Chapter Ten: Conneted Vision

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. This contains a slight BNHA spoiler. Happy reading!☺️

"Knock knock." I say as I walk in. "How are you?" I softly asks as sit down in a chair next to him. He turn his head towards me. "Embarrassed." "Why?" I ask as I cross my legs. "Because you had to save me." "Sorry it wasn't Endeavor." I reply in a sour tone. "That's not what I meant." I lean forward. "Then what did you mean?" "I shouldn't have to be saved at all. But she drained a lot of my blood. You shouldn't see me like this." "Why does it matter?" "It just does." He replies as he look at me fondly. "Well whatever. Take all the time you need. I'll hold down Class 1-A for you." "The doctor said my injuries aren't that bad so I should be fine. And thank you." I smile. "Thank god cause I do not know how to handle Bakugo." "I think you're doing amazing as my assistant." I furrow my brows together. "Why are you acting like this?" I question. "Like what?" "Speaking to me softly and not so cold blooded towards me." "That was before I got to know you." I cross my arms. "That was before you appeared at my business. You still don't know me. Now my question did Toga know that you were at my job?" I question. "I didn't tell her." I lean closer, my lips inches from his. "Seems like you were stalked." I lowly reply. I move to his ear. "When she posed as you, she said you've been fantasizing about Midnight and I. About my voice. The way my hand was on top of yours." Aizawa groans. "Now I don't know much about her quirk, but I do know she can't read minds. I'm guessing she'd find the right words you may say to me when we're alone." I move down back to his lips, looking deep in his eyes. "I don't think she was too far off, was she?" "Y/N please..." he says in a shaky breath. "What are you begging for Shouta?" "You're teasing me aren't you?" Aizawa leans closer, holding the back of my neck. His lips lightly touch mine. "I'm just wondering how Toga got your blood." "Is this a bad time?" Shouta and I pull away. We look to see Midnight standing there. "No no. I was just questioning him." "Like that? Looks like you two were about to get freaky before I interrupted." Midnight says as she place flowers in a vase on the table. "Nope." I pop the p. "You want to explain his boner then?" "His what?" I look down. "Sh-Shouta!" "Should I take care of that or you?" "He should be recovering." "Y/N his dick isn't broken." "I completely forget you're so blunt sometimes." "So? Are we going to live out his fantasies here or no?" "Midnight!" I scold. "What? This is a private floor, nobody's coming." Before I could process what was happening, Midnight was already on the bed making out and grinding on Aizawa. "Wait wait wait wait a minute!" I scream as I break them two apart. "Aizawa! Midnight!" Midnight let's out a frustrating sigh. "What Y/N?" "This is all too much." "Nobody's uncomfortable. You saw my pussy before and you saw his dick." "I'm uncomfortable." I protest. "Look if you're uncomfortable you can go." "Or maybe you can leave. I wasn't done speaking with him." Midnight looks at Shouta. "Do you want me to leave?" She asks, pressing his face into her chest. "No." He muffled, his hands on her ass. "Then I'll leave." I volunteer. I get up, walking out. "No don't." I managed to hear. I turn on my heel. "You still need to recover. I'll speak to you when you're completely healed. In the meantime, I have to prepare myself for class tomorrow. I also have a few people I need to talk to. Carry on." I open the door and walk out. I exhale. I take my phone out. "Toshinori, are you busy?" I ask. "No." "I'm on my way." I say as I walk out of the hospital. I stop in my tracks when I see Enji. "Why are you here?" I ask. "I came here to see Aizawa." "You do not want to go in there." "Why not?" "Midnight's in there." "So?" "Let me repeat myself. Midnight's in there." I spoke more slowly and clearly. It took Enji a minute. "O-Oh." "Now you get it." I agree slowly. "Didn't know Aizawa was into that stuff." "Yeah well people surprise you, and you're one to talk. Anyway I gotta speak to All Might. I'll see you later." "Have you talked to our son?" "Your