Chapter Eight: The Client

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. Sorry I haven't updated on this. I was into my Eren story lmao. This will contain explicit content. Feel free to skip. Happy reading!☺️

I was at Dominatrix. The company I started with Midnight. "I am so glad you're here! It feels like old times." Midnight cheered as she hugged me. "I'm just here to check on things. I am not here to take clients. It's the weekend and I'm bored." "Well it's good to have you back." "So? How is business?" "Busy as usual. Our clientele increases ten fold. And I remember when Enji first came here too." I roll my eyes. "Why do you bring him up?" I ask. "Because you too are cute and perfect for each other. Well Enji in the past. Not now." "He was to far gone to believe me." I shrug. "Now you know he was always hard headed. Or he would've never chased after you in high school. Nah he would have. Can't say that I blame him. Ooh speaking of the devil. And here he is." I look forward to see Enji walking in. His flames were off and he was in regular clothes. I knew he was coming. I foresaw it. I get off the desk I was sitting on and start to walk away. Midnight caught me. "Girl get your man." "He has a wife." I remind her. She pushes me. "Can we talk?" "No." I say as I turn around again. Enji grabs my arm, pulling me away. "Get your damn hands off me Todoroki!" I snap. He drags me into the office. "Why are you here?" I ask. "You didn't answer my calls or text for three weeks." "I told you about the war. There's nothing else that needs to be reported." I explain. "We need to talk." "Is Shoto okay?" "He's fine." "Did he develop more powers?" "No." "Then we have nothing to talk about." "We need to talk about what happened in my office." "No, we don't." "Y/N please." I folded my arms. "Let's hear it." "I'm still in love with you no matter how many times I deny it." "Wrong answer." I start to walk away. Enji turned me around. "I'm not going to ruin your family more than you already have." I tell him. "I don't want you to." "Then why tell me this?" "Because I can't get you out of my mind." "Oooh big bad Endeavor who is always so cold is confessing his feelings?" "For you, I'll do anything." "Anything?" I raise an eyebrow. "Anything." "Then for the love of God Enji Todoroki, fix your family. I am not your family." I back up. "We have a son." "And that's supposed to make me stay? Tell you to leave your wife for me? Why do you want leave her so bad?" I ask as I got closer to him. "Because I was a shit husband and father." "So you make it up to them! For the rest of your life. You married her. You impregnated her albeit solely for her quirk." "I know. But I can't help what I'm feeling right now." "What am I supposed to do with this information Todoroki?" "Nothing. I don't want you to do anything." Enji wrapped his arms around me. I try to push him off. He squeezes his hugs. "Don't. At least let me hold you. I can't do anything else with you. I lost you, and I may lose my wife." "Enji..." "Please. Don't say anything." I let out a sigh. "I fantasize about you. About us. What our family would've been like. Our son Shoto would also have siblings. They'd be raised together. As equals. Because you would put me in my place. Although Rei has done that as well. I just..." "Enji this is too much." "I know." "Enji let me go. We can't do this. You sneaking around behind your wife's back and telling me that you love me." Enji released me and I backed up. "Tell me you don't love me and I'll stop." "I don't love you." "Look me in the eyes and say it." I look at him. "I don't love you Enji Todoroki." He shook his head. "I don't believe it. Your body responds to me so well. Especially in my office." "Okay I haven't had sex in years. You didn't have to go in on me like that." "No wonder you were so wet." "Don't act like I was ever a desert bitch Todoroki." I snap. "You're right. I'm sorry. Anyway...I talked to Rei. I told her that I'm still in love with you. She always knew. She saw your ring. She saw it in my eyes. She saw it when you birthed Shoto. And she knows that I still love her." "You really fucked her over. That's a good woman Todoroki." "She is. You think I don't know that? I want to start over with her. I want to work on my marriage with her. I want to fix my family and focus solely on them not you!" His voice boomed. "Sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I just wish I didn't love you anymore. I was lead by delusion that I wasn't. I hate that I love two people