Chapter Sixteen: Pain

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. Happy reading!☺️

A few weeks or days or even months has passed since the Liberation War. Since Touya told Shoto I'm his mother. Since I lost Midnight. My best friend. Gone. Exactly how Shoto and I saw it. I lay in bed, not wanting to get out. "God it's so depressing in here." I hear. "Get out." I mumble. The large heavy footsteps walk to my window and my dark curtains pull back, revealing light. I groan and pull the blanket over my head. "Y/N." "Leave me alone." I mumble. "Y/N this isn't healthy." I feel as my blanket was being pulled. I gripped on it as we played tug-o-war. I lost. "Y/N stop this please." "Go away Enji." "No." "How did you even get in?" "The key you gave me." I look at him. "That was twenty years ago." "I kept it." "Weirdo." I grumble. "Y/N you can't lay in bed all day." "Wanna bet?" "You have to keep moving." I sit up quickly. "Why should I huh? My son hates me and my best friend is dead." "He doesn't hate you." "He asked me why didn't I keep him. Why did I give him away? Why have I never rescued him?" "That doesn't mean he hates you." "You didn't see the betrayal in his eyes. The tone he used when he said he couldn't see me anymore and to switch classes." I crawl out of bed and get in Enji's face. "This is all your fault!" I begin to hit him. "You're nothing but a selfish sick bastard who use people to benefit you and dispose of them when they're no longer needed. Looked at your wife as a pawn and disposed of her. Looked at all of your children as pawns, including my son. You had it all Enji while I had nothing. The only thing I had was Midnight and they-and they took her from me! My son can't even stand the sight of me. All you get to do is play house again? Why?!" I scream as I hit him. "Why did she have to die and not you?" I wail. Enji grabs my wrists, stopping me from hitting him. He wraps me tightly in his embrace as I sob. It all came crashing down. I haven't let anything sink in or feel any emotions since the day I walked out of the hospital. Enji rubs my back in circles. "I know you're hurting. I'm hurting too. Midnight was also my friend. Our son doesn't hate you. He just needs time to think. He'll come around. Please don't think you have no one. You have me. You have our son and you have Eri. I wish I could've saved Midnight I really do. I'm still looking for her body as we speak. But Y/N I need you to heal. I want to see you happy again. Smiling again. I hate myself as much as you hate me. I want to trade places with Nemuri. She should be here with you. But she's not your only family." I can hear his voice cracking. He pulls away and wipes my tears. He kiss my forehead and lead me to my bed. I get in. I feel as Enji gets in behind me and pulls me close. "I got you Y/N...." Enji trails off as he holds me. "Please let me go." I whisper. "No. Never." He responded. "Please Enji. I want to be left alone. Go be with your f-family. Your wife. With Shoto." "Shoto has recovered and Rei is with him. I check in on them both consistently. Everyone lives at school since Japan is destroyed. I need you to come." "No I'm fine right here." "I need you at U.A. We're all there. All of the prisoners escaped and it's not safe out here." "I can protect myself." "I know you can but as the number one hero, it is my job to protect everyone." I remain silent, sniffing. "She's divorcing me. I want what's best for her. She knows that I still love you and thinks we should be together." I turn to look at him. "What? No! No, no, no, no, no, no! You two cannot divorce. That's the last thing Shoto needs. You're supposed to make it right!" "My marriage was going to end one way or another. This is the best way I can fix things. I'll still make it up to her and my children. I love her and I don't want to let her go but she's been progressing without me and she's a lot better without me. And I can't keep making her feel like she's number two in my life. I'm always going to be in love with her, but...not like how I'm in love with you." "Enji..." I trail off. I can see the tears in his eyes. "I fucked up so bad. I lost both amazing women in my life. I lost my kids. And for what? For my own selfish needs? I used and abused my family." "You-" "I know. I should have listened to you. Done right by you. Done right by my wife. My kids. That is why I have to