son, and no I haven't." "Call me when you do." "Not likely." I say as I get into my car. I drove off, towards U.A school. It's easy for Midnight to sleep with Aizawa she doesn't see him every day like I do. She's not in his class. He's not her mentor. I really wanted to know how did Toga even get to him. Was he slacking? No, that can't be. But they're intentions were probably to go after Midoriya. Lure him out as his teacher. I pull up to the school and park. I get out, heading inside. Knowing All Might, he's probably in the lounge. I walk in. Midoriya was already there. "Satō Sensei." "Hey Izuku. Glad you're here." I reply as I sit down. "H-How's Aizawa Sensei?" "His injuries aren't too bad. I can't say if he's coming back tomorrow but he'll probably force himself too. I called All Almight because I think you were their target. I think they had Toga to pose as Aizawa to lure you out. Dabi and Kurogiri were there. With his warp gate, he let them escape." "How did she get Aizawa's blood?" All Might asks. "I was trying to get that information out of him but he had some visitors and I left." All Might handed me some tea and I drink it. "How are you? You and Endeavor went toe to toe with a few Nomu." He asks. I shrug. "Shigaraki was there and he threatened to decay Shouta. I calculated his scratches and froze him in time. I captured Aizawa and then went back to help Enji, not that he needs any help." "As expected from the strongest female hero!" Midoriya beam. "Principal Nezu says he's going to make security extra tight and bump up the curfew." I nod. "As he should. Alright..." I finish my tea. "I need to go see Shoto." I wave and leave out. I walk down the hall. I look for Shoto's room. I find it. I knock. "Come in." I open the door. "Hey." I greet. "Satō Sensei. How's Aizawa Sensei?" "He's good. He's not badly injured." I lean against the doorway. "Can we talk for a minute?" I ask. "Yeah sure." I walk in. "When you said you have a vision...what do you mean by that?" Shoto shrugs. "I saw what was going on. You were choking Aizawa Sensei although it wasn't him. Dabi was here. So was my dad. And Aizawa Sensei was held hostage." "Was it like a clear vision or blurry?" "Clear. Do you think I get visions now like you?" My breath hitch to a stop. "I think that's unlikely. Your parents doesn't have it. But it could be possible if your grandparents have it. Do you know if they do?" "No." "Are you going to ask your dad?" "No. I'll ask my mom the next time I see her." "How is your mom?" "She's doing a lot better. I'm happy she's coming out soon. I really miss her." I look at Shoto. My facial expression softened. He is so sweet, just like Rei. "How long have you known my dad?" Shoto flat out asked. "A long time. We were in the same school together with Midnight and All Might." "Seems like you and my dad are pretty close." "What makes you think that?" "Just a hunch." "Well he used to train me. He pushed me past my limits in terms of strength when we were younger." I truthfully say. "Did you two ever date?" I scoff. "What? No. Why?" "I just wanted to know someone who dated him before my mom to see how he was back then. What made him become the bastard he is today." "I don't know how he was relationship wise but I do the he was still chasing after All Might. His obsession isn't new. That's why I-" I stop in mid sentence and Shoto looks at me. "Did you try to stop him?" "He never listens to me. I saw his future and how he would end up. I told him and he still didn't listen. I never knew who he wife was going to be. We lost contact for years until he ended up needing me for something about seventeen years ago. I couldn't and still don't support his actions. Had I known Rei got with him I would've stopped her. But he's also Endeavor so I don't think she would have listened. He doesn't even listen to me know when I told him something very important based on my vision. He didn't doubt me but he kind of did with the second guessing. My visions are never wrong." "He should have listened to you. If you were my dad's girlfriend do you think he would have listened to you? Maybe a different perspective from a lover's point of view?" Damn this kid is smart as fuck. "I