at once. My heart should only beat for her." I nod. "I'm sick of this conversation. Go." "I'm sorry if I hurt you." "You didn't." There was a knock on the door. "Y/N? We have a very new client. And I recommend you to him." Midnight said. "What? Me?" I whisper. "So you're back in the business?" Enji asks. I roll my eyes. "Shut up." I sigh. "I'll be out in a minute!" I reply louder. I look at Enji. "We're never having this conversation again." I open the door. "I think you'll enjoy this client." Midnight said with a huge grin. "Well, where is he?" I follow her gaze. Aizawa was standing there. "Icy Hot?" I was too stunned to speak. "I-I-" "Go!" Midnight pushed me closer. "I'll talk to you later." Enji says to me as he leaves. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "Was that Endeavor?" Shouta asks. "Yes. He needed to talk to me about something. Again...what're you doing here?" I ask. "Need to try something new in my life. You're a dominatrix?" "What you need is sleep. Coffee in the mornings and therapy." I skip over his last question. "Midnight said she was bringing out the best, I didn't expect it to be you." "Yeah well I didn't expect to see you here either Aizawa and here we are." "I've tried everything to fall asleep and I can't. White noise machines, counting sheep, meditation and melatonin. None of it works." "And why is that? Hmm?" "Can we skip that? What kind of services do you offer?" "Lots. Dirty talking, teasing, torture, sex, living out your fantasies, phone sex operation, just to name a few." "And for a beginner?" I eye him up and down. "Hmmmm..." I think for a minute. "I know exactly what you need. But I can't be the one to do it, Midnight?" I call. "Yes?" "Can you give him our best service?" I ask her. "Are you coming?" "To make sure things are under control, yes." Midnight takes his hand and leads him away. I follow. "We've just expanded and you get to test out one of our new rooms." Midnight announces excitedly. "Midnight he's new. Introduce it to him slowly." I remind her. "I know, I know." "This man needs a damn lullaby." I mumble as we enter the new room. "Uhn-uhn." I say as soon as we step a foot in. "This is too much for him. Something more simple." "Y/N nothing here is simple." Midnight placed him on the bed. I close the door and sits down in a chair. She starts taking off his clothes. His hands was all over her. He surprisingly has a nice fit body. I look away and then look back at them. "Remember he's a first timer Midnight." I remind her. I'm pretty sure she wasn't listening. Midnight got up and grabs a paddle. I jump up. "No!" I grab it from her. She pulls out chains. "Midnight!" I scold. "Fine." She pouts. She starts to pull out his hard dick. I gasp at his length and girth. She places him into her mouth. "I don't think I can watch this." I get up as I hear moans from them. "Why not?" Midnight asks. "I'm literally his assistant at class 1-A. This is just weird." I walk out and close the door behind me. "Everything good boss?" Our employee Cherry asks me. "Yeah. It's just a little weird." "Because you see him every day in class?" "Yeah that pretty much sums it up." I agree. He smiles at me. "Hopefully it shouldn't be too weird back in school." "I saw his dick. And heard him moan. It's going to be more than just weird." "How are you Cherry?" I ask. "I'm good. Life's good. And business is on overdrive." He replies. I had a conversation with Cherry for about five to ten minutes before Midnight came up to us. "He's requesting you. Your turn." She pushed me before I could say anything and my feet shuffle towards where he is. I walk in. Aizawa was fully dressed. "D-Did you two?" "We did." "So why did you request for me?" "I need you. I want to try your method." "Well if Midnight can't put you back to sleep, what makes you think I can?" I start to leave but Shouta grabs my wrist. "Please? I'm desperate." I sigh. "Fine." I sit down on the bed and look at him. Really look at him. He starts to undress himself. I stop him. "Don't do that." "Okay..." I button his shirt slowly. He watches me. Our eyes meet and he pulls me down with him. He keeps his arms around me. "You've never been touched. You've never been intimate. You've never been talked to." I lean closer to his ear. "Why is that?" I whisper. He shivers and moans. "Has your voice always been this sexy?" "Always." I answer. "Shouta..." "Y-Yes?" "You didn't answer my question." He gulps. "S-Say my name again." "Shouta." He closes his eyes as his chest heaves. His hand trails down to my