Chapter Six: Dominated

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Hiiiiiiii! This chapter will contain highly explicit content. It'll be a lot different too. This is also a flashback. It'll be Y/N and Enji's relationship. Happy reading!

Enji was out, being a hero. I knew he had a long day. He was gone for three days. I invited over my best friend and dominatrix partner, Nemuri. We run a successful dominatrix agency. We both were dressed in our cosplay, waiting for Enji to come home. I heard as the front door was being unlocked. As soon as Enji walked through the door, I pulled him down to my level and gagged his mouth. I took his hand and escorted him to our bedroom. I pushed him onto the bed. "Midnight get the handcuffs." I instructed as I started undressing him. Midnight handcuffed his hands to the headboard. We switched beds purposely to restrain him. I knew he had a stressful three days so it's perfect to release his tension. Midnight grabbed the nipple clampers and placed them on his nipples. He muffled a moan. I placed a ring on his hardening cock. Enji's watching us. Midnight started closing the clamps on his nipples tighter. I turned the cock ring on. I quickly put a shock collar on his neck. Each movement he does will shock him. His body jerked which cause the collar to shock him. I set the vibration on his cock to maximum speed. The tip of his cock turned red as he started leaking. That scenery is so fuckin hot. I pulled Midnight in front of me. I nuzzled my head into her neck as I placed one hand on her waist. I trailed my other hand down and moved her underwear to the side. I started massaging her clit. Midnight started to moan. I watched Enji as I massaged her clit harder. He kept jerking his body trying to get free as the shock collar went off repeatedly. I inserted two fingers in her as I kept rubbing her clit. She let out more moans. Her moans and the sight of a defenseless Enji was making me really wet. Her clit was becoming overly sensitive and I ripped off her underwear. I turned Midnight around and placed her on Enji's chest, using him as the bed. I positioned myself over Enji, sliding down onto his dick. He let out muffled moans. I placed Midnight's legs over my shoulders as I started flicking my tongue against her clit. "Y/N!" She called out. I love how a woman's clit can get as sensitive as the tip of a man's cock. Enji's vibrating cock was making me drip all over him. I start to rotate my hips as I slipped my tongue into her pussy. I swirl my tongue as I rotate my hips. Whenever Enji was close to climax I'd get off of him. He's not allowed to cum yet. Midnight tangled her in my curls. Her and Enji are the only two people allowed to touch my hair. I place myself back on Enji's dick as I rub her clit never missing a beat. I started munching on her. "Fuck that feels so good!" Her breathing became jagged. Her legs were shaking on my shoulders. I looked up at her to see her eyes rolled back. I was pretty close to my climax. I began to hum a tone sending vibrations to her. I began to ride Enji faster, swirling my tongue faster as I hit her spot repeatedly, my thumb still rubbing her clit. "Cum for me Midnight. Let me taste your sweetness." I encourage. Enji was jerking repeatedly, signaling he was close. I got off him and turned the vibration off. I heard an angered groan. His eyebrows furrowed. I laughed. "Wait your fucking turn Todoroki." I demanded. I bury my face back into Midnight's pussy, viciously chomping on her. "Fuck I'm gonna cum!" I slipped my tongue out as I suck on her clit. "Y-Y/N! I can't!" I take advantage of her sensitive clit, swirling my tongue and sucking. I insert my fingers, curling them. I pound in her repeatedly. Her body ripples as she screams out my name. I insert my tongue hitting her spot again. Midnight gushed all over my mouth. I lick her clean. I remove her legs off my shoulders. "You're not done." I told her. I yank her body down and and turn her over. I shove her head causing her mouth to land on Enji's dick. I turned the vibration on his cock. "Enji fuck her face really good." I ordered. I get the strap and place it on my waist. I slam myself inside her pussy. I grab her hips tightly as I thrust. Enji thrusts his hips in her mouth. The shock collar goes off every time. "Yeah that's right. Fuck her filthy little mouth. Go down her throat." I