can't say. Who knows. We'll never know." I lied. "I think you'd be a cool amazing mom. And if you dated my dad, you would've prevented this with your visions and talk it out with him or something." Shoto says hopeful. "Maybe. But remember your mother is amazing. She loves you and did her best to protect you." "I know. I wish she didn't have to go through that or whatever." "None of you deserved it." I catch myself staring at Shoto again. I look away. I don't know why but I feel like I just want to hug him and tell him everything is going to be okay. That mama's got him. "What if I get another vision again?" I turn my attention back to Shoto. "Then you tell me." "So you'll help me with it?" "Of course. That's what I'm here for." I say as I walk over to him. I hug him. I start to get a vision. It was Endeavor in the hospital severely injured. I pull away quickly. "My dad..." "Y-You saw it too?" Shoto nods slowly. "He's going to be in the hospital. I-I'll see you later." I take off before Shoto says anything else. I call Enji. "So did you talk to him?" "Yeah." "And?" "I passed it off as maybe he inherited it from his grandparents. But that's not why I called you." I panted. "Why are you out of breath? You're faster than me." "I'm at Shizuoka Prefecture." I replied. "Y/N we're in Tokyo. That's a thirty-eight hour walk. A three hour drive. You're where Mt. Fuji is. H-How-" "Now do you see why I'm out of breath? I haven't done this in a minute. I'm getting too old for this." "Well what the hell spooked you out?" I inhaled deeply and exhaled. "Well after our long conversation, I went to hug him. I had a vision. It was you hospitalized. When I let go, Shoto had the same vision of you in the hospital." Enji was silent for a while, making me anxious. "We truly created a perfect son. You know you're going to have to tell him sooner than later." "We envisioned you in the hospital and that's your concern?" "Y/N I'm the number one hero. I'm prepared to be in the hospital and die for Japan. Anyway, he's going to find out one way or another." "Not is really not the time. Not when a war is coming. Not when Shiggy is being experimented on. That means I have to keep Dabi away from him." "Dabi? You spoke with him?" "Yes when they infiltrated UA." "What did he say?" "That you and I are still keeping secrets from Shoto about me being his biological mother." "And you didn't tell me this?" "I'm sorry but I do recall them getting away, rescuing Aizawa and taking down Nomu." Enji sighed. "Fine. I'll let it go. This time." "Stop smiling Enji." "I can't help it. Our son is really special. He's so much like you Y/N." "Todoroki!" I scold. "You can't deny how amazing this is. You two are bonding on a deeper level." "Enji stop!" "He's going to know regardless-" I hang up on Enji. I exhale deeply. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be if I wasn't involved with the Todoroki family let alone, with Enji. Probably more peaceful. I look at Mt. Fuji, placing my hands on top of my head. I admire the view. The war is coming. I can feel it in my bones. It's going to be a nasty battle. I look at the time. Shit it's late. I take off again, running towards UA. "Where'd you go?" Shoto asks as soon as I get back. "Sh-Shizuoka Prefecture." I pant. "That's pretty far. Do you need anything? Some water?" Shoto looks at me concerned. "I'll be fine." I stand up straight. "Here you can have this." Shoto gives me his water bottle. "Thanks." I open it and drink. I feel my phone vibrate. I pull it out and look at it. Enji's calling. "Why is my dad calling you?" I shrug. "I don't know." I truthfully responded. I ignore the call. "What do you all want for dinner?" I ask, placing the phone in my back pocket. "Anything!" "Ramen!" "Cold Soba for me." "Pizza!" I laugh at all of the suggestions. "Alright y'all pick out a movie and start watching it." I tell them. They left to go the theatre room. I wash my hands and call Enji back. "Why the hell are you calling me?" I whisper demanded. "Why did you hang up on me?" "Shoto saw you calling me Enji." "Monitor your surroundings." I let out a sigh. "What do you want Enji? I'm making dinner for the students." I say as I start preparing the dinner. "You