Chapter Fifteen: The Truth

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. This will contain BNHA spoilers. Feel free to skip. Happy reading!☺️

Today we move in on the League of Villains and the Liberation. Everything to stop this war starts today. We've found their hideout and where Shiggy is being kept. He ended up out of the incubator and woke up. The Gigantomachia is reeking havoc all over Japan. Enji, and Shoto are up against Dabi. "Ooh there you are! You all look like ants from way up here." He says as he comes down. "Oh? I spy Shoto too? That's perfect!" "Huh?" Shoto asks. "Dabi!" Enji calls. " that a way to address me...?" Dabi asks. "I have a great name you know. Call me Touya." "Touya is dead." Enji says. "The past never dies!" "You're not Touya." I hear. I start to walk up closer to them. "Dabi is Touya." I inform Enji. "What?" "He never died. I saw him in my vision. I've been telling you this for the last longest but you never listen to me." I say. "I-I've never stopped looking for you." Enji tells him. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Icy Hot. Looks like the entire family is here. The parents and their loving son." "Touya, don't." I warn. "What are you talking about? Mom's not here." Shoto announces. "Oh my mother Rei Todoroki isn't here. No." "Touya please, don't." I beg. "But your mother Y/N is here." "What? She's not my mother." "Tell him dear old dad." "Dabi!" I scold. "Tell me. Did you develop any new quirks exactly like hers?" "I get premonitions. But I inherited it from our grandparents." "Our grandparents doesn't have premonition. Not from dear old dad's side or my mother's side. You inherited from her. Your rightful mother." Dabi explains. "How could you do this? To your brother Natsuo? Remember him? You used to cry to him!" Enji yells. Dabi laughs as he throws fire. "Shoto!" I tackle Shoto, moving him out of the way. I shielded him with my body as we fall down. "Are you alright Shoto?" I ask. He nods as we get up. Enji was fighting against Dabi. And just like that, they disappeared. I run over to Enji. "Are you okay?" I ask. "I'm fine." I look over to see Shoto fall out. I speed over to catch him in time. "Shoto?!" I scream. He's unconscious. I look around. Help wasn't close. I knew this was going to happen. I get up and look at Enji. "Go. He needs medical help. I'll be fine." I nod once and take off. I stop to see paramedics. "I have Shoto. He's unconscious. And his father is back there. Ten blocks away." I inform them. They take Shoto from me. "Satō Sensei." I look to see Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Ashido, and Satō. Yaoyorozu held up a pair of glasses. They belonged to Midnight. I took them, wrapping my arms around the students. Tears streamed down my face. We cried for a few minutes. "It's going to be okay." I console. "I'm so sorry-" "Don't. It's not your fault. Midnight and I both knew this was coming. I told her months ago in advance." I cut Mina off as I pull away. I look at them. "Don't blame yourselves. She wouldn't like that." I sniff. "We couldn't find her body. This was all that's left." I nod. "Just like my vision. You kids go get checked out." I tell them. I hop in the back of the ambulance that Shoto was in. I grab his hand. Why did Touya tell Shoto I'm his mother? And now Midnight's gone. Shoto's not waking up. I lean my head to his chest. His heart's beating. Majority of my injuries I healed on my arm. My broken arm and ribs. "That guy who was on it true? Him saying that he's Endeavor's son and this boy is yours?" A medic asks me. "W-What?" I asked confused. "The burnt up kid. He said this one..." He points to Shoto. "Is yours." "No comment." I say as we get out the back of the ambulance. I waited for hours in the lobby. I get up. "Where's Enji Todoroki?" I ask the front desk. "Is it true you and him have a son together?" I roll my eyes. "No comment. Now where is Enji Todoroki?!" I snap. The nurse looks on the computer. "Upstairs on the twenty-seventh floor." "Put Shoto on the same floor when he recovers." I take off. I take the stairs and run. I stop to catch my breath in between. I was still in pain. I finally made it to the room. I knock on the door. He was banged up. "Y/N..." I walk in. "Everyone's asking is it true that Shoto is my son. Apparently, Touya told the world on television that he's your son and that you and I have a son. The paramedics and nurses asked me if we have a son together." I announce as I sit down in the chair. "What did you tell them?" "No comment. That's not my position to tell them. It's yours and Rei's. Damn sure wasn't Touya's either." "So now what?" Enji asks when he looks at me. "I'm praying he won't remember at all." "Y/N he's your son. He gets premonitions like you and can read minds when he's sick. He won't forget that." I let out a sigh. "A girl can dream." I pout. "How are you feeling?" I ask. "Like complete shit." "I'd heal you but you deserve this. Touya wouldn't be Dabi if you didn't abuse him." I say. "I know. I should've listened to you." "A little late for that Todoroki." "Knock, Knock." I look over to see Fuyumi walking in followed by Natsuo, Rei and Shoto. Shoto was wrapped up like a mummy. "Dad?" Fuyumi asks. Enji starts crying. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Are you all...okay?" "Crying...over what huh?" Natsuo asks. "Natsu!" I scold. "I didn't realize until now...these regrets...this's too late to matter!" Enji yells. "My's..." "Yes? What about your heart?" Rei asks. "The regrets and guilt...the rest of us borne that burden...much more than you have. Rei? Why are you here?" "I'm here to talk about our family. And about our son Touya." I start to get up. "I should probably go." "No stay. You're family." Rei says softly. "No really I sh-" "No please?" Rei pleads with me. I sigh and sit back down. I could feel Shoto's eyes on me. I listened to their stories from when they first met all the way up to Shoto being abused. Anger washed over me. I leap up and start hitting Enji. I start punching him and punching him. "Icy Hot!" I feel as I was being held back. To hear the things coming from Enji's mouth makes me want to kill him. "How could you? Those are your kids! Your wife! Your family! You should have listened to me twenty years ago! You could've prevented all of this Enji!" I scream. I shrug them off and sit down. Fuyumi and Natsuo started speaking. Rei spoke again. About Shoto being the savior of the family. He'll help stop Touya with his father, once he gets back on his feet. I look at Shoto. "So it is true?" I open my mouth. "Don't. Please don't. Feel better soon." Shoto walks out. "Shoto!" I call as I jump up. Rei holds me back. "Let him go. He needs to process this." Enji was crying. "He hates me." I say with a sigh. "He doesn't hate you." "He looked at me with betrayal in his eyes. I need to talk to him." I release myself from Rei and walk out. I walk into Shoto's room. "Can we talk?" I ask. "What is there to talk about?" "Your mother couldn't have anymore children after giving birth to Natsuo. She had a really tough pregnancy and birth. Your father contacted me and after some convincing, I said yes. When they took you home, I didn't get a saying in anything." "So you both lied to me and kept this secret from me?" I nod. "Why?" "I didn't want to add anymore trauma for you. And we agreed it wasn't important for you to know because Rei raised you." "Why didn't you keep me? If you did, I wouldn't have experienced all of this." "The abuse...I wish I could've. Had I known, I would've taken you and run." "But you already did know. You said so back there when he didn't listen to you twenty years ago. Why didn't you raise me? Did you not want me?" "No no that's not it. It's just you were conceived with your parents DNA. The doctor said mine wouldn't interfere but he wasn't sure if you would inherit my quirk." "Why didn't you tell me you dated my father back then?" "You were already asking by if I was your mother and sooner or later you'd figure it out. Just didn't think Touya would tell you." "Who all knows?" "Your siblings, Midnight...then I told Aizawa and All Might." "So everyone except me." "Please don't think of it like that. I warned your father years ago about my premonition but he never listened." "Why didn't you come by to visit me?" "I gave up all the rights to you, even though your parents wants me to be involved in your life. It just didn't feel right. Rei is your mother." "My father drove my mother into madness and hurt me. You could've been there to prevent that if you visited me and told me that you're my mom." Shoto was choking back tears. "D-Did you feel anything when you birthed me? When you gave me away?" "Happiness when you were born. It was hard giving you up the moment I laid eyes on you but I didn't have a choice." "You could have changed your mind." "And what? Have your father break down my door?" "No but you would've protected me if he did. He wouldn't have laid a hand on me. Or torture me as what he called training." "Your mother protected you as much as she could. I'm sure of it." "She didn't try hard enough." "Shoto!" "She knows it. We all know it. I just wish..." He sniffs. "That you all would've told me who my real mother was." "Rei is your mother. That woman loves you like she birthed you herself." "I'm sick of the lies and betrayal. And the secrets." "Okay. No more. None of that." "I a-always wished someone would rescue us. To rescue me. Why didn't you?" "I predicted you having fire and ice like your parents. When they took you home, I assumed he changed since he got what he wanted. We didn't come in contact again until I was starting class 1-A. I didn't even know your mom was in the hospital for a decade. Your father told me everything just before I started my first day at U.A." Shoto wipes his tears. I wrap my arms around him. "It's okay Shoto. Everything's going to be okay." "Could you-could you go?" He asks. I pull away. "I can't see you the way I used to. Can you please switch classes? I'm sorry." I nod as I choke back tears. I walk out of his room. I walk to the elevator and ride down, wiping tears. I get off the elevator and walk out. I walk down the street crying uncontrollably.
I tried not to put every detail in here because I didn't want to plagiarize the manga but hopefully it makes sense.

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