encourage. I kept ramming myself inside her and I grab her throat. "You filthy little slut. You're my dirty little whore aren't you?" She nodded as tears ran down her face. I knew I was the only person who can dominate her like this. "Look at you. Getting mouth fucked by my boyfriend as you take this plastic cock. You're taking it real well." I remove my hand from her throat and I lean over her, thrusting deeper. My own pussy was leaking and throbbing. "God you're so fucking hot. Both of you underneath me." I slap her ass hard. I grab her hair and yank her head back. "F-Fuck!" She screamed. I push her head foward as Enji's cock was back in her mouth. I stick my finger in her ass. They both were letting out muffled moans. I myself was moaning too. I take my finger out and rub her sensitive clit. "Be a good boy Enji and cum in that pretty little mouth of hers." Midnight let out muffle screams and Enji groans. They both riding out their climax in sync. I was biting on her neck and shoulders. Enji thrust one final time as he was releasing in her mouth. Midnight was gushing out. I pull out. Midnight collapsed. She was rubbing her eyes, trying to regain eyesight. I give her a break. I spread open Enji's legs as I shove my cock in his ass, using Midnight's cum as lube. I start thrusting. I'm going to fuck both of their brains out. I grab his hips as I thrust. I dig my nails in his hips, thrusting exactly how he fucks me. I stop to briefly remove the ball gag and put some lube on the plastic. "Icy Hot!" He call out as I continue my thrusting. The cock ring was still vibrating and the shock collar went off a few times due to his occasional thrusts. His cock was turning purple and leaking again. Those fat veins on his meaty cock. I turn off the cock vein and removing it. Midnight crawled behind me and ripped open my outfit. She started rubbing my nipples. "Looks like you want another round." I told her as I moan. Enji's eyes were rolling back as he kept moaning. "Please let me cum." He begged. "Not yet." I bend over as I go deeper in his ass, pounding faster and harder. I made my hand turn to ice as I placed it on his dick, to calm him. He jerked and was shocked. "Baby please let me cum again!" "You're not very convincing. I don't think you want it." "Please oh god I WANT IT. I NEED IT. PLEASE LET ME CUM PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" I smirked. "Look at the number two hero begging helplessly under my command as I fuck his brains out." I kept thrusting, keeping ice on his dick to prevent him from cumming. "Big bad Endeavor being submissive and breedable. You're my biggest whore. To the world you're intimidating but you have a secret don't you? You like taking this plastic dick. You like when I fuck your brains out. You like when I dominate you. Don't you?" "I do. Oh fuck I do!" "I know you do. I removed my hand from his cock. "Now scream for me." I placed the cock ring back on and turn on the vibration. I go back to thrusting. "Fuck I-I'm gonna cum!" Not long after, he ejaculates into the air. The cum lands all over him. I pull out. I grab a warm damp towel and wipe him clean. I take the cock ring off and the shock collar. I remove the clampers off his nipples. I remove the handcuffs. I spanked his ass with a paddle repeatedly. "You dirty filthy little whore. You and my cum slut looked so good after taking that dick." His ass turned red and the word slut from the paddle was now on his ass cheeks. Enji grabbed my wrists and pushed me on my back. "You think you can just dominate me and expect nothing in return?" Enji shoved himself inside of me. This man has a lot of stamina no matter how hard I fuck him. Enji starts thrusting fast. Midnight hovered above my head and positioned herself over my mouth. Enji release my wrists and I grabbed Midnight's waist as I swirl my tongue. I was moaning as Enji kept fucking me. "My sexy girlfriend taking dick and pussy. So fuckin hot. I love how you take this massive dick in your tiny little whole. You're so tight baby girl." Midnight was riding my face as I attack her pussy. Enji wrapped my legs around his waist. The room was filled with moans. I felt as Enji rub my clit as he continues to thrust. Tears ran down my face as my clit started to get sensitive. Midnight tried to get up but I pulled her back down. "Don't fuckin move." I muffled. "Y/N oh fuck! I'm