never told me your complete conversation with our son." "Your son." I correct. I start making the Cold Soba first. "I can't do that right now I'm back here now. I'll tell you some other time." "What are you cooking?" "Well everyone has their own specific preferences tonight so I'm doing that. I'm starting off with Shoto's Cold Soba." I answer as I put a large pot of water on the stove. "He likes Hot Soba." "No he doesn't. He likes it cold. God it's like you don't even know your son at all." I snap, dropping the soba noodles in. I start making the dipping sauce. "Yeah it's my fault on that. I'm glad he has you as his mother Y/N. I always knew you'd make a wonderful mother." I stop. "Rei is his mother Enji. And I'm just his teacher's assistant." "You ever think about our life if we ever got married?" "No Enji, I don't. I have too much on my plate right now and I moved on. You need to move on as well." I go back to making the dipping sauce. "I'm trying. You're not making this easy." "Oh so you're blaming me now?" I ask as I pour sugar. "I'm not. I'm just saying being around you more often is making it harder." I start chopping green onions. "Ya think? I didn't expect to be in the same class with your son." I reply. I turn and jump. Shoto was standing there. "Everything alright Shoto?" I ask. "Is that Shoto?" "I was wondering if you need help." "Here come wash your hands and cut the green onions. Make sure they're fine." I instructed. "Fine like you?" I roll my eyes. "Stop rolling your eyes Satō." I walk out of the kitchen. "Are you trying to get us caught?" I ask, storming down the hall. "That's what makes it fun." Enji laughs. "I'll slap that smirk clean off your face. Try me." Enji moans. "God I love when you get spicy." "Todoroki!" I scream. I cover my mouth. "Yes?" I turn around to see Shoto peaking out. "U-Uh do you know what Bakugo wants to eat?" I ask. He shrugs. "Anything spicy really." I nod. "Good to know." Shoto heads back into the kitchen. I let out a deep breath. "Fuck!" I whisper. "You were very loud screaming my name like that." I walk outside. "You have a wife. You have a family." I remind him. "I know that. I'm going to fix my family, Y/N I will." "I gotta go before we really get caught." I hang up quickly and head back inside. I walk in the kitchen and wash my hands. I look at the chopped green onions. "Wow that's impressive." I compliment. "Fuyumi taught me how to cook." "She's such an amazing big sister I bet." "She is. Fuyumi took over taking care of the household when our maid injured her back and retired." "Y'all had a maid?" I ask surprised. He nods as he drains the soba noodles. I smile watching him. I feel so proud. I let Todoroki finish making his dinner as I prepare pizza. "Do you guys need any help?" I turn to see the students in the doorway. "With cooking?" They nod. "Okay how many of you guys can actually cook besides Todoroki and Rikido?" Everyone remain silent. "Exactly." I laugh. "Thanks for the offer. But y'all can set up the table. Oh and ask Rikido what kind of soup does he want. I know he's still sick." "I'll ask him." Asui says followed by a ribbit and leaving. Everyone left except Midoriya. "You okay?" I ask. "Yeah. It's just Aizawa Sensei is usually here. It's weird." "I know. But he'll recover soon. He's a stubborn one." I say as I embrace him in my arms. "Alright now do me a favor and ask everyone what do they want for dessert." Midoriya left and Asui came back. "He said he just want Miso soup." I nod. "Alright, simple enough. Thanks Tsu!" Shoto put his Soba in the fridge. I go back to making the pizza. Cleans the dishes. "Does my dad call you a lot?" "A lot." "Does he ever talk about me besides not long ago?" I gasp. "How much did you hear?" "Not much. Just that he's blaming you for something and that you're at my class." I gushed out a sigh. "He's not blaming me for anything." "Are you protecting him? Please don't do that. My mom did that when I was growing up." I look at Shoto shocked. "No. I'm not protecting him nor defending him. It's's complicated. Besides if he ever blame me for anything I'm beat his ass and checking him into a hospital." Shoto laughed to himself quietly as he helped me with