Chapter Thirteen: Mind Reader

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Hiiiiiii! Hope all is well. This will contain some BNHA post Liberation War spoilers. Happy reading!☺️

I haven't heard from Enji in days. He completely left me alone. Shoto's been having more premonitions. He's currently sick in bed due to his premonitions. His fever sky rocked to the point he should be dead. I knock on Shoto's door. "Come in." He lowly says. I walk in with the bowl of soup. "Here." Shoto sits up. I place the tray in front of him. Shoto picks up the spoon with a shaky hand. He was spilling the soup. He let out a sigh. "It's okay I got you." I start to feed Shoto. My mind wandered off as I fed him. Midnight became on my mind again. My mind then flicker to Endeavor. My last argument. The tears in his eyes. "You made my father cry?" Shoto asks. "Huh?" I stupidly ask. "You just said that you made him cry." "No...I didn't." I gasp. I knew this is a possibility. I thought. "What's a possibility?" "You're sick with a high fever because as of right now, you're a mind reader." "I'm a what?" "You can read minds. It happens when you get sick. And you never get sick." Shoto sneezes. "See? Bless you." He blew his nose. "Now you look like Rudolph." "Who?" "The red nose Reindeer." Shoto blinks. "It's an old American Christmas song." "You've been there?" I nod. "Yeah when I was younger. For about five years with my boyfriend." "Why did you two breakup?" "You're really invested like it's a bedtime story." I joke. "I have nothing else to do." "Well he never listened to me. And he still doesn't." "You two still keep in contact?" "Unfortunately. Anyway, you need to rest." I move the tray and tuck him in. I take the tray and walk out. I volunteered to take care of Shoto while he's sick so I haven't been back in class 1-A since Aizawa came back. I walk down the hall and into the kitchen. I wash the dishes. When I finish, I grab my car keys and my phone. I leave out. Shoto will be fine until I get back. I drive to Endeavor's agency. As much as I don't want to go, there's a few things he need to know. I pull up and park. I get out and head inside. I greet everyone. I open the door to his office and walk in. "If it's not important, please get out." Enji says without looking up. I fold my arms. "Is that a crop top? Tryna have hot girl summer on us huh?" Enji looks at me. "Satō...what are you doing here?" "Fuyumi called and she want her shirt back." I joke. "So you have jokes?" "That's not why I came here. I have some things to tell you, regarding Shoto." Enji was still sitting on his sofa. I sit on his desk. "Something happened to Shoto?" "Calm down, he's fine. Well no he's sick but I'll get to that later." "Sick? He never gets sick. I need to go see him." "Sit. Your ass. Down." I tell him. Enji sits back down. "First off, it's about Star and Stripes." "The American? What about her?" "After Japan falls, she's going to come here. She'll run into Shigaraki before she's even all the way here. It's going to be an all out battle between the two. She's going to die. But she doesn't go down without a fight. With her quirk, she comes up with a new rule to have her quirk repel all other quirks." "Why?" "Because Shigaraki will steal her quirk. More so All For One actually since he's taking over Shigaraki's body. And because of her new rule, it's going to cause great damage to Shigaraki's body." I continue. "And how do you know all of this?" "Your son. He had another vision. He couldn't put the pieces together but he said Japan was already destroyed so my best bet is after the Liberation War. That also means we can't save Japan. She looks up to All Might you know that. He's the reason why she became the number one hero in United States. He definitely deserves to know." "Even the American Hero falls." Enji sighs. Enji covers his face with his hands. "There's no way to stop all of this?" "I'm afraid not." I reply softly. I get off his desk and walk towards him. I drop down in front of him and remove his hands. "Hey. We got this okay? We're going to do all that we can." "That's not enough Y/N. I just wish we had clues to even stop this war before many casualties happen." "I got nothin." We we're silent for a minute. "I still need to see Shoto." "About that, now is definitely not a good time." "Why? He's sick. He needs me." "Remember when I got sick?" "Yeah you had the ability to read my mind so I wasn't safe at all." "Exactly." Enji was quiet. I let it sink in for him. "O-Oh." "Now you're getting it. I was thinking about our last conversation. Well not exactly that but when you looked at me with tears in your eyes. He read my mind without knowing." "Damn." "Yeah so either you not think