let her go. I don't want her to suffer anymore than she already has." "Enji you fucked up." "I know baby. God I know." Enji closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. "I love you so much. I'm going to make it up to you. To everyone." "You can't even do the bare minimum." "I'll do more than the bare minimum. I'll move mountains for you. I'll carve your face in Mt. Fuji. I'll do it all for my family." Enji looks at me. He pulls me closer. "I love you so much Y/N." "Don't." "What?" "Don't tell me you love me like everything's gonna be okay. I want no parts of you. I have no ties to you. Shoto? Hates me. The one person who could have saved him from you and I couldn't even do that right. Everything you've done to your family, isn't something you can take lightly. I don't love you Enji." Enji sits up. "Look me in the eyes and tell me that you still hate me. That you wish you never met me and wish I was dead." I sit up. I look him dead in the eyes. "I hate you. With my soul. I wish you were dead. And I wish I never met you." I say. Enji closes his eyes. He sighed and get up. I grab his wrist. "That's what I would've told you, if I haven't made peace with everything. Did you think I wallow in my own sorrow? I did. I was mad at you. Mad at the world. Mad at myself. I hated you. I did want you dead. But I want to see you live. I want to see you atone for your sins. And I uh..." I sniff and reach over to Enji. I was in his lap as I go in my drawer. I feel as he holds my waist as I struggle. I grab the Notepad that Midnight had given me. Enji place his hands on my ass, rubbing it. I look at her glasses. I take a deep breath and close the drawer. "...I promised her I would check off everything on her bucket list." I continue. Enji reach for it. I yank out of his reach. "This was the last thing she gave me. Nobody not even you can touch this." Enji pulls me into his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist. I look at the list. "Marry Endeavor or Aizawa...?" He reads. I nod. "Yeah. I don't know Aizawa that well but she was like "oh but he's the father of your daughter you should get to know him. He's a good guy. If you can't get with Enji, get with Shouta." I mimic in Nemuri's voice. "Father of your daughter? You're pregnant by him?" "We're adopting Eri. And what's with that tone? Are you jealous?" Enji scoffs. "No. Because you gave birth to our son." "You mean the same one I've been lying to and his villainous older brother flat out says and now he hates me? That son?" "He doesn't hate you. He will never hate his mother." "He resented his mother Rei." "She burned him." "And who orchestrated her going crazy Todoroki huh? Tell me." "It was all me. I know. But he's not going to hate you for it and he'll come around. He's a good kid." "He's the only kid who turned out normal despite being traumatized. Natsuo hates your fuckin guts. Touya decided to go on a killing spree and Fu is terrified of you while in hopes that your family will knit back together. As she holds down the household. You're really going to break her heart when she finds out you two are divorcing." "She knows. She's not happy about it but she's taking both our sides. She thinks I should get back with you and hope Rei will find someone who will love all of her and no one else." "And Natsuo?" "Damn near threw a party. He doesn't care about me but he wants what's best for his mother." "Shoto?" "Neutral. Definitely want his mom to be loved and treated better." "You know we're not getting back together right?" "I know." "If you carve my face in a mountain then maybe we can go on dates." "What do I have to do to marry you?" "End world hunger. Build a Time Machine and prevent Midnight from dying." "I can work on ending world hunger but I can't bring Midnight back to life." "I know." "If both of us proposed, who would you choose?" "I would say neither but I'm leaning towards Aizawa. You can easily go back to your old ways and I don't like that. I still don't really know him but he's been sending me cards, flowers, teddy bears, and chocolates every day. I know he comes by to visit but I never opened the door." "Yeah I noticed all the gifts every time I've been here." "You never leave me alone do you?" "No. Never. You're my everything." "I want that key back." "Fine. I already made copies." "Todoroki!" "You thought I wasn't going to make copies? I needed