Chapter Fourteen: His Fantasies

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Hiiiiiii! Hope all is well. This will contain explicit content. Happy reading!☺️

Days went by and we were getting closer to the war. I ended up having clues on it but none leading up to Midnight's death. Enji was still hard on my ass but at least he saw me as a real person and not a pawn. Shoto recovered from being sick and it was a relief. I felt like I was walking on egg shells around him. Shouta surprisingly invited me to his home. I agreed to go. I also agreed to finally living out his fantasies. I told him to have the alcohol ready. "Here." Aizawa says as he place some papers down in my lap. "What's this?" I ask. "Read it." He hands me a pen before refilling my wine glass. I skim through it. "A-Are these Eri's adoption papers?" I ask. Aizawa nods. I jump up and throw my arms around him. He chuckles and hugs me back. "See? I knew you could pull it off." "Let me guess, you already saw this coming?" "Actually no. So much is happening at once but I believed in you." "Well thanks for that." I pick up the pen and papers that hit the floor. I sign under his name. "So..." Aizawa hands my glass to me as he sits down beside me. "How are we going to do this?" I shrug. "Wing it?" I ask. "That's not what I meant." I look at him. I raise an eyebrow. "I don't want to co-parent like we're a divorced couple passing a child off to one another." I take a sip of my wine. He's got a point. "So? What's your solution?" "You move in with me." I choke on the wine. "Come again?" I ask through coughs. He pats my back. "We live in two different houses. Wouldn't it be easier if we all live under one roof?" He makes another good point. Damn. "Well this is so fast." "This adoption finalization process is going to take a long time. In the meantime you can spend some nights here and get familiar." "Were you class rep when you went to UA?" "No. Why?" "You're very quick to come up with solutions. Reminds me of Iida. Anyway this is a huge step." "Y/N I'm not asking for your hand in marriage." "You better not. I can't even look at you sexually without being weirded out." "Ouch." "No offense. If I wasn't your assistant then yeah. Like Midnight said, you'd be hanging upside down while getting your dick sucked." "You can actually do that?" I nod. "That's hot." I look at the adoption papers again. "How's Eri? I haven't visited her in a minute." I ask. "She's good. Eri's getting a lot better with her quirk." I smile wide. "I'm so proud of her." I finish my wine. I gush out a deep breath. "Everything alright?" "Just so much on my mind." Aizawa turned me and I felt as he massaged my shoulders. "What're you-ooohhh right there." I close my eyes as I give in. His hands felt good. "Endeavor still on you?" "Like white on rice. But I'm not complaining. We need to be on our A game. I just wish I had a clue on what leads to Nemuri's death. On the bright side, Shoto is fine." "You're tensing up again. Relax your shoulders for me. And clear your mind." I close my eyes, letting my mind clear and my shoulders relax. "Good girl." I bit my lower lip, getting turned on. As if on cue, Shouta plants kisses on my neck. "Shouta?" "Yes?" I turn to face him. Our lips connect. I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls me into his lap, never breaking the kiss. His hands cup my ass. I bite his lower lip, causing him to moan. Aizawa holds me tighter and gets up. He walks up the stairs. He walks into the room. "And there she is." I hear Midnight. Aizawa places me on the bed. He looks at me seductively. "Don't leave." "Don't worry, she won't." Midnight's voice says in the background. "If she's drunk enough, she's horny enough." Midnight undressed me, leaving my underwear on. Shouta wrapped his binding cloth around me. He holds my left leg in the air, letting his tongue slide on my leg as he stares at me. "Sh-Shouta?" "Shhh." He trails his tongue further up my leg to my bikini area. "God..." I breathed out, panting. "Th-This isn't part of your fantasy." I choke out. "I have multiple. This is one of them." His fingers tugs on my panty. He looks up at me from underneath his lashes. His face inch closer to my bikini line. He pulls down my underwear with his teeth. "Shouta?" "Yes baby?" Aizawa hovers over me as he kiss me. I look into his eyes. I see how much he wants me. "Midnight..." "Yes?" "Get the chains." "She's back." I grab Aizawa and flip us over. I start taking off his pants. He was already bulging. I tug on his boxers and pull them down. He spring into action. God that was so hot. I take him inside my mouth. Aizawa moans. "Icy Hot..." I take him out of my mouth. I get up and help Midnight with the chains. "What's your safe word?" I ask Aizawa. "I don't have one." I smirk. "Big mistake." "Midnight?" I give her a look. I watch as Midnight digs in her bag. She pulls out a brand new strap and lube. I watch as she undress herself. She hands it to me. "What's going on?" Shouta asks. "Oh you'll love it. Turn around. Get on all fours." I instructed. Shouta does what he's told. She slide underneath him, putting them in a sixty-nine position. He was on top. Shouta lowers himself more as his penis slides down her throat. He lets out a moan. "You ready?" I ask. Midnight give a thumbs up as Aizawa thrusts in her mouth. "Ready Eraser Head?" "Fuck I'm ready." I lubricate and grab his hips. I slowly enter. "Oh fuck!" He moans. I lean over him and begin to thrust slowly. I watch as Aizawa start sucking on Midnight's clit. I keep thrusting. I elongate his body a bit further as I pick up the pace. I hold his hips tighter. Just the sight of them made me wet. I looked to see Midnight palming him as he played with her clit. Fuck this is a beautiful sight. I start whining my hips, keeping a steady pace. We were all a moaning mess. I pull out and take the strap off. I grab the chains and hook them to Aizawa. I pull on it, making him hang upside down. "What the fuck?" Shouta asks confused. I start sucking his dick. "Oh god!" He moans. I feel as he gets close to my clit. I play with his balls as I continue to suck. I feel as Aizawa starts to finger me. I hum on his cock. I let out a moan. I take him out of my mouth and start stroking. "Shouta..." "Y-Yes?" He groans. I feel as Midnight wraps her arms around me from behind and rub my nipples. I grab Midnight's hands and pull her forward. I shove her head onto Shouta's dick. I smirk. I squat down in front of her. She was dripping. "What a beautiful sight." I mumble before I begin to attack her pussy. Her legs began to shake. I kept going, gripping her hips. I could tell she was close. I felt as she began to release, legs shaking uncontrollably. I swallow everything before getting up. I release Shouta from the chains. He plopped on the bed. "You two tired already?" I ask. "I'm a little dizzy from being upside down." Midnight gets into bed, crawling next to him. "You know, I would expect Eraser Head immune to being upside down." "I'm never upside down that long." He yawns. I crawl to the left side of Shouta. "Thank you." He says as he wraps his arms around us both. He looks at me. "Thank you for coming. And staying." He smiles. "Pretty sure I'm going to regret this in the morning we when go back to class." He chuckled before he kiss me.
This probably sucked ass I'm sorry. I was not feeling it🤧

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