about me or the fact that I birthed him or you see him after he gets better." "He's my son. Of course I'm going to see him." I shake my head. "Never listens to me." I mumble. "Anyway, he's in bed right now. I just fed him so he should be out." "That bad huh?" "It's like watching Bambi walk for the first time all over again." Enji smiles. "Your favorite Disney movie." "That's that shit right there Todoroki. You're going to get us caught." "Oh he doesn't know what Bambi is." "No but I said he looked like Rudolph. After explaining who he is, I said I lived in the States for five years with my boyfriend. He doesn't know you also lived in the States for five years as well. With me. Wipe that smirk off your face." "It was nice living there with you. What do they call it again? The Big Apple?" "You mean New York? Yeah they still call it that. But we only lived there for a year." "Then we moved to Atlanta, Beverly Hills, Vegas, and back to New York." Enji reminisce. "Yeah we did live in the A for about a year. Even visited The Big Easy. See it's stuff like that is what Shoto will read in your mind. That boy is smart so he will put two and two together." "I won't think about that." "You better have Rei on your mind." "What was that thing we went to? It's very popular and cultural? It was when we visited New Orleans. I remember it was hot. Very hot. And we went every year." "Coming from someone who breathe flames. It was the Essence Festival. I still go." "I liked that." "Of course you did. You got to taste food from a completely different culture. It's funny too because you were the only person there who wasn't Black." Enji chuckles. "Yeah I did get a lot of stares. But some of the women did hit on me." "Can you blame them? Everyone wanted a piece of Hell Boy." "Let's not act like every guy wasn't flirting with you." "As they should. I mean look at me." I stand and twirl. Enji smiles. "Because of that I almost got arrested." "Don't blame your jealousy on me Todoroki." "I'm not. I'm just saying I didn't expect everyone to flirt with you." "They can look but they can't touch. Anyway, that's all I wanted to tell you. Now I need to talk to Toshinori about Star and Stripes." Enji gets up. "I'll come with you. To see Shoto." "Unh-Unh. Put a shirt on. You're not about to see your son lookin like real hot girl shit. Out here on some Megan Thee Stallion vibes." Enji laughs as he gets up and takes his shirt off. "You could've just put a shirt on top of that y'know." I cover my eyes. "There's nothing I have that you didn't see already." "Todoroki!" I scream. "You can open your eyes now." I remove my hands from my face to see him with a proper shirt on. I nod in approval. "Much better." We walk out of his office. "You look good." Enji comments. "I know." I say as I get behind the wheel. He smiles. I pull off. "Do you still hate me?" "You're still on that?" "I've been thinking about it every day. I'm really sorry for hurting you. Treating you the way I did is inexcusable. I hurt you a lot. Time and time again." "You know you hurt your wife a lot more." I point out. "I know. I'll make it up to you both." "Don't make it up to me." I say as I drive. Enji grabs my hand and kiss it. "Stop that. You're a married man." "I know." "You are so disloyal. I wanna fight you." I pull up to U.A and get out. We walk in. I head to Shoto's room to check on him. I open his door slightly. His bed was empty. Enji opens the door all the way. "Shoto?!" Enji yells. I turn around and hit Enji. "Shut up!" I hiss. "Yes?" I hear. I walk towards the kitchen. "Why are you in there?" "I got hungry and you weren't here. Am I supposed to be this hungry constantly?" I nod. "Yeah that's the downside of being a psychic. That and being sick." Shoto grip on the counter as he's about to fall. I rush over and catch him. "Alright I'll finish whatever you're making." "I was making cold soba." "No You're getting soup." I lift Shoto up and carry him. "Enji." I scold with a death glare. I kept my mind on Toshinori. "I'm only thinking about his health. I'll make his soup." "You can't cook." "I can make soup." "If you burn this school down I will kill you." Enji laughs. "I won't burn it down." "You don't have to carry me." "Oh so you're being stubborn on me too?" I look at Shoto. He looks away. "Come on big baby. When I say stay in bed, I mean it. Never listens to me. Just like your father." "I heard that!" Enji yells. "Did I stutter?!" I shot back. I walk into Shoto's room. I place him in bed. "You two always argue like this?" "It depends on how much of a pain in the ass he is. Alright you stay in bed. I trust your father won't-I don't trust him. Just call me if you smell smoke. I'm going to go speak to All Might." I