Chapter Twenty: I Love You

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Hiiiii! Hope all is well. Happy reading!☺️

"Hello?" I hear the deep raspy voice. "Sorry to wake you. Can we talk?" I ask. He yawns. "Yes." "Can you come over?" He was silent for a minute. "Yes." He hangs up quickly. I turn my lamp on. I look at the poison on my dresser. You can clearly tell I've been drinking it. I patiently wait for him. I ended up falling asleep until I hear knocking on the door. Waiting three hours is tiring. I get up and walking downstairs, closing my robe. I open the front door. "Hey." He greets. I throw my arms around him, pressing my lips against his. I feel as he holds my waist as he kiss me back. "Is this what you called me over for?" "No." I pull him in and lock the door. I take him upstairs, holding his hand. I get back in bed, sitting in the middle. He sits down on the edge. "I c-called you here because..." I clear my throat. "I can't see my future. At all." "What? Why not?" I shrug. "Could be the poison, could be just me. I can still see everyone's future. Just not mine. There's a great chance I won't be in the future. So take care of our baby for me okay? You'll be an amazing father. I believe in you." "Don't talk like that. Please." He begs. "I'm sorry." He was silent for a moment. "I officially can't have anymore children." "Y-You can't? Have you told him?" I shake my head no. "You're first to know." "He's going to lose his mind Satō." "Why aren't you losing yours? I'm surprised you're calm." "I can't sleep. Knowing that you're sacrificing yourself and might not make it, in order to save the world. I don't know when I'll lose you and it's driving me insane." His eyes trails off to the bottle on my dresser. He stares at it in silence. "Please don't do this." He whispers. "I want everyone to live in peace. I want all children to see their futures." He looks at me. "What about your children? A future without you? You know Shigaraki's grandmother gave up her son to save the world?" I nod as tears fall down my face. "I know." He pulled me into his arms. He didn't say anything as I sniffle, crying quietly. "I stand by with whatever decision you make. Because I love you. I'm in love with you." I pull away to look at him. "Shouta..." "I know you don't feel the same way. The time I've spent with you, Midnight and Endeavor whenever he came around, I started to fall for you. Every time I see you with him, I wished it was me. Who holds you when you're crying. Wishing I have that special connection with you because we have a daughter the one you have it with him. But you have twenty three years with him. Something I don't have and might not get. Watching you smile around Midnight, then Shoto and Eri, filled my heart with joy. I love your smile. I love the energy you have around Midnight and the kids. I loved watching you care for Eri when she hurt herself from falling. I loved watching you cook and bake with them. Watching Eri learn how to bake. Watching her bond with you two. I love everything about you. Your energy radiates through Shoto and Eri who love you deeply. You stopped smiling during our pro hero conference. Your energy was off. Every day you didn't return my calls, I panicked. I couldn't sleep. Not even in class. Eri and Shoto ask about you. It's not easy trying to explain to a seven year old where her mother went. Again. Shoto knew before I told him. He can't see your future either. I hoped you would be able to. But I knew the moment you told me you didn't know where you were during this next war. It's still shocking when you confirmed it. I know I've only been around you for a short period of time but I do love you and it was enough to fall for you. You don't have to tell me you love me. But please tell me you enjoyed my company." Aizawa confess. I lean in and kiss him softly. I gradually deepen the kiss. I pull him down on top of me. He trail kisses to my neck, causing me to moan. He looks into my eyes. "Do you really want to do this?" "Shut up and make love to me." Shouta smiles and kiss my forehead. He starts to take off my lingerie. He trail kisses down my body. Aizawa kiss every inch of me. Taste every inch of me. Savor every inch of me. Inhale every inch of me. I watch as he undress himself slowly. He holds me. He place a kiss on my lips as he enters. I let out a moan. He intertwine our fingers above my head as he thrusts slowly. He locks eyes with me. I see everything in his eyes. My feelings for him become stronger the longer I look into them. I wrap my legs around his waist as he slow stroke me deeply. He release our interlocked fingers and hold me. I grip his hair as I arch my back. My toes curl as he hits my spot repeatedly. I pant in his ear, enjoying every moment. I didn't want it to end. Aizawa was taking care of me. Of my body. Loving me like he's about to lose me forever. There's a strong possibility that he will. I start to see a future with him. With Aizawa. Not a premonition, but what two people in love see. I see him as my partner and lover for life. "Sh-Shouta-" "Please come for me." He cuts me off. He looks into my eyes intensely and that sends me over the edge. I release immediately after and feel him release as well. Shouta holds me for a moment before pulling out. He gets up, trying to get dressed but I grab his arm. "Don't go." I beg. He looks at me. He nods a d gets back in bed. Aizawa moves behind me and pulls me close. "When this is over and you live, will you be my wife?" "Yes." I quickly reply as he place his hand on top of mine. "I enjoy your company." I say. He kiss my shoulder and I feel him breathing on my neck slowly.
I'm in my sad girl hours RN🤧

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