Don't tell me what to do." "Kacchan don't be rude!" "Shut up you damn nerd." "What do you need to work on?" Enji asked. Midoriya and Shoto explained. Bakugo's answer was that he wants to know the things he can't do. I can't deny his confidence but don't forget to improve what you can do. We all left the agency. Enji and I were walking ahead of the kids. I started to get a vision. "Endeavor!" He was already hopping over a rail and I followed. The kids were behind us. I was matching my speed with Enji's. He may be stronger than me but it's easy for me to match his speed. I'm technically faster than him. Endeavor and I already handled it by the time the kids arrived. I can't lie, he's the reason I'm the strongest female hero. He pushed me past my limits. "Dammit. They're a lot faster than us." Bakugo muttered. Enji started drilling in their heads how to be faster and keep doing it until it's second nature to them. I took off, stopping a truck from hitting two pedestrians. "Tch is she faster than you?" Bakugo asked. "Yeah. She is." "And what of it?" I asked. "Shut up Quirk mutt." "You really need to learn how to work on your manners." "Kacchan stop calling her a mutt! I'm sorry Icy Hot." "Don't tell me what to do!" Shoto was deep in thought. Endeavor took off again. I was hot on his heels. I froze the culprits. The kids arrived yet again, when everything was handled. "Damn!" Bakugo was grinding his teeth. Their goal was to get there faster than Enji and I. Of course he wasn't holding back and neither was I. Deku somehow managed to get hurt. "How the hell did you get hurt you loser?" Bakugo asked. "Katsuki!" I scolded. "I-It was my fault." He stammered. "It looks pretty bad." Shoto said as he held Midoriya's arm. "Huh? It doesn't hurt anymore." Shoto let go of his arm and the injury disappeared. "Todoroki did you do this?" Midoriya asked. "Enji..." I hissed under my breath. "No. I can't heal. Is this a new quirk of yours Midoriya?" Shoto asked. "Ah who cares?! The damn nerd his healed." I grabbed Enji by his arm and yanked him away. He was caught off balance but followed me to the alley. "I know." He said. "What are we supposed to do?! This is too soon!" I panicked. "Technically it's too late considering all his quirks are supposed to be already developed." "Todoroki!" "It may have been a fluke. Or maybe Midoriya did it subconsciously. Midoriya seems like he doesn't know much about his own quirk and he has developed a new one that he can't control." I started pacing. "This cannot be happening. I just met him, it's too soon." "Y/N." I started muttering like Midoriya. I was slowly losing my mind. "Satō!" Enji called me. He gripped my shoulders. His flames were off. "You're freaking out. You know you'll hyperventilate soon." "Enji he can heal just by touching like I can. It wasn't a fluke. This isn't a coincidence. I couldn't even see it coming. More importantly I'm ruining Rei and your DNA with my quirks." "You gave us another son. Rei and I couldn't be more grateful. Relax." Enji had me in his arms. I pulled away. "Stop that. You're married. And this isn't like you. You're not affectionate anymore." "I'm trying. I'm going to be the loving, supportive husband and father that I'm supposed to be." "And Touya?" "I'll get him back. Fuyumi will no longer take all the burden to knit our family back together." "We need to get out of this alley before those kids get suspicious." I took off and came back. I decided to get some treats. Enji was already back with the kids. "I bought treats!" I cheered. I handed the bag to Midoriya. "Thank you Icy Hot!" "Tch." Bakugo turned his nose up in the air. I've never wanted to fight a kid so bad. "Thanks." Shoto said gloomy." "Here Kacchan." Bakugo slapped it out of Midoriya's hand. I have had enough with this child. "How dare you?! This kid has been nothing but nice to you and you give him hell. This boy breathes and you tell him to shut up. Why does his existence get under your skin? He's your friend." "We're not-" "You will speak when I tell you to. One day this boy will get fed up and stop being your friend. You need to value all your friends before you lose them. Do you want to become a miserable hero? Lonely forever because you didn't change your attitude? No this boy doesn't look down on you. When he tries to help you it's because he's your friend and he cares about you. You need to stop thinking you're better than everyone because you're not. That kind of mentality will get you no where in life. In the real world, it's about kindness. Who wants a hero to save them with a mentality like yours? Nobody will like you. If you want to become the number one hero to surpass All Might and Endeavor, start with that damn attitude of yours. Your favorite hero is All Might. All his life he's been nothing but kind. And look at Endeavor. Nobody liked when he arrived anywhere but even he is changing. He's actually more likable. The only people who can get away with a personality like yours are villains. Nobody cares about them. I know you don't want to be disliked, so try harder next time. Now you may speak." I cut him off. "Tch." He started muttering under his breath. "Watch your mouth." I grabbed the meat bun out of the bag and gave it to Bakugo. He took it. "You're welcome." I knew I wasn't getting a thank you from him. We started walking back to Endeavor's Agency. When we got there, Enji motioned for me to come in his office. His office was huge. So was his desk. He sat down. He didn't have any other chairs so I sat on his desk. He pulled me closer to him. "Stop that." "What you said back there to really sounded like a concerned parent. You would be great in Shoto's life." "No. I'm not replacing Rei. We've already discussed this Enji. He'll know I birthed him but that's it." "I think it's fair if you were involved in his life too. You have rights. We never took them away from you." "This boy is already going through a lot all thanks to you. Why add more salt to his wounds? No I'm serious Enji. Take a walk in his shoes for a minute. When was the last time you saw that poor boy smile?You have abused and tortured this boy since he was five years old. That's eleven years. You drove his mom into madness and her breaking point was when she threw boiling hot water on him and then tried to cool him down which left that mark. You then put her in a mental institution like she is ill but she's not. You basically showed her that it's okay for you to abuse y'all son but when she unintentionally do it, it's not okay. He thinks Touya's dead. Now you want me to be an active parent in his life once he finds out I birthed him? His whole life is filled with abuse, trauma and lies. I don't know how much he can take before he snaps. You know, I know, Rei knows, Fuyumi and Natsu knows I birthed him. This will make him distrust Rei, Fuyumi and Natsuo. He loves them deeply. This is why I said sixteen years ago that I didn't want him to know. That even if he did develop my quirks don't tell him. You could've just told him maybe it's a rare condition. Yes it'll be another lie but it's less traumatizing. What if he snaps? His current mental state isn't even one hundred percent clear. He can turn into Dabi before we know it. Why cause him more heartache and pain? Enji you built your family on trauma, lies and secrets." "I know. I will find a way to fix this. But you don't want to get to know your own son? Watch him grow? You missed sixteen years of his life and it's unfair to you." Enji was rubbing my thigh."Enji I knew exactly what I was getting into when I agreed to this. If I wanted all of that, I would've kept Shoto for myself. That boy is hanging on a tiny thread of hope just like Fuyumi. Do you really want to cut that? And keep your damn hands off me." I removed his hand and squeezed it. I knew I wasn't hurting him much. "I'm sorry it's a habit." Enji sighed. "You're right. But what if Shoto says he wants you in his life as another mother? He can make that decision on his own." "I highly doubt he'll ask me that. But if he does, I would agree to it. But I'm sure he wouldn't like me because I wasn't around to save him from you." "Y/N he wouldn't hate you. You didn't do anything wrong. All of his hate is towards me." "You damn right. You fucked up so bad. See what happens when you don't listen to me? That's why I left you." I got up off his desk and walked towards the door. I knew Enji was watching me. He always watch my ass move. "You have a wife Enji." I scolded before exiting.
I'm so cold at work lmao. Please touch me Endeavor.

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