tuck him in and walk out. I start dialing. "Toshinori, where are you?" "I'm outside with class 1-A." "I'll meet you there." I hang up, walking out. I walk around, looking for class A. I find All Might further off, talking to Midoriya. "Toshinori." I call as I walk closer. "Icy Hot, hey." He greets. "Hey Midoriya." I greet him. "Hi Satō Sensei." "Am I interrupting anything?" I ask. "No no. Just talking about the usual." I nod. "Oh good." Midoriya goes back to his class. "What's up Y/N?" I turn my attention to All Might. "Do you remember Star and Stripes?" I ask. "Of course. She's my biggest fan. And my best friend. Why?" I exhale deeply. "She's going to die soon." "What? How? Why?" "After the war. When Japan falls, she will come here. On her way here, she'll meet Shigaraki with All For One's power. It's going to be a brutal battle. When he inherits her quirk, she comes up with a new rule to repel against all other quirks. That will cause great damage on him." All Might was quiet. "I trust your visions Satō." I shook my head. "This wasn't my vision." "If it wasn't your vision, then who did it belong to?" I look down. "Todoroki." "Shoto? He doesn't get visions." "He does. He inherited it from me." "You passed your quirk to him?" I roll my eyes. "No silly. It's genetics." All Might was quiet again. "He's your son?" "No he's Enji and Rei's son. I just birthed him." "So he's your son?" "No." "But he inherited your quirk. And he kind of look like you." "You see it too?" I sigh. "Yes but enough about that. He inherited your premonition quirk and he saw Star and Stripes die correct?" I nod. "He couldn't piece it together because he doesn't know much about the war. He just knew Japan was damaged and this fight happens." "Damn. He's a really big threat. Come to think of it, where is young Todoroki?" "He's sick. He currently can read minds. And I left him with his father." "Does he know Rei isn't his mother?" "No." "Jesus Christ Y/N and you left him with his father? Knowing he thinks about you still? While this boy can read minds?" "Fuck don't remind me. I just needed to tell you about Star and Stripes." "You did and I thank you. Now go check on them." "Right." I take off. I was back in Shoto's room. Enji wasn't there. Shoto was asleep. I walk around, looking for Enji. "Enji?" I call. "Yeah?" He came out of the kitchen. I head towards him. "What's up?" He asks. "I'm just hoping you two didn't have any discussions regarding me." "We did. He wonders why I never listen to you. Why we never dated. Where are all my exes are? He wants to know what I was like back then before I met Rei." "What are you making?" I ask. "I'm trying to make Cold Soba." I snort. "You can't even cook now move." I bump him out of the way with my hips. He chuckles. I look around. I shake my head and start over. "Is there anything I can do to help?" I turn to face him, head turned to the side. "Now why you gon ask me that question?" He shrugs. "Maybe I want to learn how to cook." "Okay you got that Todoroki. Bring the hot water with some salt to a boil." I said after washing my hands. I watch as Enji fill the pot with water. "Is this enough?" I look inside." "Looks like you're feeding three people." "Yeah I plan on eating some and I was hoping i-if you would have some with us." "He's not even supposed to have this." "He asked for it." "Aaaaand you folded." I let out a sigh. "Fine. You cook it. If he gets more sick, I'm blaming you." Enji nods. "That's fine." "Add some salt. Not too much and not too little." Enji grabs the salt and shake some in. "That's enough!" I stop him. Enji turns the stove on high. I grab the noodles. I place it on the counter and turn around. Enji walks up to me. He kiss me slowly, tenderly. I kiss him back, melting. "Enji..." I breathe into his mouth. "I know. I know what I'm doing. And I know what you're going to say. That this is wrong. That I'm cheating on Rei. That Shoto is right in his room. That I'm a terrible husband. I know it all. Baby I know." Enji says in between kisses. "The more I'm around you, the more I fall in love with you. I wish I didn't because I love Rei so much. I owe it to you. To do right by you. My first love. My first light. My first happiness. My first partner. My first lover. My everything. My son's mother." "Enji-" He kiss me again. "You deserve everything. You're the love of my life." "Why are you telling me this?" I ask. "Because I ruined what we had for not listening to you. I can't undo what I did to you and Rei but I want to make it right." "Don't worry about me Enji, I'm alright. Worry about your family." I say as I turn to pour the noodles in. "You are my family." "Let's start on the sauce." I grab the ingredients. "Y/N." I start