ass and grabs it. "Why haven't you been touched Aizawa?" I repeat. "Fuck, say my hero name." "Eraser Head." Aizawa looks at me. "Sometimes, you have to be taken care of too." I graze my teeth against his earlobe. He shivers again, his hand gently rubbing my ass. I kiss behind his ear then down his neck. Soft moans escapes his lips. "Y/N..." "Yes?" I kiss the base of his throat. I start to unbutton his shirt, trailing kissing down. I flick my tongue against his nipple, massaging the other one. I trail kisses back up and press my lips against his. He eagerly kisses me back. "Fuck I'm so hard." I sit on top of him. I grind against him. He grabs my waist and squeezes. "Ooooh fuck." I moans. I place my fingers in his mouth. Aizawa sucks them. I take them out. "Tell me Aizawa. What makes you sleep deprived?" I ask. I slide my tongue down his chest. I already know the answer since I predicted it. "Stresssss...and loneliness." He finally said it. "Sit up." I get behind him when he sits up. I remove his shirt and start massaging his shoulders. He lets out a loud moan. "What's your wildest dream Shouta?" "M-My wildest dreams?" "Everybody has one or a few." I keep massaging his shoulders. "A threesome. And to start a family." His shoulders start to relax. "We'll be adopting Eri soon. That'll make us family." "That's if we can." I stop massaging, wrapping my arms around his neck. "If you need help, I can help you." I lowly say in his ear. He shivers. "Your touches and your voice is so...hypnotic." Aizawa tells me. I crawl to the front of him. He holds my chin and kisses me. "So you dream of pleasuring two women at the same time? Watching them pleasure each other?" I ask in his ear. "Yessss..." "We can make it happen one day. Now you have something to look forward to. I know Midnight will be on board." "Please touch me." He begs. I unzip his pants. I've been anticipating him for so long but I'm patient. Aizawa eagerly pulls his dick out. I kiss his neck slowly as he masturbates. "Shouta..." I breathe. He was stroking himself pretty fast. "See that's your problem. Slow down. Why rush?" I place my hand on top of his, slowing down his pace. I guide him. I rotate his hand and add a little pressure. He groaned. "Fuck." "There you go." I grab a water based lube and add some in his hand. He goes back to stroking. "You'll be doing the exact same thing when I'm tongue deep inside of Midnight soon." "R-Really? I can't wait." "You can watch her tremble underneath me. Scream my name. Her eyes rolling back. Her sexy moans. And when she comes, she crawls over to you and just deep throats you. Making you disappear down her throat. Maybe I'll even peg her while she chokes. Or I might just play with her clit with my tongue as she swallow you." "Oh fuuuck. That's so hot." I rub the tip of his dick with my thumb. Aizawa's eyes rolled back again. "Say my name." "Y/N." He calls. "Again." "Y/N..." "Say it like you're balls deep inside of me." "Y-Y/N! Oh my god!" I increase his speed slowly. "I want you to be deep inside my stomach right now. Looking deep into my eyes as you thrust." "I can imagine it. Unholy fuck!" Aizawa starts to drip. "You are glistening." I bring his lips closer to mine and kiss him. I bite his lower lip. Aizawa moans into my mouth. "Icy Hot..." "That's my name, wear it out." "Can we?" "Another time. I'll let your desires run wild." Although I definitely wanted to feel him, I still felt awkward. I work with him every day in school and now we're here. And I'll see him again back at school. I suck on his neck. With his bandage cloth, no one will notice it. Just like that, Aizawa explodes. I place a towel around him so he won't mess up his clothes. I then wipe him clean. I place it in the hamper so housekeeping can clean it. Aizawa tucks himself away. He pulls me down on top of him. "So?" I ask. "That was fucking amazing. Thank you." He kisses me, his hands holding my hips. I kiss him back and he yawns. "Well I'll glad you feel better." I look up to see Aizawa passed out. I get out and walk out, closing the door behind me. "How'd it go?" Midnight ask. I shrug. "He just needed a little special attention and some talking to. He was out like a light." "Did you two?" "No." "Damn. You still got it Icy Hot." "Yeah it's going to be awkward as hell the next time we're in class together." "You'll get over it." Midnight shrugs. I stayed at our company the entire time.
I feel like I wanna make this an Aizawa story. Ugh I'm so indecisive.

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