to check on you and I'm not going to break in. No I would have." "Of course you would. You never listen to me." "From now on, I'm listening to you. But not on this." I sigh. I feel as he stroke my hair. He inhaled deeply. "New Shampoo? Doesn't smell like strawberries." "Yeah well it didn't work for my hair. I only bought that because you liked it." "I like this one too." "I'll stop using it." "Don't be like that." "I'm not going to change it. It's really good for my hair." "So now what?" "I do my usual hair routine." "No I meant about us." "I can't even think about that. I just need to finish Nemuri's bucket list." "Even the one where it says to have a child between me and Eraser Head?" "Stop that. I have other things to worry about and so do you." I get out of his lap and stand up. "You have bigger fish to fry. The entire Japan rides on you." "I'm not so sure about that. Touya told them on television that he's my son and told them everything. The civilians hate heroes. Most of the remaining heroes quit. They don't feel safe. They don't think we can protect them. Some fought off a few thugs but they don't understand ten thousand prisoners escaped. Stain escaped." "So convince them that you're needed." "It's not easy." Enji sighs. "Japan falls. My marriage fell apart. My family falls. I messed up with you." Enji drops to his knees. "I fucked Y/N I fucked up. God I fucked up so bad." Enji starts crying. I drop down in front of him. I hold his face and wipe his tears. "Enji. You can do this. Prove to your family, to the world and to me that you're a good person. Prove to Japan that they need you. Prove to your family that you're atoning your sins." "I want to prove to them all. And to you. That I can be a good husband." "How do I know that you won't abuse me?" I ask. "I won't." "You already did." "Yeah and you almost broke my nose." "You deserved it." "I know. And I learned my lesson." "So just like that you're no longer an abuser? Huh? Yeah that's not going to fly by me. Considering the fact that you've done this to your family for years. Years Enji! I'm not going to marry you. I don't even want to be with you." "I know. God I wish I could undo what I did." "You can't. So stop dwelling on the past and right your wrong." I squeeze his hands. "You're hurting me." "Good." "Do I have a chance with you? Tell me if I don't." "You don't. Just focus on Japan, and your family. I will help you protect Japan." "Star and Stripe is dead. Shigaraki killed her. But he took a lot of damage. Just like you said." I close my eyes. "I can't have you on the front lines." "What?" I open my eyes. "I can't lose you either. We lost Midnight. Most heroes retired. We lost Star and Stripe. We cannot lose you too. Shoto cannot lose you. I can't lose you." "It's my job! I will die for Japan." "I know you will. But please listen to me." "Why? You never listen to me. You think I'm just going to take it lying down? This is my country too. And I'm going to protect everyone. And if it means I die, then I will gladly die." Enji looks up at me. He kiss me. "If you're going to be on the frontlines, please be safe. Come back to me. Come back to Shoto." His thumb traces my bottom lip. "Come live at U.A." "I can't. I can't even face that school." "Midnight?" "And Shoto." "You two need to talk." "He won't talk to me." "He asked about you. He's worried about you." I look at Enji. "He's just like Rei and Fuyumi. He's a good kid." I nod. "You need to thank them. Especially Fuyumi for keeping his sanity." Enji helps me up. "Pack your bags." "I didn't agree to going." "It wasn't an agreement." Enji starts packing my suitcases. "I'm not going." "Why?" "Because my house is fine." "Oh yeah, what if Stain shows up? You know he'll come for you. You and All Might are the only two people he considers a pro hero. A real hero." "Then I'll kill him." "And what if ten thousand prisoners come in this area?" "They won't come looking for me." "Let's go." "Enji no!" "I'm not..." Enji lifts me up and throws me over his shoulder. "...Arguing with you." "Hey! Enji! Put me down!" I feel as he walks downstairs with my suitcases. Enji places them in the trunk of his car. He place me in the passenger's side. I tried to get out. "Sit your ass down." Enji demands. He straps me in. I fold my arms. Enji gets behind the wheel and drive off.

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