making the dipping sauce. "Y/N?" "Stir the noodles and make sure they don't stick." I sniff. "Y/N-" "Enji please. Just check on the noodles." I hear Enji sigh as he stir. "They're fine. Now will you look at me?" "You know you should be making the sauce." Enji turn me around. "Please don't cry." He wipe my tears as I sniff. He pulls me into his warm embrace. "I'm always going to love you Y/N. And I will make it up to you." "Please don't." I cry out, begging. "I know how much I hurt you. How much I pressured you into having children with me for your quirk. And you turning down my proposal. When I was cold towards you. All the vile things I've said to you. The day you put me out, that same day I've said the most awful thing I could ever say. I said to you: 'I never loved you. I was just using you for your quirks.' That was a complete lie. The look on your face forever haunts me." "Enji ple-ease." I beg. Enji holds me tighter. "I understand why you hate me. Everything I've done to you, our son, my wife, all of my children." "Please...stop." I beg again. Enji pulls away slightly and look at me. "Even after twenty years, the pain is still in your eyes. In your heart." He wipes my eyes again. "Oh baby..."  I sniff hard, trying to form words. "W-Why do you keep...bri-bringing up the p-past?" I choke out. "Until the past is atoned, I will remember it always with this soul." "Enji please move on...let me go." My tone went from normal to a whisper in the last three words. "I can't let you go knowing that you're still hurt. Even then, I simply can't let you go. Baby I'm always going to be in love with you." He kiss me again. "Do you smell something burning?" Enji asks. I turn around. "Oh shit!" I freeze my hands and toss the pot into the sink. It was burned up. The smoke detector went off. "Enji!" I scream. I throw the window open. Smoke was everywhere. Enji was fanning the smoke detector. We both were coughing hysterically. I turned the stove off. "W-What happened?" I turn to see Shoto coughing as he walks in. "We got off track." I say. "It's alright honey go back to bed." I continue. I whirl myself around in circles, making the smoke disappear. "So? How about pizza instead?" I ask once I stop. Shoto nods. "Don't burn it down please." He begs. I laugh nervously. "Come on, back to bed." I gently push him out, escorting him to his room. Shoto walks into the room and I close the door behind me. I walk back into the kitchen. "I guess we're both at faults." Enji laughs. "You're paying for the pizza." I say. Enji smiles. "Fine by me." I pull down the window. I throw the pot in trash and sigh. I clutch onto the ends of the counter in front of the sink. I shake my head, laughing. "Everything alright?" "How many more times before Shoto figures out we have history?" I ask. "Unless you want to tell him, forever." I feel as Enji wrap his arms around me from behind. "Enji..." "I know Y/N." "I start cleaning the dishes. He never let me go. I cleaned the stove off too. "Enji let me go please." I ask. I remove his arms. Enji sighs. I was getting angry. "Now why you gone bring up the past like that for? Wasn't hurting me then enough?" I snap. "No-I mean you're my priority." "Why Todoroki?" I ask. "You just are." I walk out of the kitchen, Enji following me like a lost puppy. I sit down on the sofa. Enji sits beside me. He place his hand on my thigh. Enji's phone rings. "Pizza's here. Of course, they can't get past security." He gets up and leaves. He comes back a few minutes later. I get up and follow him to Shoto's room. He walks right in. "Damn at least knock. He could've been changing." I say. "Oops." I shake my head as I sit on Shoto's bed. He sits up. I feel the back of his head. "It's going down slowly." I tell him. I grab a slice of pizza and eat. "Your ex boyfriend hated you?" Shoto asks. "Huh?" "He said he used you." "Get out of my head." "You're not making it easy." I sigh as I put my pizza down. "Yes. He said some vile things to me. I haven't thought about it but recently the wound was reopened." I pick up my slice and eat. "But let's not talk about that. I noticed you've been doing well with your quirks. I'm proud of you." I tell Shoto. Enji smiles. "We're both proud of you." I grab enough slice. "Thanks. And thanks for visiting mom." "Of course. She's my friend. Are you excited for her to get out?" "I am. I want her home." "While we're on the topic, in the meantime you better go home. You know Fuyumi gets lonely by herself." "I know I know. I'll bring Midoriya and Bakugo over again." "Did dinner go well with Bakugo over?" "Yeah." Shoto laughs. We continued to eat.
Probably gonna lay off this story for a while.

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