t-too sensitive I can't take it!" She whined. Her fingers were tugging on my hair. She looked down at me and we locked eyes, sending chills down my spine. I was losing my tongue rhythm as my body was tending up, my stomach tightening and my temperature rising. Midnight exploded in my mouth and I kept going after swallowing. I felt as I was reaching my climax. I came shortly all over Enji's cock. He released inside of me as well. Enji pulled out. I felt something in my ass. Probably a butt plug. Then I felt a vibrator inside my pussy. He turned it on which felt like full speed. I felt his mouth attack my clit just when I got my tongue rhythm back. "Submit to me baby. I love when you let me take charge." Enji moaned against my clit. I flicked my tongue repeatedly in her pussy. Midnight was riding my face faster. I knew she was close. She kept trying to escape. I wasn't done pleasuring her. "Beautiful pussy getting dominated." Enji moaned. "So fuckin beautiful. God I'm so hard." I felt as Enji came on my stomach. I was moaning loudly as I was riding my high. I felt as Enji removed the vibrator as his dick replaced it. "God I could fuck you forever with my stamina." I knew my pussy was raw as I kept throbbing. Midnight released in my mouth again and fell off me. I knew she was exhausted again. Enji kissed me, tasting her from my mouth. "I was going to fuck her too but she just passed out. You fucked her well. God I love you Y/N." "Enji!" I called out. "Scream my name baby girl. Scream my fuckin name." "Enji!" "Say my name!" "F-Fuck Endeavor!" "I love when you call me that. But that's not my name." "Daddy please!" I begged. "That's right. Daddy's fucking your brains out." Enji placed his hand on my mouth and slowed down to deep thrusts. I felt him in my stomach. He removed his hand and thrusted faster. Fast as if he was chasing after my pussy. I love when he goes full speed. My nails dig in his back as he chokes me. I was close to lose consciousness. My vision got blurry and he let go. I saw red flames and felt my body burning. He knew I can heal myself. Enji was biting all over me and I kept moaning. "Is this my pussy?" He asked when my vision was clear. "No." "No?!" He turned his flames off and pulled out. He flipped me onto my stomach and brought my ass in the air. His hand was on my head, burying my face in the pillow. "Wrong answer." I felt as his massive hand slapped my ass. I yelped in the pillow. "Is this my pussy?" I couldn't answer as I kept moaning. Enji pulled out. I felt as he swat my ass hard. It was a paddle. Probably the one that says "mine." I screamed as I was in pain and pleasure. I lifted my head up. "This is my pussy you got that? Nobody except Midnight can touch my pussy. It's mine and I can do whatever the fuck I want." He slapped my ass again with the paddle. Each slap was harder. I loved every minute of it. "Daddy it's yours! I'm sorry!" "I don't think you're sorry." "Please I'm sorry! I need your cock inside me!" "What do you need?" "I need you to destroy this pussy!" "Destroy whose pussy?" "Yours daddy!" I felt as he placed a tender kiss on my shoulder before ramming himself inside me. "Oh fuck!" Enji kept rolling his hips when he slowed down his pace. Enji pulled out. I felt as his tip toyed with my entrance. His dick started sliding up and down from my clit to the bottom. My legs were trembling and he grabbed my waist tightly. "Don't you dare fuckin give out on me." His dick kept rubbing against my clit. "So fuckin juicy. You're dripping." He mumbled. He inserted himself back in and thrusts. His hand reaches my clit and massages. My body was aching and my stomach was tightening. "Daddy I'm close!" "Then cum for daddy. Cum over this cock of yours. Let me see you coat it with your juices." Enji picked up his pace back to fast speed. We both screamed as we reached our climax. My body collapsed after he pulled out. Enji removed the butt plug. He pulled me on top of him. "Thank you. I needed that." He said as he kissed my sweaty forehead. "I know." "I missed you so much baby. Three days without you felt like a lifetime." I smiled then yawned. "Get some sleep. You need to recharge. We're going again after our nap." I closed my eyes, letting the exhaustion wash over me.
This was the longest and best chapter in my history of writing smut.

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