the pizza dough. "I need to send Fuyumi a gift. She really taught you how to cook." "She's the best." "God I haven't saw her in years." "You know my sister?" I nod. "She was very young so I'm sure she doesn't remember me. I hear she's an elementary school teacher." Shoto nods. "She remembers you. She's your biggest fan. She's really big on girl power. She's a great teacher too." Shoto beams. I couldn't help but smile. It kills me that he's a lot taller than me though. "How's Natsu?" I ask. "He's good. He really likes college. Still hate our dad. Can't blame him. Fuyumi hopes our family can go back to normal." "Do you think it can?" I ask. "I'm proud to call the number one hero my father. I'm not proud to call him my father." I nod slowly understanding what he meant. "He said he's going to change and fix our family. I can only wait and see. I'm sorry I probably sound terrible." I place my hand on top of Shoto's, stopping him from kneading the dough. "It's okay that you feel that way. He's done a lot of damage to his family. You have the power to forgive him while he's atoning his sins or not. You're not a bad person Shoto. But you do have hope. A string of hope in you that maybe your family can go back to normal." "You sound like Midoriya." "That boy is smart is hell. You know he's always muttering when he gets really focused." "You do the same too." "Only when I start to panic. And when did you hear me do that?" "I don't exactly remember when." He laughs. "You're a pretty sharp kid." "Thanks.'ve talked to Dabi?" Shoto asks as he place pizza in the oven. "Yeah." "What's he like?" "Ruthless." "You both have matching blue flames. Are you his mother?" "Shoto no I'm not. I'm surprised you didn't ask if Midoriya is my son." "Is he?" "Todoroki!" I scold. "I'm kidding. I've met his mom, she's nice. What was it like fighting Dabi?" "Well it felt like fighting an old friend." Shoto furrow his brows. "What do you mean?" "Let's just say he still remembers me." "You know him? Do you know his parents? Or if he has any siblings?" Boy you have no idea. I thought. "I'm well acquainted with his family. I speak to them often. I try to." "What's his background story?" "That's classified." "Well I hope his siblings wouldn't end up like him too. If he have any." "They won't. They have an older sister who loves them too much. He cut ties with his family." "So he abandoned his family. Just like my father." Like father like son. I thought. I check on the pizza. "How do you feel about Dabi?" I ask. He shrugs. "I don't think much of him. He's just someone we need to stop." Keep that same energy Shoto. I thought. "I overheard Principal Nezu mentioning an all out war." "You don't miss a thing do you? You're very intuitive." I take the pizza out. Shoto finish making the ramen. He stumbles. I catch him. "Are you okay?" I ask. "I-I feel dizzy." I place the back of my hand on his forehead. "Oh you're-" I was cut off by my vision. I gasp. "Midnight!" Shoto and I said in unison. He drops the bowl of ramen. "She's going to die?" He asks me slowly. His eyes looked so sad. I nod slowly. "Looks like it." "We have to stop it. How can we stop it?" "We can't. At least right now. We don't know when why or how." Shoto looked completely defeated. My heart broke. This has to be a mistake. I thought as I pull Shoto into a hug. Another vision comes in. "No." I cry out. I pull away, covering my mouth with shaky hands. My eyes start to water. "Sh-She's going to die in war?" Shoto asks. I shake my head and clean up the ramen on the floor. "Satō Sensei are you okay?" "I'm fine." "Here let me help. It's my fault." "No it's okay I got it." "Please let me help." "I said no! Now get out!" I snap. "I'm sorry." He mumbles before leaving. I throw the broken bowl glass away. I clean the floor. I finish and wash my hands. I go back to cooking. I zone out as I cook. There's no way Midnight's dying. Fuck who am I kidding? My visions are never wrong, and that's what scares me the most. "Y/N are you okay?" I kept cooking. "Y/N!" I felt as I was pulled into a strong embrace. "Let me go!" "Y/N it's me!" I hear Enji's voice. He turns me to face him. "Enji...what are you doing here?" "Shoto called me. He said you two had a vision about Midnight dying...during the Liberation War. He's really worried. Are you alright?" "My best friend is going to die Enji, no I'm not alright. I don't even know how it'll happen I just know why when and where. This is my partner in crime. My soulmate!" I scream. Enji wraps his arms around me as I break down. He squeezes me. "I wish I could tell you everything will be okay, but we both know that's not try. I truly am sorry this is happening to you. I know what it's like to lose someone you love. If you find any clues leading to her death, let me know and I will prevent it." He coos as he rubs my back gently in circles. "Th-This can't be happening." I cried. "We can get through this and prepare ourselves to prevent it from happening. Look at me." Enji pulls away and looks at me. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep her alive even if it kills me. And if I don't succeed, I'm sending her killer right behind her." I nod. Enji kiss my forehead. "You have my word. And I mean it. Call me the moment you find any clues. She's my friend too. You don't have to do this right now, but you have to tell her. She deserves to know." Enji wipe my tears and I sniff. "I-I know. I just don't know how to tell her." "Just sit her down and tell her gently. If you want, I'll come with you for support." Enji offers. "Thanks, but I'm good. I need to do this alone." "Alright. Call me if you change your mind." Enji kiss my cheek. "Take care of yourself." Shoto walks in as Enji walk out. He looks at his father. "Shoto." He walks in. "Yes?" "I'm sorry for snapping at you." "It's okay I understand." "You're such a sweet boy. All grown up. Come on it's time to serve dinner." Shoto and I set the food on the table. "It seems like my dad cares about you a lot. I wish he cared for my mom like that." "He does. That's why he's trying to fix his family. Now I don't know how he's going to do that but he should have something in mind. He loves you all more than anything." "I wish he shown it instead of abuse and torture." "I know honey I know." Shoto grabbed his Cold Soba. "Go tell everyone dinner's ready." I take the miso soup and head to Rikido's room. I knock. "Come in." I walk in. "Hey. Here's your soup." I hand it to him. "Thank you." "It's not a problem. Feel better soon." I leave out. Everyone was at the dinner table. I walk into the kitchen and prepare dessert. My phone rings again. I answer it. "Are you okay?" Enji asks. I let out a sigh. "I'm telling her tomorrow." I say as I start adding ingredients for the cake. "Good. I'm glad Shoto called me. He cares about you." "He needed to report to you on Midnight's upcoming death. That's all." "Y/N stop. He was worried. I heard the panic in his voice. He's experiencing premonition and watched you break down." "I know. I'm going to talk to him about it." "On a good note, I'm glad you two are bonding more. He told me you two were making dinner. Having a mother and son quality time." "I will hang up on you." "I'm not trying to do anything. I think it's cute and you deserve it. You shouldn't deprive yourself from this. I'm just trying to cheer you up. I think it's pretty cool that you two share a connected vision when you two make contact." "Yeah I'm going to refrain from that." "He's going to figure out soon that he can only do this with you because he's your son." I put the cake batter in the oven. "I feel like I'm taking him away from Rei." "You're not. She's still his mother no matter what." I shake my head. "I just can't believe my DNA is ruining Shoto's." "We knew this already. That it was a possibility that he would inherit your quirks. It was never a guarantee that he wouldn't." I pace back and forth. "Stop pacing. You're overthinking it Y/N." "Sometimes I feel like a home wrecker. Like I wedged between your family and gave birth to your son." "You didn't. That's far from the truth and you know that." "I'll talk to you tomorrow. I'm going to finish dessert and go to bed." I hang up quickly. I continue to make dessert with Shoto's help. I went to bed afterwards.
I think it was finally time for a mother and son bonding. Long over due🤧

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